Chapter 6 GRIDMET
6.1 How to use GRIDMET
Everything takes place within Rstudio.
Install the AOI and climateR packages from github
devtools::install_github(c("mikejohnson51/AOI", "mikejohnson51/climateR"))
AOI = aoi_get()
to get the AOI (area of interest). The area options are country name, country region such as Asia and North America, US states, US region, or US states + counties.Run
getGridMET(AOI, param, startDate, endDate = NULL)
where AOI is the output from step 2 and param is the variable of interest.
6.2 Code example
Getting daily maximum temperature in Lind, WA (-118.57°, 47°) for May 1-31 in 2019
AOI = aoi_get(state = "WA", county = "adams")
p = getGridMET(AOI, param = "tmax", startDate = paste0("2017-05-01"), endDate = paste0("2017-05-31"))
r = raster::brick(p)
array <- c()
for (i in 1:31) {
df <- rasterToPoints(r[[i]]) %>%
x <- sort(df$x)[match.closest(-118.57, sort(df$x))]
y <- sort(df$y)[match.closest(47, sort(df$y))]
array <- c(array, df[df$x == x & df$y == y, 3])
# columns are ["x", "y", "data"] so 3 corresponds to the data.
days <- c()
for (i in 1:31) {
days <- c(days, paste0("2017-05-", i))
df <- data.frame(Date = as.Date(days),
Data = array - 273.15)