Part I: The Search for Certainty in Science

In Part I of the book, subsequently revised and published in the Esoteric Quarterly, the author articulates that our contemporary understanding of science is largely rooted in an objective, empirical approach that emphasizes observation and experimentation. He argues, however, that this traditional approach is inadequate for comprehending the full breadth and depth of reality. Our current scientific method, he suggests, falls short in accounting for subjective experiences and the inner dimensions of consciousness.

The author proposes a redefined scientific method, one that incorporates psychocentric principles. This psychocentric perspective places consciousness at the center of our understanding of reality, recognizing it as an essential component in the scientific inquiry.

By integrating this psychocentric approach into scientific methodology, the author posits we can better comprehend phenomena that remain elusive under the traditional empirical paradigm. Such a shift, he believes, will allow us to explore deeper meanings and pursue truth more effectively.

In conclusion, the author’s work invites us to reconsider our prevalent scientific methodologies, advocating for a more inclusive approach that acknowledges both the outer and inner dimensions of existence. He underscores the need for a science that embraces the richness of human experience and consciousness, offering fertile ground for philosophical reflection and logical reasoning.

0.1 Chapter 1: Methodological Limitations

Our understanding of the world and the universe at large is predominantly shaped by science, a discipline that prides itself on its empirical approach and objective methodology. However, this widespread reliance on observable and quantifiable data has inadvertently led to a narrow perspective that often overlooks the subjective and qualitative aspects of existence.

The traditional scientific method, with its emphasis on observation, experimentation, and falsifiability, has undoubtedly propelled our technological and societal progress. Yet, it falls short in addressing the complexities and subtleties of human experience, consciousness, and the spiritual dimensions of reality.

This oversight is not a mere academic concern. It affects our worldview and how we perceive our place in the universe. As we continue to push the boundaries of knowledge, we must recognize these methodological limitations and seek a more holistic approach that incorporates both the objective and subjective realms.

0.2 Chapter 2: On Causation

Central to the scientific method is the concept of causation – the idea that every event or phenomenon can be traced back to a cause or a set of causes. This deterministic view underlies much of our scientific inquiry, providing a logical framework to understand and predict the workings of the universe.

However, causation is not as straightforward as it may seem. While it offers a convenient explanation for physical phenomena, it grapples with the complexities of consciousness, free will, and the inner dimensions of existence. The deterministic model fails to account for these intricacies, revealing another gap in our scientific understanding.

We need to revisit our understanding of causation, acknowledging its limitations and exploring alternative perspectives. This reconsideration might lead us towards a more nuanced understanding of the universe, where causation is just one aspect of a multifaceted reality.

0.3 Chapter 3: The Soul’s Certainty Principle

In our quest for certainty, we often overlook a crucial source of knowledge – the soul. The soul, according to psychocentric principles, is not just a metaphysical concept but an essential component of our being. It offers a different kind of certainty, one that transcends empirical data and logical reasoning.

The Soul’s Certainty Principle suggests that our deepest truths are not found in external observations but within our inner consciousness. This subjective certainty, often dismissed by traditional science, provides us with profound insights into the nature of reality.

At the heart of the Soul’s Certainty Principle lies a simple yet profound equation:

\[\begin{equation} HV=1 \end{equation}\]

In this equation, H symbolizes the “objective” world, constrained by the limitations of three-dimensional space and sequential time. V, on the other hand, represents the perceiving consciousness of the scientist, which is required to complete a multi-dimensional approach to causation.

The essence of the Soul’s Certainty Principle is encapsulated in the following statement: “The uncertainty of knowledge decreases as the scientist’s scope of consciousness increases.” This suggests that our understanding of reality is not merely a function of objective observation and data collection. Instead, it is intrinsically linked to our subjective consciousness, our ability to perceive and comprehend the world around us.

The equation H*V=1 corresponds to a rectangular hyperbola. A curve that represents a constant product of two variables, an alteration in one variable proportionally affects the other to maintain the constant product.

Turning our attention to the statement “The uncertainty of knowledge decreases as the scientist’s scope of consciousness increases,” we see that if we were to plot this statement on a graph, with the ‘uncertainty of knowledge’ as the horizontal axis (H) and the ‘scope of consciousness’ as the vertical axis (V), it would trace the form of a rectangular hyperbola. As ‘H’ reduces, indicating a decrease in uncertainty, ‘V’ must correspondingly rise, showing an expansion in consciousness, to keep the product steadfast at 1. This is the core characteristic of a rectangular hyperbola.

Consider the transpersonal soul as the evolving consciousness, the protagonist of our narrative. As this consciousness, represented by ‘V’, deepens its union with the outer reality of the non-self, represented by ‘H’, we inch closer to a state of unity or identification (1=1). This constant relationship, this “soul’s constant”, is the One (1). It mirrors the relationship in a rectangular hyperbola, where a delicate balance is maintained between the two variables to uphold the constant relationship.

This equation can be seen as a profound metaphor for the journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. As consciousness expands, uncertainty reduces, leading us towards a profound experience of unity, where the scientist’s consciousness can directly cognize the soul’s experience of union through identification. The path to this understanding is not a straight line but rather a curve, a dance between knowledge and consciousness that ultimately leads to unity.

In summary, by acknowledging the Soul’s Certainty Principle, we can bridge the gap between the objective and subjective realms, embracing a more comprehensive approach to understanding the universe. This perspective allows us to explore deeper meanings and pursue truth more effectively, paving the way for a more inclusive and holistic science.

No matter what spiritual path you take or how far your journey takes you, the equation of “V + H = 1” serves as a reminder that knowledge is truly intertwined with consciousness. It encourages us to stay open-minded and explore beyond our pre-existing ideas, always striving for a greater understanding of the world around us. Ultimately, it is only through this humility that we can truly gain a deeper grasp of the mysteries of life.


H <- seq(0.01, 1, by = 0.01) # defining the range for H
V <- 1/H # Calculating V using the equation of the rectangular hyperbola

df <- data.frame(H, V) # Creating a data frame to hold our values

p <- ggplot(df, aes(H, V)) +
  geom_line(color = "blue") + # Our path is marked in blue, a color as deep and mysterious as the human psyche.
  labs(x = "Horizontal: Uncertainty of Knowledge", y = "Vertical: Scope of Consciousness",
       title = "The Soul's Certainty Principle: H*V=1") +
  theme_minimal() # In the spirit of Hemingway's unadorned prose, we opt for a minimalistic theme.


Rectangular Hyperbola

The term “rectangular hyperbola” might initially seem a bit paradoxical. After all, how can a curve, which by definition lacks straight lines and right angles, be described as rectangular?

The answer lies not in the shape of the curve itself, but in the relationship it forms with its asymptotes, the two lines that the hyperbola approaches but never intersects.

In a rectangular hyperbola, the angle between these two asymptotes is always 90 degrees, forming a perfect right angle or a ‘rectangle’. This is why we call it a ‘rectangular’ hyperbola. It’s not about the shape of the curve itself, but rather the geometric relationship it maintains with its asymptotes.

Indeed, the asymptotes generated by the hyperbola equation do underscore the stark truth that on a multiplicative scale, the reciprocal of any number is always an asymptote of zero or infinity. It’s a simple yet profound reflection of the universal principles that govern our existence.

The complexity of the general hyperbola equation can be seen as an emblem of the uncertainty and complexity that often cloud our understanding in the orthodox scientific method. It’s a testament to the intricate dance between variables, each influencing the other in ways that can be challenging to predict or comprehend.

Yet, when we turn our gaze to the equation for the Soul’s Certainty Principle, we find ourselves in the realm of beautiful simplicity. As we draw closer to the reality of the Soul, the layers of complexity begin to peel away, revealing a reality that is as elegant as it is simple. In this state, the equation H*V=1 becomes a symbol of unity, a beacon guiding us towards the ultimate truth.

So, as we approach the reality of the Soul, complexity does indeed cancel out, and reality simplifies. It’s a journey from the multitude to the one, from the complex to the simple, from the uncertain to the certain. And like any great journey, it’s one that brings us closer to the truth of who we are and the universe we inhabit.

An “hyperbole,” in the literary sense, refers to an exaggerated statement or claim not meant to be taken literally. In contrast, a “hyperbola,” in the scientific, mathematical, and geometric sense, is a term that describes a particular type of curve.

The term “hyperbola,” as coined by Apollonius of Perga, was inspired by the ancient Greek method of ‘exhaustion,’ a precursor to our modern integral calculus. This method involved approximating the area of a shape by inscribing within it a sequence of polygons whose areas converge to the area of the containing shape. In this context, the ‘hyperbole’ or ‘excess’ represented the small area left over when the inscribed polygon failed to fully cover the shape.

In this sense, the hyperbola serves as a metaphor for our ceaseless pursuit of knowledge, a quest that continually pushes us beyond the boundaries of our current understanding into ever-expanding realms of discovery.

When we think of π, we often round it to 3.14 for simplicity. However, this understates its true nature. In reality, π is an irrational number that continues indefinitely without repetition or pattern: 3.14159265358979323846… and so forth. This infinite “residual” beyond the decimal point, represented by the digits you mentioned (0.1416…), is a testament to the inherent intricacy and unpredictability of our universe.

Much like the hyperbola, which symbolizes an ‘excess’ or a ‘throwing beyond’ a measured area, the infinite decimal expansion of π represents a residual that goes beyond the simple ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. It’s a reminder that even in the most fundamental aspects of mathematics and nature, there exists a depth and complexity that challenges our understanding.