Chapter 8 Exploratory data analysis and feature engineering

8.1 Big data

8.2 But what is it, really?

It’s (kind of) big data when you need:

  • Distributed processing
  • Distributed computation
  • Many machines (clusters)


  • Built with inspiration from Google
  • Open Source
  • System for distributed processing
  • Storage: HDFS
  • Computation - MapReduce, YARN
  • Splits your data onto different computers
  • Is used a lot but there are a lot more alternatives these days that outperform hadoop, mainly cloud solutions.
  • Named after the creator’s sons Elephant toy

8.3 What is it not?

  • Not for data storage, keep your data somewhere else

8.4 How can we use it in R?

8.5 Now… do you need it?

8.6 The Sparklyr API is really great

  • You can see all the functions in sparklyr by writing sparklyr:: in R or help(package = "sparklyr").

  • spark_ for Spark stuff: reading data, configurations etc.

  • sdf_ Functions for working with Spark DataFrames, ex. sdf_nrow()

  • ft_ for feature transformers

  • ml_ for ML functions, pipelines, classifiers

  • dplyr verbs, most of which can be used on Spark DataFrames

8.7 Set up your Spark context

## Re-using existing Spark connection to local
## $spark.env.SPARK_LOCAL_IP.local
## [1] ""
## $sparklyr.connect.csv.embedded
## [1] "^1.*"
## $spark.sql.catalogImplementation
## [1] "hive"
## $sparklyr.connect.cores.local
## [1] 4
## $spark.sql.shuffle.partitions.local
## [1] 4
## $``
## [1] "2g"
## attr(,"config")
## [1] "default"
## attr(,"file")
## [1] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/library/sparklyr/conf/config-template.yml"

8.9 Okey, let’s load some data.

  • Use spark_read_csv() to read the file ml_data into Spark.
## # Source: spark<ml_data> [?? x 36]
##    ar_key ssn   monthly_data_us… bundle_size avg_monthly_dat…
##    <chr>  <chr>            <dbl> <chr>                  <dbl>
##  1 AAEBf… AAEB…            838   20                    6504. 
##  2 AAEBf… AAEB…            268.  1                      677. 
##  3 AAEBf… AAEB…            233.  1                      576. 
##  4 AAEBf… AAEB…           1105.  5                      828. 
##  5 AAEBf… AAEB…              3.7 5                     2035. 
##  6 AAEBf… AAEB…            721.  5                      741. 
##  7 AAEBf… AAEB…              0   5                      180. 
##  8 AAEBf… AAEB…            565.  5                      585. 
##  9 AAEBf… AAEB…          50457.  9999                 31256. 
## 10 AAEBf… AAEB…             10.7 0.5                     37.4
## # … with more rows, and 31 more variables:
## #   days_till_installment_end <int>, number_of_events <int>,
## #   su_subs_age <int>, cpe_type <chr>, cpe_model <chr>,
## #   cpe_model_days_in_net <int>, cpe_net_type_cmpt <chr>,
## #   pc_priceplan_nm <chr>, days_with_price_plan <int>,
## #   days_with_data_bucket <int>, days_with_contract <int>,
## #   days_since_cstatus_act <int>, current_price_plan <chr>,
## #   count_price_plans <int>, days_since_last_price_plan_change <int>,
## #   days_since_price_plan_launch <int>, hardware_age <int>,
## #   days_since_last_hardware_change <int>, slask_data <int>,
## #   slask_sms <int>, slask_minutes <int>,
## #   weekend_data_usage_by_hour <chr>, weekdays_data_usage_by_hour <chr>,
## #   label <int>, days_till_installment_end_missing <int>,
## #   su_subs_age_missing <int>, cpe_model_days_in_net_missing <int>,
## #   days_since_cstatus_act_missing <int>, days_to_migration_missing <int>,
## #   days_since_last_price_plan_change_missing <int>,
## #   hardware_age_missing <int>

8.10 What’s the plan?

  • For tele2 data: label indicates that a customer has bought new hardware within 30 days
  • For telco: churn indicates that a customer has churned

8.11 sdf_ functions

## # Source: spark<telco_data> [?? x 21]
##    customer_id gender senior_citizen partner dependents tenure
##    <chr>       <chr>           <int> <chr>   <chr>       <int>
##  1 7590-VHVEG  Female              0 Yes     No              1
##  2 5575-GNVDE  Male                0 No      No             34
##  3 3668-QPYBK  Male                0 No      No              2
##  4 7795-CFOCW  Male                0 No      No             45
##  5 9237-HQITU  Female              0 No      No              2
##  6 9305-CDSKC  Female              0 No      No              8
##  7 1452-KIOVK  Male                0 No      Yes            22
##  8 6713-OKOMC  Female              0 No      No             10
##  9 7892-POOKP  Female              0 Yes     No             28
## 10 6388-TABGU  Male                0 No      Yes            62
## # … with more rows, and 15 more variables: phone_service <chr>,
## #   multiple_lines <chr>, internet_service <chr>, online_security <chr>,
## #   online_backup <chr>, device_protection <chr>, tech_support <chr>,
## #   streaming_tv <chr>, streaming_movies <chr>, contract <chr>,
## #   paperless_billing <chr>, payment_method <chr>, monthly_charges <dbl>,
## #   total_charges <chr>, churn <chr>
## [1] 7043
## [1] 7043   21
## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 22]
##   summary customer_id gender senior_citizen partner dependents tenure
##   <chr>   <chr>       <chr>  <chr>          <chr>   <chr>      <chr> 
## 1 count   7043        7043   7043           7043    7043       7043  
## 2 mean    <NA>        <NA>   0.16214681243… <NA>    <NA>       32.37…
## 3 stddev  <NA>        <NA>   0.36861160561… <NA>    <NA>       24.55…
## 4 min     0002-ORFBO  Female 0              No      No         0     
## 5 max     9995-HOTOH  Male   1              Yes     Yes        72    
## # … with 15 more variables: phone_service <chr>, multiple_lines <chr>,
## #   internet_service <chr>, online_security <chr>, online_backup <chr>,
## #   device_protection <chr>, tech_support <chr>, streaming_tv <chr>,
## #   streaming_movies <chr>, contract <chr>, paperless_billing <chr>,
## #   payment_method <chr>, monthly_charges <chr>, total_charges <chr>,
## #   churn <chr>

8.12 Exploratory analysis - one of the most important parts

  • Open a new Rmarkdown-file, use the Spark connection and the sdf_ functions to describe the data-set
  • How many rows are there?
  • How many columns?
  • Any other of the sdf_-functions that you might find useful here?
  • What type of columns are we dealing with? Use glimpse()
## [1] 236955
## [1] 236955     36
## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 37]
##   summary ar_key ssn   monthly_data_us… bundle_size avg_monthly_dat…
##   <chr>   <chr>  <chr> <chr>            <chr>       <chr>           
## 1 count   236955 2369… 236955           236955      236955          
## 2 mean    <NA>   <NA>  2948.0124487771… 360.530827… 3054.4449912199…
## 3 stddev  <NA>   <NA>  15629.603789775… 1840.45878… 7681.1706544080…
## 4 min     AAEBf… AAEB… 0.0              0.2         4.72526617526618
## 5 max     AAEBf… AAEB… 908605.8         NA          103352.015245082
## # … with 31 more variables: days_till_installment_end <chr>,
## #   number_of_events <chr>, su_subs_age <chr>, cpe_type <chr>,
## #   cpe_model <chr>, cpe_model_days_in_net <chr>, cpe_net_type_cmpt <chr>,
## #   pc_priceplan_nm <chr>, days_with_price_plan <chr>,
## #   days_with_data_bucket <chr>, days_with_contract <chr>,
## #   days_since_cstatus_act <chr>, current_price_plan <chr>,
## #   count_price_plans <chr>, days_since_last_price_plan_change <chr>,
## #   days_since_price_plan_launch <chr>, hardware_age <chr>,
## #   days_since_last_hardware_change <chr>, slask_data <chr>,
## #   slask_sms <chr>, slask_minutes <chr>,
## #   weekend_data_usage_by_hour <chr>, weekdays_data_usage_by_hour <chr>,
## #   label <chr>, days_till_installment_end_missing <chr>,
## #   su_subs_age_missing <chr>, cpe_model_days_in_net_missing <chr>,
## #   days_since_cstatus_act_missing <chr>, days_to_migration_missing <chr>,
## #   days_since_last_price_plan_change_missing <chr>,
## #   hardware_age_missing <chr>
## Observations: ??
## Variables: 36
## Database: spark_connection
## $ ar_key                                    <chr> "AAEBfitQf9ubLtKn5vPLq…
## $ ssn                                       <chr> "AAEBfplgfyVbkQtbGKU98…
## $ monthly_data_usage                        <dbl> 838.0, 267.7, 232.8, 1…
## $ bundle_size                               <chr> "20", "1", "1", "5", "…
## $ avg_monthly_data_usage                    <dbl> 6503.50127, 676.96099,…
## $ days_till_installment_end                 <int> NA, NA, NA, 0, NA, NA,…
## $ number_of_events                          <int> 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1…
## $ su_subs_age                               <int> 61, 45, 69, 53, 51, 40…
## $ cpe_type                                  <chr> "SMARTPHONE", "SMARTPH…
## $ cpe_model                                 <chr> "SAMSUNG SM-A520F", "S…
## $ cpe_model_days_in_net                     <int> 687, 670, 970, 1223, 2…
## $ cpe_net_type_cmpt                         <chr> "4G", "4G", "3.5G", "4…
## $ pc_priceplan_nm                           <chr> "Fast pris", "Fast pri…
## $ days_with_price_plan                      <int> 1039, 623, 619, 580, 8…
## $ days_with_data_bucket                     <int> 1039, 623, 619, 580, 8…
## $ days_with_contract                        <int> 4793, 2258, 3618, 3393…
## $ days_since_cstatus_act                    <int> 4792, 2257, 3617, 3392…
## $ current_price_plan                        <chr> "Fast pris", "Fast pri…
## $ count_price_plans                         <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1…
## $ days_since_last_price_plan_change         <int> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…
## $ days_since_price_plan_launch              <int> 509, 514, 509, 465, 51…
## $ hardware_age                              <int> NA, NA, 970, 1223, 205…
## $ days_since_last_hardware_change           <int> 509, 449, 428, 465, 51…
## $ slask_data                                <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0…
## $ slask_sms                                 <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0…
## $ slask_minutes                             <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0…
## $ weekend_data_usage_by_hour                <chr> "569188|506524|598717|…
## $ weekdays_data_usage_by_hour               <chr> "2031595|1308209|14445…
## $ label                                     <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0…
## $ days_till_installment_end_missing         <int> 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0…
## $ su_subs_age_missing                       <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0…
## $ cpe_model_days_in_net_missing             <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0…
## $ days_since_cstatus_act_missing            <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0…
## $ days_to_migration_missing                 <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1…
## $ days_since_last_price_plan_change_missing <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1…
## $ hardware_age_missing                      <int> 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0…

8.13 Distribution of NA’s

We can easily calculate how many NA’s there are in one variable.

## [1] 0

8.14 If we want to do it for all variables

  • Map over all columns
## # A tibble: 21 x 3
##    variable         count_na perc_na
##    <chr>               <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 customer_id             0       0
##  2 gender                  0       0
##  3 senior_citizen          0       0
##  4 partner                 0       0
##  5 dependents              0       0
##  6 tenure                  0       0
##  7 phone_service           0       0
##  8 multiple_lines          0       0
##  9 internet_service        0       0
## 10 online_security         0       0
## # … with 11 more rows

8.14.1 Excercise

  • Using the function sdf_count_na() and plot the NA’s in data.

8.15 EDA

  • Exploratory data analysis is a crucial part of modelling

  • We check the data quality

  • Try to understand relationships between variables

  • Do some initial feature selection

8.16 Split the data

  • Split the data into a training data set and a test data set
  • Do it before we do EDA
  • The test data should always be left untouched, we are building a model for future data

8.17 Continue in your Rmarkdown-file

  • Split your data into a training and a test data set
  • Do some exploratory analysis on the training data with dplyr and ggplot2
  • How are the variables distributed?
  • When looking on non numeric columns, reflect how we should represent these columns
  • What is the balance of our the column label that we will model?
  • Are there some variables that you can exclude right away?

8.18 Check out the correlations

  • ml_corr() returns a correlation matrix
  • Can only be performed on numeric variables
  • Cannot calculate on columns where NA is present
## Applying predicate on the first 100 rows
## # A tibble: 5 x 5
##   senior_citizen   tenure monthly_charges total_charges  churn
##            <dbl>    <dbl>           <dbl>         <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1        1        0.00166           0.220        0.0893  0.157
## 2        0.00166  1                 0.248        0.826  -0.355
## 3        0.220    0.248             1            0.652   0.191
## 4        0.0893   0.826             0.652        1      -0.200
## 5        0.157   -0.355             0.191       -0.200   1
## corrplot 0.84 loaded
## Warning: Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.

##                 senior_citizen       tenure monthly_charges total_charges
## senior_citizen     1.000000000  0.001661928       0.2201380    0.08934403
## tenure             0.001661928  1.000000000       0.2482641    0.82568781
## monthly_charges    0.220138022  0.248264057       1.0000000    0.65193752
## total_charges      0.089344030  0.825687814       0.6519375    1.00000000
## churn              0.157315884 -0.354637331       0.1912939   -0.19984998
##                      churn
## senior_citizen   0.1573159
## tenure          -0.3546373
## monthly_charges  0.1912939
## total_charges   -0.1998500
## churn            1.0000000

8.18.1 Excercise

  • Select data without the columns with more than 5% NA
  • Select all numeric columns
  • Filter out NA’s in all columns
  • Perform a correlation
  • Plot the correlations using corrplot
## Applying predicate on the first 100 rows
## Warning: Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.

##                                 monthly_data_usage avg_monthly_data_usage
## monthly_data_usage                     1.000000000             0.63837369
## avg_monthly_data_usage                 0.638373695             1.00000000
## number_of_events                       0.021815578             0.02752415
## su_subs_age                           -0.084111289            -0.10940726
## cpe_model_days_in_net                 -0.050737917            -0.09789949
## days_with_price_plan                  -0.085475722            -0.16690347
## days_with_data_bucket                 -0.090544693            -0.18363272
## days_with_contract                    -0.107778831            -0.14801766
## days_since_cstatus_act                -0.106970697            -0.14685774
## count_price_plans                      0.019855345             0.10724979
## days_since_price_plan_launch          -0.011175298            -0.05654132
## days_since_last_hardware_change       -0.080613402            -0.09795793
## label                                  0.007520593             0.01009601
##                                 number_of_events  su_subs_age
## monthly_data_usage                   0.021815578 -0.084111289
## avg_monthly_data_usage               0.027524153 -0.109407257
## number_of_events                     1.000000000  0.005081406
## su_subs_age                          0.005081406  1.000000000
## cpe_model_days_in_net               -0.053775790  0.227542381
## days_with_price_plan                -0.069796317  0.061589769
## days_with_data_bucket               -0.080225104  0.026668894
## days_with_contract                  -0.021402259  0.158323019
## days_since_cstatus_act              -0.020098086  0.158541650
## count_price_plans                    0.107591305 -0.038170407
## days_since_price_plan_launch        -0.078408700  0.056349805
## days_since_last_hardware_change     -0.012082386  0.094563318
## label                                0.016624310 -0.031919701
##                                 cpe_model_days_in_net days_with_price_plan
## monthly_data_usage                       -0.050737917          -0.08547572
## avg_monthly_data_usage                   -0.097899492          -0.16690347
## number_of_events                         -0.053775790          -0.06979632
## su_subs_age                               0.227542381           0.06158977
## cpe_model_days_in_net                     1.000000000           0.35712772
## days_with_price_plan                      0.357127719           1.00000000
## days_with_data_bucket                     0.253539171           0.81068435
## days_with_contract                        0.236099081           0.36557152
## days_since_cstatus_act                    0.233369638           0.36115841
## count_price_plans                        -0.115841577          -0.39499206
## days_since_price_plan_launch              0.096388013           0.39389175
## days_since_last_hardware_change           0.316724794           0.12016943
## label                                    -0.006194509          -0.02109536
##                                 days_with_data_bucket days_with_contract
## monthly_data_usage                       -0.090544693       -0.107778831
## avg_monthly_data_usage                   -0.183632723       -0.148017660
## number_of_events                         -0.080225104       -0.021402259
## su_subs_age                               0.026668894        0.158323019
## cpe_model_days_in_net                     0.253539171        0.236099081
## days_with_price_plan                      0.810684349        0.365571518
## days_with_data_bucket                     1.000000000        0.304215352
## days_with_contract                        0.304215352        1.000000000
## days_since_cstatus_act                    0.300879436        0.991821224
## count_price_plans                        -0.484626285       -0.039901414
## days_since_price_plan_launch              0.505118662        0.099445782
## days_since_last_hardware_change           0.141507799        0.121451941
## label                                    -0.009593701       -0.009780062
##                                 days_since_cstatus_act count_price_plans
## monthly_data_usage                        -0.106970697        0.01985535
## avg_monthly_data_usage                    -0.146857737        0.10724979
## number_of_events                          -0.020098086        0.10759130
## su_subs_age                                0.158541650       -0.03817041
## cpe_model_days_in_net                      0.233369638       -0.11584158
## days_with_price_plan                       0.361158408       -0.39499206
## days_with_data_bucket                      0.300879436       -0.48462628
## days_with_contract                         0.991821224       -0.03990141
## days_since_cstatus_act                     1.000000000       -0.03906575
## count_price_plans                         -0.039065746        1.00000000
## days_since_price_plan_launch               0.097950300       -0.55497863
## days_since_last_hardware_change            0.120532322       -0.04983192
## label                                     -0.009201517        0.01134957
##                                 days_since_price_plan_launch
## monthly_data_usage                              -0.011175298
## avg_monthly_data_usage                          -0.056541325
## number_of_events                                -0.078408700
## su_subs_age                                      0.056349805
## cpe_model_days_in_net                            0.096388013
## days_with_price_plan                             0.393891749
## days_with_data_bucket                            0.505118662
## days_with_contract                               0.099445782
## days_since_cstatus_act                           0.097950300
## count_price_plans                               -0.554978626
## days_since_price_plan_launch                     1.000000000
## days_since_last_hardware_change                  0.258665510
## label                                           -0.004290405
##                                 days_since_last_hardware_change
## monthly_data_usage                                  -0.08061340
## avg_monthly_data_usage                              -0.09795793
## number_of_events                                    -0.01208239
## su_subs_age                                          0.09456332
## cpe_model_days_in_net                                0.31672479
## days_with_price_plan                                 0.12016943
## days_with_data_bucket                                0.14150780
## days_with_contract                                   0.12145194
## days_since_cstatus_act                               0.12053232
## count_price_plans                                   -0.04983192
## days_since_price_plan_launch                         0.25866551
## days_since_last_hardware_change                      1.00000000
## label                                                0.02728020
##                                        label
## monthly_data_usage               0.007520593
## avg_monthly_data_usage           0.010096006
## number_of_events                 0.016624310
## su_subs_age                     -0.031919701
## cpe_model_days_in_net           -0.006194509
## days_with_price_plan            -0.021095355
## days_with_data_bucket           -0.009593701
## days_with_contract              -0.009780062
## days_since_cstatus_act          -0.009201517
## count_price_plans                0.011349569
## days_since_price_plan_launch    -0.004290405
## days_since_last_hardware_change  0.027280204
## label                            1.000000000

8.19 Ideally we want to calculate the probability that a customer will buy new hardware within 30 days

  • We know that the response is not normally distributed, thus there can be no linear relationship between input and output variables

  • We know that a lot of columns are not normally distributed

  • We suspect that some columns are highly dependent

In other words: there is a lot to do in terms of feature engineering

8.20 Feature engineering

8.21 What is feature engineering?

  • The process of creating representations of data that increase the effectiveness of a model.

  • The goal with feature engineering may differ - what is effectiveness?

  • A complex model may not be the best model even if accuracy is higher

  • Example: suppose we are to hire a newly graduated data analyst

  • Another example: suppose we are to buy a house or apartment and we know every school’s quality. How do we represent this?

  • Different models are sensitive to different things

  • Some models work poorly when predictors measure the same underlying

  • Most models cannot use samples with missing values

  • Some models may work poorly if irrelevant predictors are included

8.22 Some terminology that surely isn’t new to you

  • Overfitting

  • Supervised and unsupervised models

  • The “No Free Lunch” theorem

  • Variance vs bias tradeoff

  • Data driven vs experience driven

8.23 Sparklyr basics reminder

  • spark_ for Spark stuff: reading data, configurations etc.

  • sdf_ Functions for working with Spark DataFrames, ex. sdf_nrow()

  • ft_ for feature transformers <<

  • ml_ for ML functions, pipelines, classifiers

  • dplyr verbs, most of which can be used on Spark DataFrames

8.24 There are generally two ways that we can do feature engineering with sparklyr.

  • As feature transformers with ft_-functions
  • Or with dplyr (SQL-transformations)

8.24.1 ExcerciseBut first let’s clean our data set a bit

  • Remove the columns with more than 50% missing values
  • Remove the corresponding columns that indicate missing values
  • Make use of select() and combine with the help function contains()
  • Save your data-set with sdf_register()
## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 25]
##   monthly_data_us… bundle_size avg_monthly_dat… number_of_events
##              <dbl> <chr>                  <dbl>            <int>
## 1          32769.  9999                  85776.                0
## 2           2141.  15                     1902.               92
## 3           7586.  8                      1937.                1
## 4              2.9 1                       576.                0
## 5            148.  5                       828.                0
## 6             33.8 3                      2833.                0
## # … with 21 more variables: su_subs_age <int>, cpe_type <chr>,
## #   cpe_model <chr>, cpe_model_days_in_net <int>, cpe_net_type_cmpt <chr>,
## #   pc_priceplan_nm <chr>, days_with_price_plan <int>,
## #   days_with_data_bucket <int>, days_with_contract <int>,
## #   days_since_cstatus_act <int>, current_price_plan <chr>,
## #   count_price_plans <int>, days_since_price_plan_launch <int>,
## #   hardware_age <int>, days_since_last_hardware_change <int>,
## #   slask_data <int>, slask_sms <int>, slask_minutes <int>,
## #   weekend_data_usage_by_hour <chr>, weekdays_data_usage_by_hour <chr>,
## #   label <int>

8.25 Feature transformers

There are lot’s of different feature transformers for feature engineering

  • Imputations
  • String indexing
  • String manipulation such as tokenization, hashing etc.
  • Scaling/normalizing
  • Binning continuoues variables to categories
  • And more…

8.26 Imputations

  • How do we replace missing values?

  • ft_imputer(input_cols, output_cols, strategy = "mean")

  • Mean or median

8.27 How do we impute missing values for categorical variables?

  • Any ideas?

8.28 Excerices

  • Create imputations for your numerical columns that has missing values, what strategy do you use?
  • Make sure you mutate_at() them to be numerical before using ft_imputer()
## # A tibble: 29 x 3
##    variable               count_na  perc_na
##    <chr>                     <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 monthly_data_usage            0 0       
##  2 bundle_size                   0 0       
##  3 avg_monthly_data_usage        0 0       
##  4 number_of_events              0 0       
##  5 su_subs_age                  79 0.000416
##  6 cpe_type                    575 0.00303 
##  7 cpe_model                   175 0.000922
##  8 cpe_model_days_in_net       863 0.00455 
##  9 cpe_net_type_cmpt          3091 0.0163  
## 10 pc_priceplan_nm               0 0       
## # … with 19 more rows

8.29 How to handle categories

  • Dummy variables or one hot encoding

  • Dummy variables are created when you run a model

## Formula: churn ~ .
## Coefficients:
##                              (Intercept) 
##                            -1.5386100263 
##                            gender_Female 
##                             0.0826419074 
##                           senior_citizen 
##                             0.1878384333 
##                               partner_No 
##                            -0.0056405447 
##                            dependents_No 
##                             0.2261885628 
##                                   tenure 
##                            -0.0629009464 
##                        phone_service_Yes 
##                             0.0708491735 
##                        multiple_lines_No 
##                            -0.2052677875 
##                       multiple_lines_Yes 
##                             0.2349775363 
##             internet_service_Fiber optic 
##                             1.0848003244 
##                     internet_service_DSL 
##                            -0.3968966089 
##                       online_security_No 
##                             0.5097397872 
##                      online_security_Yes 
##                             0.2482698691 
##                         online_backup_No 
##                             0.3949884255 
##                        online_backup_Yes 
##                             0.3591913570 
##                     device_protection_No 
##                             0.3322126613 
##                    device_protection_Yes 
##                             0.4278876415 
##                          tech_support_No 
##                             0.5097214542 
##                         tech_support_Yes 
##                             0.2481167988 
##                          streaming_tv_No 
##                             0.1430657372 
##                         streaming_tv_Yes 
##                             0.6099709328 
##                      streaming_movies_No 
##                             0.1187710844 
##                     streaming_movies_Yes 
##                             0.6351014596 
##                  contract_Month-to-month 
##                             0.7370993683 
##                        contract_Two year 
##                            -0.5123167717 
##                    paperless_billing_Yes 
##                             0.3141614316 
##          payment_method_Electronic check 
##                             0.3234089441 
##              payment_method_Mailed check 
##                            -0.0263000024 
## payment_method_Bank transfer (automatic) 
##                             0.0718597067 
##                          monthly_charges 
##                            -0.0309630423 
##                            total_charges 
##                             0.0001766649 
##                        total_charges_imp 
##                             0.0001766649

8.31 You can use ft_string_indexer and ft_one_hot_encoder_estimator to create them manually

## Formula: churn ~ .
## Coefficients:
##                                 (Intercept) 
##                                -1.603118097 
##                               gender_Female 
##                                 0.082987267 
##                              senior_citizen 
##                                 0.184810716 
##                                  partner_No 
##                                -0.001895329 
##                               dependents_No 
##                                 0.235572876 
##                                      tenure 
##                                -0.060119785 
##                           phone_service_Yes 
##                                 0.083850527 
##                           multiple_lines_No 
##                                -0.201981904 
##                          multiple_lines_Yes 
##                                 0.236281969 
##                internet_service_Fiber optic 
##                                 1.092155726 
##                        internet_service_DSL 
##                                -0.399614620 
##                          online_security_No 
##                                 0.511871755 
##                         online_security_Yes 
##                                 0.250793359 
##                            online_backup_No 
##                                 0.397095604 
##                           online_backup_Yes 
##                                 0.361723256 
##                        device_protection_No 
##                                 0.334111082 
##                       device_protection_Yes 
##                                 0.430620204 
##                             tech_support_No 
##                                 0.510528075 
##                            tech_support_Yes 
##                                 0.252259533 
##                             streaming_tv_No 
##                                 0.144565189 
##                            streaming_tv_Yes 
##                                 0.613036501 
##                         streaming_movies_No 
##                                 0.116703866 
##                        streaming_movies_Yes 
##                                 0.642089075 
##                     contract_Month-to-month 
##                                 0.747204224 
##                           contract_Two year 
##                                -0.552806498 
##                       paperless_billing_Yes 
##                                 0.313090837 
##                             monthly_charges 
##                                -0.030860312 
##                           total_charges_imp 
##                                 0.000326014 
##          payment_method_oh_Electronic check 
##                                 0.324207797 
##              payment_method_oh_Mailed check 
##                                -0.024251998 
## payment_method_oh_Bank transfer (automatic) 
##                                 0.069876058

8.32 But what about when they are not evenly distributed?

  • To include all these categories may cause trouble

  • There’s a risk some cateogry may be in test data but not in train data and vice versa

  • One way to solve this is by simply creating one dummy for the largest one

8.32.1 Excercise

  • Take a look at you categorical variables, if you would use them in a model? How would you categorize them?

  • Feature engineer your categorical variables

8.34 Feature hashing

  • A technique common in database querys

  • A way to store many categories and reduce them by using a hash function

## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 2]
##   cpe_model_new           cpe_model_hash
##   <chr>                   <list>        
## 1 HUAWEI B525S-23A        <dbl [100]>   
## 2 APPLE IPHONE 6S (A1688) <dbl [100]>   
## 3 APPLE IPHONE 6S (A1688) <dbl [100]>   
## 4 NOKIA 206.1             <dbl [100]>   
## 5 APPLE IPHONE 8 (A1905)  <dbl [100]>   
## 6 APPLE IPHONE 6 (A1586)  <dbl [100]>

8.35 A word of caution

  • What are we trying to capture in the cpe_model is the property of phone type

  • Are there other variables that more precisely capture what we’re looking for?

  • Sometimes feature engineering may be asking for more data

8.36 Numerical transformations

  • Trick question - what distribution is this?
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (position_stack).

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (position_stack).

## Warning: Missing values are always removed in SQL.
## Use `MAX(x, na.rm = TRUE)` to silence this warning
## This warning is displayed only once per session.
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (position_stack).

8.36.1 Excercise

  • Take a look at the numerical columns in your EDA, can you think of a suitable transformation of them?

  • Transform the columns you think should be transformed

8.37 Rescaling

  • ft_standard_scaler()
  • ft_min_max_scaler()
  • ft_max_abs_scaler()
  • ft_normalizer()

8.38 Rescaling can improve some models

  • But it is in unsupervised techniques such as kmeans and principal componant analysis where it’s most important

8.39 Before applying a scale function you need to assemble your vector

## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 3]
##   total_charges_imp monthly_charges charges_scaled
##               <dbl>           <dbl> <list>        
## 1              593.            65.6 <dbl [2]>     
## 2              267.            83.9 <dbl [2]>     
## 3              571.            69.4 <dbl [2]>     
## 4             7904.           110.  <dbl [2]>     
## 5             5378.            84.6 <dbl [2]>     
## 6             5958.            90.4 <dbl [2]>

8.40 You can also scale with dplyr

## Warning: Missing values are always removed in SQL.
## Use `MAX(x, na.rm = TRUE)` to silence this warning
## This warning is displayed only once per session.
## Warning: Missing values are always removed in SQL.
## Use `MIN(x, na.rm = TRUE)` to silence this warning
## This warning is displayed only once per session.

8.40.1 Excercise

  • Scale some of your columns using on of the scale functions
## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 32]
##   monthly_data_us… bundle_size avg_monthly_dat… number_of_events
##              <dbl> <chr>                  <dbl>            <int>
## 1          32769.  9999                  85776.                0
## 2           2141.  15                     1902.               92
## 3           7586.  8                      1937.                1
## 4              2.9 1                       576.                0
## 5            148.  5                       828.                0
## 6             33.8 3                      2833.                0
## # … with 28 more variables: su_subs_age <dbl>, cpe_type <chr>,
## #   cpe_model <chr>, cpe_model_days_in_net <dbl>, cpe_net_type_cmpt <chr>,
## #   pc_priceplan_nm <chr>, days_with_price_plan <int>,
## #   days_with_data_bucket <int>, days_with_contract <int>,
## #   days_since_cstatus_act <dbl>, current_price_plan <chr>,
## #   count_price_plans <int>, days_since_price_plan_launch <int>,
## #   hardware_age <dbl>, days_since_last_hardware_change <int>,
## #   slask_data <int>, slask_sms <int>, slask_minutes <int>,
## #   weekend_data_usage_by_hour <chr>, weekdays_data_usage_by_hour <chr>,
## #   label <int>, su_subs_age_imp <dbl>, hardware_age_imp <dbl>,
## #   days_since_cstatus_act_imp <dbl>, cpe_model_days_in_net_imp <dbl>,
## #   cpe_model_new <chr>, ft <list>, ft_scaled <list>

8.41 Bucketizing

  • Create categories out of numerical data.

  • ft_bucketizer let’s you create categories where you define your splits.

  • Can be useful when a continuoues column doesn’t make sense, for example with age.

## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 2]
##   tenure tenure_bucket
##    <int>         <dbl>
## 1      9             0
## 2      3             0
## 3      9             0
## 4     71             3
## 5     63             3
## 6     65             3
## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 2]
##   tenure tenure_bucket
##    <int>         <dbl>
## 1      9             1
## 2      3             0
## 3      9             1
## 4     71             4
## 5     63             4
## 6     65             4

8.41.1 Excercise

  • Which of your numeric variables would make sense to bucketize?

  • Bucketize at least one of your numerical variables - which strategy do you use?

8.42 Dimensionality reduction

  • The curse of dimentionality

  • Principal component analysis

  • Kmeans clustering or other clustering algorithms.

8.43 PCA

## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 6]
##   total_charges_i… monthly_charges charges_as charges_scaled charges_pca
##              <dbl>           <dbl> <list>     <list>         <list>     
## 1             593.            65.6 <dbl [2]>  <dbl [2]>      <dbl [2]>  
## 2             267.            83.9 <dbl [2]>  <dbl [2]>      <dbl [2]>  
## 3             571.            69.4 <dbl [2]>  <dbl [2]>      <dbl [2]>  
## 4            7904.           110.  <dbl [2]>  <dbl [2]>      <dbl [2]>  
## 5            5378.            84.6 <dbl [2]>  <dbl [2]>      <dbl [2]>  
## 6            5958.            90.4 <dbl [2]>  <dbl [2]>      <dbl [2]>  
## # … with 1 more variable: charges_pca_one <list>

8.45 Last excercise

  • Gather all your feature engineering into one script
  • Perform them and register them as a new spark data.frame

8.46 Modelling with sparklyr

  • Sparklyr focues on machine learning/predicitve modelling rather than statistical inference

  • Supports a wide range of ML-algorithms

  • Is an API to the Apache Spark MLib (there are also great API’s for Scala and Python)

  • We will focus on functionality rather than specific algorithms

8.47 ml_ functions

  • You have seen them during the workshop
## Re-using existing Spark connection to local
## # Source: spark<telco_data> [?? x 21]
##    customer_id gender senior_citizen partner dependents tenure
##    <chr>       <chr>           <int> <chr>   <chr>       <int>
##  1 7590-VHVEG  Female              0 Yes     No              1
##  2 5575-GNVDE  Male                0 No      No             34
##  3 3668-QPYBK  Male                0 No      No              2
##  4 7795-CFOCW  Male                0 No      No             45
##  5 9237-HQITU  Female              0 No      No              2
##  6 9305-CDSKC  Female              0 No      No              8
##  7 1452-KIOVK  Male                0 No      Yes            22
##  8 6713-OKOMC  Female              0 No      No             10
##  9 7892-POOKP  Female              0 Yes     No             28
## 10 6388-TABGU  Male                0 No      Yes            62
## # … with more rows, and 15 more variables: phone_service <chr>,
## #   multiple_lines <chr>, internet_service <chr>, online_security <chr>,
## #   online_backup <chr>, device_protection <chr>, tech_support <chr>,
## #   streaming_tv <chr>, streaming_movies <chr>, contract <chr>,
## #   paperless_billing <chr>, payment_method <chr>, monthly_charges <dbl>,
## #   total_charges <chr>, churn <chr>

8.49 Fitting models

  • Using the ml_ functions fitting a model is easy

  • Take a moment just to glance through the list of models available by typing ml_

8.51 Evaluating the model

## [1] 0.8544172
## [1] 0.8080556
## [1] 0.46014735 0.09470617
## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 2]
##    threshold recall
##        <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1     0.942 0.0328
##  2     0.866 0.0643
##  3     0.843 0.104 
##  4     0.811 0.136 
##  5     0.789 0.165 
##  6     0.764 0.195 
##  7     0.745 0.217 
##  8     0.730 0.244 
##  9     0.705 0.267 
## 10     0.688 0.291 
## # … with more rows

8.51.1 Excercise

  • Fit a logistic regression on your training data set
  • Which columns do include/exclude? Keep in mind your EDA
  • What kind of accuracy measurement do you use?
  • Plot roc and recall
## # Source: spark<ml_data> [?? x 36]
##    ar_key ssn   monthly_data_us… bundle_size avg_monthly_dat…
##    <chr>  <chr>            <dbl> <chr>                  <dbl>
##  1 AAEBf… AAEB…            838   20                    6504. 
##  2 AAEBf… AAEB…            268.  1                      677. 
##  3 AAEBf… AAEB…            233.  1                      576. 
##  4 AAEBf… AAEB…           1105.  5                      828. 
##  5 AAEBf… AAEB…              3.7 5                     2035. 
##  6 AAEBf… AAEB…            721.  5                      741. 
##  7 AAEBf… AAEB…              0   5                      180. 
##  8 AAEBf… AAEB…            565.  5                      585. 
##  9 AAEBf… AAEB…          50457.  9999                 31256. 
## 10 AAEBf… AAEB…             10.7 0.5                     37.4
## # … with more rows, and 31 more variables:
## #   days_till_installment_end <int>, number_of_events <int>,
## #   su_subs_age <int>, cpe_type <chr>, cpe_model <chr>,
## #   cpe_model_days_in_net <int>, cpe_net_type_cmpt <chr>,
## #   pc_priceplan_nm <chr>, days_with_price_plan <int>,
## #   days_with_data_bucket <int>, days_with_contract <int>,
## #   days_since_cstatus_act <int>, current_price_plan <chr>,
## #   count_price_plans <int>, days_since_last_price_plan_change <int>,
## #   days_since_price_plan_launch <int>, hardware_age <int>,
## #   days_since_last_hardware_change <int>, slask_data <int>,
## #   slask_sms <int>, slask_minutes <int>,
## #   weekend_data_usage_by_hour <chr>, weekdays_data_usage_by_hour <chr>,
## #   label <int>, days_till_installment_end_missing <int>,
## #   su_subs_age_missing <int>, cpe_model_days_in_net_missing <int>,
## #   days_since_cstatus_act_missing <int>, days_to_migration_missing <int>,
## #   days_since_last_price_plan_change_missing <int>,
## #   hardware_age_missing <int>
## [1] 0.611234

## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 2]
##    threshold recall
##        <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1    0.838  0.0177
##  2    0.0367 0.0356
##  3    0.0348 0.0514
##  4    0.0338 0.0667
##  5    0.0332 0.0799
##  6    0.0326 0.0960
##  7    0.0321 0.108 
##  8    0.0317 0.121 
##  9    0.0312 0.137 
## 10    0.0307 0.150 
## # … with more rows

8.52 Evaluating the model

  • Just try it on test data!

8.53 With this method there is a risk of overfitting

  • One alternative method is K-fold Cross Validation

  • Split the training data into K overlapping folds (subsets)

  • Train model on K different folds is more robust

8.54 There are different methods for cross validation

  • Depends on how much detail you want

  • The first and easiset is the in built method

  • The second is to write it yourself, which we will not cover in detail but I will provide some useful links

8.55 Inbuilt function

  • Requires a ml-pipeline

8.56 What the hell is an ml pipeline?

  • It is the true power of Spark

  • Once you fit a model with, e.g. ml_logistic_regression() a pipeline is created under the hood

  • They are a way to simplify you modelling and streamline the process

  • They are also unbearable for data engineers who can take your pipeline and put it into production

  • However, they differ from other modelling techniques in R

8.57 Pipeline vs pipeline model

  • Pipeline is just a sequence of tranformers and estimators
  • Pipeline model is a pipeline that has been trained

8.58 Create pipeline estimator

  • Easy with ml_pipeline()
## Pipeline (Estimator) with 1 stage
## <pipeline_2df7344fb657> 
##   Stages 
##   |--1 StandardScaler (Estimator)
##   |    <standard_scaler_2df75d4c2495> 
##   |     (Parameters -- Column Names)
##   |      input_col: features
##   |      output_col: features_scaled
##   |     (Parameters)
##   |      with_mean: TRUE
##   |      with_std: TRUE

8.59 Create pipeline transformer

## PipelineModel (Transformer) with 1 stage
## <pipeline_2df7344fb657> 
##   Stages 
##   |--1 StandardScalerModel (Transformer)
##   |    <standard_scaler_2df75d4c2495> 
##   |     (Parameters -- Column Names)
##   |      input_col: features
##   |      output_col: features_scaled
##   |     (Transformer Info)
##   |      mean:  num -0.000527 
##   |      std:  num 1

8.60 Creating a model pipeline

  • With the old faithful r-formula
## Pipeline (Estimator) with 2 stages
## <pipeline_2df7768f1d71> 
##   Stages 
##   |--1 RFormula (Estimator)
##   |    <r_formula_2df72dd62286> 
##   |     (Parameters -- Column Names)
##   |      features_col: features
##   |      label_col: label
##   |     (Parameters)
##   |      force_index_label: FALSE
##   |      formula: churn ~ total_charges_log + monthly_charges_log + senior_citizen + partner + tenure + phone_service + multiple_lines + internet_service + online_security + online_backup + device_protection + tech_support + streaming_tv + streaming_movies + contract + paperless_billing + payment_method
##   |      handle_invalid: error
##   |      stringIndexerOrderType: frequencyDesc
##   |--2 LogisticRegression (Estimator)
##   |    <logistic_regression_2df74574a2ec> 
##   |     (Parameters -- Column Names)
##   |      features_col: features
##   |      label_col: label
##   |      prediction_col: prediction
##   |      probability_col: probability
##   |      raw_prediction_col: rawPrediction
##   |     (Parameters)
##   |      aggregation_depth: 2
##   |      elastic_net_param: 0
##   |      family: auto
##   |      fit_intercept: TRUE
##   |      max_iter: 100
##   |      reg_param: 0
##   |      standardization: TRUE
##   |      threshold: 0.5
##   |      tol: 1e-06

8.61 ml_cross_validator-function

  • Main purpose is hyperparameter tuning, i.e. model selection

  • Evaluates a grid with different values

8.62 ml_cross_validator-function

## CrossValidator (Estimator)
## <cross_validator_2df729de609f> 
##  (Parameters -- Tuning)
##   estimator: Pipeline
##              <pipeline_2df7768f1d71> 
##   evaluator: BinaryClassificationEvaluator
##              <binary_classification_evaluator_2df7257ce213> 
##     with metric areaUnderPR 
##   num_folds: 10 
##   [Tuned over 1 hyperparameter set]

And evaluate

##   areaUnderPR elastic_net_param_1 reg_param_1
## 1   0.6763331                   0           0

8.62.1 Excercise

  • Make sure your feature engineered table is saved with sdf_register()

  • Instead of data use ml_pipeline(sc) as your first step, then specify your formula with ft_r_formula() and lastly apply ml_logistic_regression() and save it as a pipeline

  • Save a grid list(logistic_regression = list(elastic_net_param = 0, reg_param = 0))

  • Use the inbuilt Cross Validation function to train your model on 5 folds

  • What metric do you use to evaluate the model? Check ?ml_binary_classification_evaluator() to see what metrics are available.

  • How does this result differ from your previous result?

And evaluate it:

##   areaUnderPR elastic_net_param_1 reg_param_1
## 1  0.02764648                   0           0

8.63 Other models

8.64 Train and tune a random forest

## Pipeline (Estimator) with 2 stages
## <pipeline_2df7504740cd> 
##   Stages 
##   |--1 RFormula (Estimator)
##   |    <r_formula_2df775ef7be7> 
##   |     (Parameters -- Column Names)
##   |      features_col: features
##   |      label_col: label
##   |     (Parameters)
##   |      force_index_label: FALSE
##   |      formula: churn ~ log_charges + senior_citizen + partner + tenure + phone_service + multiple_lines + internet_service + online_security + online_backup + device_protection + tech_support + streaming_tv + streaming_movies + contract + paperless_billing + payment_method
##   |      handle_invalid: error
##   |      stringIndexerOrderType: frequencyDesc
##   |--2 RandomForestClassifier (Estimator)
##   |    <random_forest_classifier_2df73dafb72e> 
##   |     (Parameters -- Column Names)
##   |      features_col: features
##   |      label_col: label
##   |      prediction_col: prediction
##   |      probability_col: probability
##   |      raw_prediction_col: rawPrediction
##   |     (Parameters)
##   |      cache_node_ids: FALSE
##   |      checkpoint_interval: 10
##   |      feature_subset_strategy: auto
##   |      impurity: gini
##   |      max_bins: 32
##   |      max_depth: 5
##   |      max_memory_in_mb: 256
##   |      min_info_gain: 0
##   |      min_instances_per_node: 1
##   |      num_trees: 20
##   |      seed: 207336481
##   |      subsampling_rate: 1
##   areaUnderPR impurity_1 num_trees_1
## 1   0.6485323       gini          60
## 2   0.6488818       gini         100
## 3   0.6479653       gini         150
## 4   0.6513677       gini         200
## 5   0.6475676       gini         500

8.66 Feature importance

## [1] 0.8517093
## [1] 0.8520151

8.67 How to handle imbalance?

  • Three common techniques:

  • Oversampling

  • Undersampling

  • Create synthetic new observations

8.68 Undersampling

## Warning: Missing values are always removed in SQL.
## Use `SUM(x, na.rm = TRUE)` to silence this warning
## This warning is displayed only once per session.
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   churn     n  freq
##   <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 No     4118 0.734
## 2 Yes    1493 0.266
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   churn     n  freq
##   <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 No     1505 0.502
## 2 Yes    1493 0.498
## [1] 0.8497889
## [1] 0.8498909

8.70 Feature selection using cross validation

8.71 Feature selection using cross validation

## Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will replace the existing one.

8.72 What about production?

  • Okey, so you have built a random forest model that you want to implement

  • You send it to an implementation engineer and ask when you can have it in production

  • In about 3 months because I have to write 500 if-else statements

  • With spark there are two main ways to put them in production:

  • Batch processing, i.e. scoring a number of rows at the same time

  • Real time predictions using an API

8.73 Batch processing

  • You just need some computer/server to host the scheduling of a R-script

  • Or an environment that administrates the clusters, e.g. Databricks, Zeppelin

8.74 Real time predictions using an API

  • APIs (application programming interfaces)

8.76 Usually you use an implementation engineer

  • Either way you will have to save your model

8.77 Saving your model

  • Save the whole pipeline

8.79 Searching for help on spark and sparklyr