
The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna VI

by David Klotz

The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna VI

A book created with bookdown. […] This is a continuation of my ongoing quest to translate all the Roman inscriptions from Esna temple. The previous volumes are now complete, and can be found here:Esna II, Esna III, Esna IV. I will continue to make changes and updates to those, including some desperately needed proof-reading. Esna VI covers the interior walls of the pronaos, except for the interior of the facade, already published in Esna II. Most of the inscriptions are offering scenes, with a few decorative cartouches, longer bandeau texts, and varia. Some of these scenes are the latest to … Read more →


The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna III

by David Klotz

The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna III

A book created with bookdown. […] This is a continuation of my ongoing quest to translate all the Roman inscriptions from Esna temple. Elsewhere you may find Esna II, Esna IV, and Esna VI. The goal is to make all of this information easily and freely accessible. A blog would be easy to read and update, but it would be difficult to search and cross reference. A database is certainly slower to navigate, particularly for translations of texts. Esna III is devoted to the columns within the pronaos, all covered with extensive columns of hieroglyphic texts. These largely detail the many festivals … Read more →


Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization

by Luis Alvarez


This book studies exploratory data analysis and data visualization in the context of a university degree in Data Sciences. […] This document is an English translation of the book Análisis Exploratorio de Datos y Visualización, it covers the contents of an introductory course on exploratory data analysis and visualization in a university degree in Data Sciences. Exploratory data analysis is a very broad field, and it is not possible to teach all its aspects in depth in a single course. This course, of an introductory nature, aims to provide a solid foundation in the most important tools in … Read more →


The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna IV

by David Klotz

The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna IV

A book created with bookdown. […] This is a continuation of my ongoing quest to translate all the Roman inscriptions from Esna temple. The previous two volumes are now complete, and can be found here: Esna II and Esna III. I will continue to make changes and updates to those, including some desperately needed proof-reading. Esna IV covers the architraves along the ceiling of the pronaos. The ceiling of the temple was conceived in antiquity as a replica of the sky, so constellations and other astronomical figures were projected over this space. As such, many of the texts are captions to the … Read more →


Translational Bioinformatics with R

by Zhaojie Zhang


This is a book of using R in Translational Bioinformatics. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook […] This book is written and rendered using the bookdown package, which can be installed from CRAN or Github: Two key steps to render the Book from the Github repo “gongchang/TBioR” and deploy it to #{r} #bookdown::render_book(“index.Rmd”, “bookdown::gitbook”) #bookdown::publish_book() … Read more →


The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna II

by David Klotz

The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna II

Publishing a book in Egyptology typically requires several years of intensive research, writing, and revisions. Once a volume is finally complete, often the cost is prohibitive for most audiences besides specialized academic libraries. This book in progress is an experiment in how one might more quickly use existing templates and online publishing tools to make an open-source book accessible to all readers both during and after its creation, so scholars and the interested public can take advantage of any insights sooner. Corrections or updated references can be made quickly and easily. The … Read more →



by Danielle J Navarro & Dvid R Foxcroft(著) 芝田征司(訳)


『jamoviで学ぶ心理統計』は心理学専攻の統計法入門クラス向けのテキストです。本書では,jamoviの使い方やデータ操作の方法についても扱います。統計の部分では,記述統計とグラフの作成について扱った後,確率理論,標本と推定,帰無仮説検定について説明します。理論についての説明の後は,分割表の分析,相関,t検定,回帰,分散分析について説明します。本書の最後では,ベイズ統計についても取りあげます。This book is a Japanese translation of learning statistics with jamovi. […] 本書はDavid Foxcroft氏が作成した『Learning … Read more →


«Two Lives» by Concordia Antarova

by gorodnichy


«Two Lives» by Concordia Antarova: text translation and analysis […] This work presents the working draft of the English translation of the “The Lives” book by Concordia Antarova. Widely known in Russian speaking spheres, and translated into French, this book remains to be largely unknown to English speaking population, despite its significant spiritual importance, comparable to that of “Book of Joy”. While the efforts on translating this book into English continue, here the draft of it is used for Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects, aiming at building the systems for automated analysis … Read more →


ISLR tidymodels labs

by Emil Hvitfeldt


Emil Hvitfeldt This book aims to be a complement to the 2nd edition An Introduction to Statistical Learning book with translations of the labs into using the tidymodels set of packages. The labs will be mirrored quite closely to stay true to the original material. All listed changes will be relative to the 1st edition. This book was written in RStudio using Quarto. The website is hosted via GitHub Pages, and the complete source is available on GitHub. This version of the book was built with R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16) and Quarto version 1.4.104 and the following … Read more →