4 Loading tmdlTools Apps

Remember: Every time you double click the icon to open up the R console, you will need to run the following code to enable the tmdlTools review apps.

4.1 E.coli Data Explorer

To run the E.coli Data Explorer app, enter the code below into your console:

This function will open a browser window containing the app. From there, upload your data using the template provided and you are on your way. Refer to the next section for an overview of the E.coli Data Explorer app.

4.1.1 A note about loading data into the E.coli Data Explorer

If you have both E.coli and associated flow data, make sure that your uploaded workbook has the Inputs, Site_order, Ecoli_data, and Flow_data tabs. If you only have E.coli concentration data, and no flow data, your uploaded workbook should only have the Inputs, Site_order and Ecoli_data tabs.

If you are uploading a workbook containing your original data, plus the new tabs created by running the geomean/loading calculations, you do not need to run these calculations again. Selecting “No” will still give the user access to all of the visualization tabs.

4.2 TMDL Data Explorer

To run the TMDL Data Explorer app, enter the code below into your console:

This function will open a browser window containing the app. From there, upload your data using the template provided and you are on your way.