B.4 Helpful worksheets

B.4.1 Engagement worksheet

This spreadsheet allows you to keep track of your activities for engagement credits. It even has a couple of examples for how you might (or might not) approach your engagement with the course. You can’t edit this document directly, but you can create your own copy, which you can then modify at will!

You can mark off when you do things like attending class and competing the wrap-up comment, submitting pre-class questions, or completing a project component. When you make a Topic Conversation post, you can paste the link right into this spreadsheet. This makes it easy to send the TAs a log of your engagement and links for each week, and can also serve as a handy way to refer back to that conversation you were really involved in three weeks ago!

You can use this hypothetically, to see what will happen if you do (or don’t do) certain activities in future weeks. But, again, be careful to distinguish between plans and reality – especially if you are also using this as your engagement log! You may want to duplicate the worksheet so you can have separate hypothetical and actual versions.

B.4.2 Assessment progress tracker

This spreadsheet is set up to help you keep track of your progress with the learning goals through Assessments and projects. You can’t edit this document directly, but you can create your own copy, which you can then modify at will!

Each time you attempt or re-attempt an Assessment, mark your proficiencies (E, S, P, or N) in the appropriate cell for that learning goal and the week you took the Assessment. Similarly, when you complete a project, mark your proficiencies for those learning goals in the column corresponding to that project.

Then, update the right-hand column with your current proficiency for that learning goal. If you re-attempt an Assessment, this might change! Remember that if you show higher proficiency on your new re-attempt, it completely “overwrites” the original attempt: only that later, higher proficiency matters. If your newer attempt shows lower proficiency than a previous attempt, check the feedback for a note on whether the new proficiency replaces the old one or the old one stands.

The spreadsheet will automatically add up the number of E’s, S’s, and P’s you’ve entered in the “Current Level” column. Compare this to the proficiency table to see which base grade you’re on track for.

As with the engagement tracker, you can use this spreadsheet for planning out your hypothetical future progress – but I recommend you do that in a separate copy, so it doesn’t get mixed in with your actual progress so far :)

B.4.3 The Where Am I worksheet

This worksheet is designed to help you assess your overall progress so far in the course, and whether that’s where you want to be! The idea here is to think about not just your grade progress, but also your big-picture goals for the course.

I suggest filling out the worksheet on the PDF, either using a tablet app or by printing it out, but it’s up to you. There’s also a version in .docx format if you prefer to type.

As with the other worksheets, you can’t modify my copy, but you can create your own copy and download it!

B.4.4 The Course Correction worksheet

This worksheet is designed for those times when you think maybe you’re not where you want to be at the moment :) It guides you through reviewing your goals, assessing your current situation and any factors that might be affecting your work, and developing a plan to get yourself back on track!

While this worksheet can be very helpful if you find yourself struggling in the course (or with some other goal you have!), it’s not just for times of trouble! This thought process can be really useful even if you’re only dealing with a small issue – or even if nothing is going wrong at all :)

I suggest filling out the worksheet on the PDF, either using a tablet app or by printing it out, but it’s up to you. There’s also a version in .docx format if you prefer to type.

As with the other worksheets, you can’t modify my copy, but you can create your own copy and download it!