Article 13 - Officers and Their Duties

All officers shall be elected to their positions, as outlined in Article 20. Officers help to carry out the most important functions of the Union. Officers in committee chair roles are formally responsible for ensuring that the functions of that committee are being carried out. However, duties and tasks within the committees shall be shared as described in Section 5.1. Officers in committee chair roles will serve as the official representative of their respective committee in Executive Board functions and in appeal hearings, but may delegate stand-ins as needed or appropriate. All officers must read and understand the GEU Constitution and Bylaws before taking office.

Section 13.1 - President

The duties of the President are as follows:

13.1(a) 13.1.1 Preside over all GMMs and all meetings of the Executive Board

13.1(b) 13.1.2 Make reports to membership on the status of the union and major happenings and decisions of the executive board, at a GMM if practicable, and otherwise via email (especially regarding time-sensitive matters), or through the communications committee, if appropriate.

13.1(c) 13.1.3 Ex-officio member of all GEU committees

13.1(d) 13.1.4 Co-signatory with treasurer on all investments and accounts controlled by GEU

13.1(e) 13.1.5 Represent the GEU in an official capacity at university and community events

13.1(f) 13.1.6 In the case of emergency, the president will have authority to act on behalf of the GEU. The general membership will be notified within forty-eight (48) hours.

13.1(g) 13.1.7 First point of contact for internal review, shall lead all internal review process unless they are the member under review

13.1(h) 13.1.8 Serve as a backup and/or provide support for Grievance Officers, Stewards, and the VP for Organizing in grievance proceedings

Section 13.2 - Vice President for Organizing (Chief Steward)

The duties of the Vice President for Organizing (Chief Steward) are as follows:

13.2(a) 13.2.1 Responsible for coordinating and overseeing GEU membership recruitment and organizing membership campaigns

13.2(b) 13.2.2 Preside over meetings of the Steward Council as chair

13.2(c) 13.2.3 Represent the concerns of the Steward Council to the Executive Board

13.2(d) 13.2.4 Carry out the duties of the president in the case of absence or vacancy

13.2(e) 13.2.5 Work with the Grievance Officer to educate Stewards on our contract and coordinate steward investigations of contract compliance

13.2(f) 13.2.6 Chair the Contract Action Team

Section 13.3 - Grievance Officer

The duties of the Grievance Officer are as follows:

13.3(a) 13.3.1 Serve as the main point of contact for all GEU member grievances and inquiries related to potential grievances or contract interpretation, other than those related to issues of equity and inclusion

13.3(b) 13.3.2 Responsible for forming and chairing the Grievance Committee

13.3(c) 13.3.3 Responsible for documenting, tracking and managing existing grievances, delegate tasks for specific grievances to authorized and appropriate stewards and officers and verify that delegates carry out the tasks

13.3(d) 13.3.4 Coordinate contract interpretation with the VPs of Organizing and Bargaining to ensure clarity in the handling of each individual grievance; keep records of potential contract problems which may require changes to be made in the contract language in the next negotiating sessions

13.3(e) 13.3.5 Communicate any concerns about the grievance process to the Executive Board

13.3(f) 13.3.6 Oversee contract compliance education by coordinating research, ensuring that member surveys gather adequate data on compliance, working with the Chief Steward on steward contract education and contract compliance investigation.

13.3(g) 13.3.7 To be responsible, in conjunction with the President, for originating, reviewing, or editing all correspondence with the University or its agents in connection with all grievances

13.3(h) 13.3.8 to To accompany the President in meetings regarding the administration of the contract

Section 13.4 - Vice President for Collective Bargaining

The duties of the Vice President for Collective Bargaining are as follows:

13.4(a) 13.4.1 Responsible for leading the bargaining process

13.4(b) 13.4.2 Chair of the Bargaining Team

13.4(c) 13.4.3 When bargaining is not ongoing, chair the Labor Management Committee; When bargaining is ongoing, the VP of Collective Bargaining may designate a representative to chair the Labor Management Committee

13.4(d) 13.4.4 Arrange for an in-person attendee to take notes at each bargaining session

13.4(e) 13.4.5 Oversee the Monitoring, investigation, and research on relevant issues for subsequent bargaining sessions, in coordination with other members of the bargaining team

13.4(f) 13.4.6 Communicate with outside resources for bargaining, if necessary, including cooperation with AFT and other union affiliates

13.4(g) 13.4.7 Represent concerns related to bargaining and the Bargaining Team to the Executive Board

13.4(h) 13.4.8 Provide updates on bargaining proceedings to the general membership in cooperation with other Bargaining Team members and the Communications Committee

13.4(i) 13.4.9 Serve as a backup and/or provide support for Grievance Officers and Stewards in contract interpretation and grievance proceedings

Section 13.5 - Vice President for Communications

The duties of the Vice President for Communications are as follows:

13.5(a) 13.5.1 Serve as chair of the Communications Committee

13.5(b) 13.5.2 Lead coordination of GEU internal and external outreach efforts, to facilitate timely and coherent communications to members

13.5(c) 13.5.3 Manage and approve (and delegate approval of) official external communications (e.g. press releases, media statements, official reactions/statements) to ensure that they are consistent with GEU messaging and comply with GEU communication policies/priorities, except in the case of urgent communications and bargaining updates from the President or VP of Collective Bargaining.

13.5(c) 13.5.4 Serve as the “voice” of GEU, acting as official spokesperson and being the main contact for official communications

Section 13.6 - Vice President for Equity and Inclusion

The duties of the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion are as follows:

13.6(a) 13.6.1 Work with the Executive Board, committees, stewards, and the general membership to foster a culture of respect and inclusion for all members of the GEU community, and represent the concerns of underrepresented members of the Bargaining Unit

13.6(b) 13.6.2 Serve as chair of the Equity Committee and oversee implementation of its recommendations and activities

13.6(c) 13.6.3 Encourage and recruit members from a wide range of backgrounds and identities to run for GEU officer positions, occupy stewardship positions, and serve on committees

13.6(d) 13.6.4 Promote understanding of the intersection of issues of diversity and inclusion as related to GEU policies, procedures, and politics, and create opportunities for learning about all member identities

13.6(e) 13.6.5 Represent any equity concerns of and to the general membership and Executive Board, and work with Equity and Inclusion Committee to offer concrete recommendations for changes to GEU culture, policies, procedures, etc.

13.6(f) 13.6.6 In conjunction with the Equity Committee, oversee handling of grievances related to issues of equity and inclusion as they arise, and encourage members to come forward with equity-related grievances

13.6(g) 13.6.7 Offer support and/or resources for members to work with faculty and staff to expand cultural competencies within departments and within the wider PSU community

Section 13.7 - Vice President for Social Engagement

The Duties of the Vice President for Social Engagement are as follows:

13.7(a) 13.7.1 Spearhead the efforts of the Social Engagement Committee to organize and coordinate GEU social gatherings and events

13.7(b) 13.7.2 Facilitate collaboration with the Communications Committee to inform the membership of relevant community, campus and GEU events.

13.7(c) 13.7.3 Organize at least three (3) General Membership Meetings throughout the year

13.7(d) 13.7.4 Serve as the gauge of member morale to the Executive Board, and offer suggestions for how to continually foster a spirit of camaraderie and group cohesion within all GEU events

Section 13.8 - Treasurer

The duties of the Treasurer are as follows:

13.8(a) 13.8.1 Serve as co-signatory with the President

13.8(b) 13.8.2 Keep GEU financial records secure, accurate, and up-to-date

13.8(c) 13.8.3 Make quarterly reports on the budget to the membership and the Executive Board

13.8(d) 13.8.4 Communicate with committee chairs regarding their respective budgets

13.8(e) 13.8.5 Responsible for the proper receipt and disbursement of all GEU funds and tracking of all purchases and reimbursements

13.8(f) 13.8.6 Track the receipt of dues and notify members who are delinquent in the payment of dues

13.8(g) 13.8.7 Ensure the payment of per capita dues to affiliates listed in Section 1.2 in keeping with the qualifications for these payments in Section 1.4 and the contents of Article 18, and coordinate the pooling of GEU funds for other forms of payment or donation

Section 13.9 - Vice President of Operations

The duties of the Vice President of Operations are as follows:

13.9(a) 13.9.1 Keep minutes at all Executive Board meetings, General Membership Meetings, and Appeals hearings or arrange for another in-person attendee to do so

13.9(b) 13.9.2 Issue notices and handle correspondence at the direction of the President

13.9(c) 13.9.3 Keep accurate membership record

13.9(d) 13.9.4 Custodian of GEU seal, charter, and constitution and bylaws

13.9(e) 13.9.5 Maintain an up-to-date membership database, track and record other GEU data (including survey response data)

13.9(f) 13.9.6 Ensure that all GEU paperwork is up-to-date

13.9(g) 13.9.7 Assemble the Voting Committee (see Section 21.4) when necessary

Section 13.10 - Vice President of Politics

The duties of the Vice President of Politics are as follows:

13.10(a) 13.10.1 Chair the Political Action Committee

13.10(b) 13.10.2 Coordinate efforts to encourage positive political participation of the membership and coordinate member political education

13.10(c) 13.10.3 Serve as point of contact for endorsement requests and coordinate the endorsement process with the Political Action Committee as described in Article 16

13.10(f) 13.10.4 Make recommendations to Executive Board when political action is advisable and keep Executive Board apprised of political developments relevant to GEU

13.10(g) 13.10.5 Coordinate the Political Action Committee’s monitoring and research of local, state, and federal-level political and legal developments relevant to GEU, higher education, and labor rights in general

13.10(h) 13.10.6 Serve as the designated representative of GEU in local political matters, for example testifying at legislative hearings, attending roundtables, etc., and participate in or organize lobby days, and otherwise be involved with other forms of local and state-level political action

13.10(i) 13.10.7 Coordinate with other locals, including PSU-AAUP, PSUFA, SEIU, GTFF, and CGE

Section 13.11 - Temporary Officers

Other officer positions may be created and filled by the Executive Board by appointment as needed on a temporary basis. If the duties associated with such a position continue to be necessary for more than one (1) calendar year, this position must be added as an official officer position by amendment to the bylaws and filled by election.

Section 13.12 – New Permanent Officers

Additional permanent officer positions may be created as needed by amendment to the constitution or bylaws.