4 Options for running demos

Underlying files & source code can be accessed via GitHub repository.
Demo tools can be accessed and run in three ways:

4.1 Preferred method: R-Studio Cloud

A cloud workspace and R-project with DWQ’s R packages and dependencies pre-installed can be accessed through R-Studio Cloud.
First, sign up for an R-Studio account if you don’t already have one. Accounts are free, and logins via existing Google or GitHub accounts are OK.
Then, access the project for this demonstration at rstudio.cloud/project/360104. Opening this link will generate a temorary copy of the demonstration project on your account. There you are able to import DWQ R package libraries and run functions and applications.
For example,


4.2 Local install of R & DWQ packages

Install R r-project.org and/or R-Studio rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/ if not already installed on your computer.
Installing DWQ’s R packages from GitHub to your local R installation requires the package, ‘devtools’.
To install devtools & DWQ’s R packages:


If you encounter issues installing one or more package dependencies, e.g.:

Error in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]) :  
there is no package called ‘glue’

Attempt a manual install of that package and re-try.


4.3 Running Shiny applications via remote server

Most applications included in this demo have also been deployed to a remote server where they can be accessed via a web browser without installing R, packages, or creating a login. See the ‘Applications’ section of this document for more information. Note that applications running on the remote server may run a bit slower and time-out after 15 minutes of inactivity.