Chapter 3 Quiz 1 (Quiz on Feb 3rd.)

The data on maximum temperature (in Fahrenheit) for 16 days in Santa Cruz are provided below.


Exercise 3.1 What is the mean temperature?

By definiction, the sample mean is ˉX=ni=1xin=37.8+52.9++36.416=44.0062544.01

Exercise 3.2 What is the median temperature?
## [1] 14.0 27.0 31.2 36.4
## [1] 37.8 43.7 43.7 43.7
## [1] 45.9 46.0 46.0 48.5
## [1] 50.3 52.9 56.0 81.0

Therefore, the median is by definition 43.7+45.92=44.8

Exercise 3.3 What is the mode of the sample?
## x
##   14   27 31.2 36.4 37.8 43.7 45.9   46 48.5 50.3 52.9 
##    1    1    1    1    1    3    1    2    1    1    1 
##   56   81 
##    1    1

The mode is 43.7 because it shows up three times.

Exercise 3.4 What is the variance of the sample

By definition, the variance is S2=ni=1(xiˉx)2n1=(37.844.01)2+(52.944.01)2++(36.444.01)2161207.538

Exercise 3.5 What is the coefficient of variation?

By definition, it is


Exercise 3.6 What is the interquartile range of the sample?

First, compute the first quartile as 1QR=36.4+37.82=37.1 then the third quartile is 3QR=48.5+50.32=49.4 Hence, the interquartile range is IQR=3QR1QR=49.437.1=12.3

Exercise 3.7 Using either of the outlier detection method, check if the temperature value 81 is an outlier of this sample.

Method 1: Z-score First compute the z-score as Z=XˉXS=8144.01207.5382.568>2 This is an outlier!

Method 2: LF/UF The LF is given by LF=Q11.5×IQR=37.11.5×12.3=18.65 and the UF is given by UF=Q3+1.5×IQR=49.4+1.5×12.3=67.85 Because 81>67.85, this is an outlier!

Exercise 3.8 Find the correct option in the following multiple choice questions.

  • If a doctor records pain of a patient in the scale of 1-5, he is measuring a variable that is

    1. ordinal

    2. nominal

    3. interval

  • In a city every household has between 1-5 people. The number of people in a household is a variable that is

    1. ordinal

    2. nominal

    3. interval