Chapter 6 Post-Harvest

6.1 Where does the seafood go?

Seafood landed in Santa Barbara is transported to processors, wholesalers, and restaurants all over California, and beyond.

  • Historically, over 80 percent of seafood landed in Santa Barbara has been purchased by buyers outside of Santa Barbara County. This can be caused by inadequate post-harvest infrustructure (processing facilities, cold storage, etc…). A great majority of this seafood was exported to Los Angeles County.

  • Recently, the trend has switched; more seafood landed in Santa Barbara is staying in Santa Barbara. This means that the economic benefit of the post harvest seafood supply chain is being captured to a greater extent, locally.

Destination of Commercial Seafood Landings, by County

Destination of Catch, by Proportion of Volume Landed

Destination of Catch, by Proportion of Ex-Vessel Value

6.2 Other Seafood Industries