Section 5 Work Status

5.1 Introduction

This section includes survey results of respondents’ current work status, including various demographic or contextual questions about their workplace and role. Topics include their current employment status, primary position, primary work location (e.g., on-site or remote), weekly work hours, and annual wage income, among others. The survey instructed respondents to answer within the context of the paid job where they spend the most time to account for women with more than one job. In addition, the survey asked respondents not employed when completing the survey to answer questions based on their most recent paid position.

The following graphs illustrate information about different groups based on the size of their employer, wage income, race / ethnicity, and race / ethnicity and wage income together. We only show the results we are sure are real, not just by chance. However, some of the visual differences between the groups may be due to chance. Also, just because we don’t see a difference between two groups, it doesn’t mean there isn’t a real difference. It just means we don’t have enough information to be sure.

5.2 Key Findings

  • Most women were employed full-time by one employer, but women’s work status varied by the size of their employer, wage income, and race / ethnicity and wage income together.
  • Women responding to the survey had a diverse array of primary positions and varied by their race / ethnicity, wage income, and race / ethnicity and wage income together.
  • The majority of women responding to the survey were paid for 35 hours of work or more per week, which varied by the size of their employer, wage income, and race / ethnicity and wage income together.
  • The majority of women responding to the survey made less than $100,000 a year, which varied by the size of their employer and race / ethnicity.
  • About half of women reported receiving a job promotion within the past few years and this varied by the size of their employer, age / generation, race / ethnicity, income, and race / ethnicity and wage income together.
  • The breakdown of leadership roles held by men, as reported by respondents, varied by the size of the employer, wage income, and race / ethnicity and wage income together.

5.3 Work Status

Analysts found statistically significant differences in women’s current work status by the size of their employer, wage income, and race / ethnicity and wage income together.

5.4 Primary Position

Analysts found a statistically significant relationship between women’s primary position and their race / ethnicity, wage income, and race / ethnicity and wage income together.

5.5 Years Worked in Field

Analysts found a statistically significant relationship between the total number of years women reported working in their current field and the size of their employer, age / generation, race / ethnicity, wage income, and race / ethnicity and wage income together.

5.6 Working Location

Analysts found a statistically significant relationship between where employed women reported working and the size of their employer, race / ethnicity, wage income, and race / ethnicity and wage income together.

5.7 Hours per Week Paid

Analysts found a statistically significant relationship between how many hours per week women reported being paid and the size of their employer, wage income, and race / ethnicity and wage income together.

5.8 Wage Income in the Last Twelve Months

Analysts found a statistically significant relationship between women’s reported wage income and the size of their employer and race / ethnicity.

5.9 Last Promotion

Analysts found a statistically significant relationship between the last time women reported receiving a job promotion and the size of their employer, age / generation, race / ethnicity, wage income, and race / ethnicity and wage income together.

5.10 Number of Employees

Analysts found a statistically significant relationship between how many employees women reported working for their primary employer and their wage income and race / ethnicity and wage income together.

5.11 Leadership Roles by Gender

Analysts found a statistically significant relationship between the breakdown of leadership roles held by men and women at their current organization and the size of their employer, wage income, and race / ethnicity and wage income together.