Chapter 5 Matrix Diagonalization

At-one-ment: “Harmony, produced through conflict, is the attribute latent in all forms and is that innate urge or discontent which leads man to struggle and progress and evolve in order finally to make atonement and union with his soul.” - Pythagora’s School of Initiation

5.1 Concept explanation

Matrix diagonalization is a powerful concept in linear algebra that simplifies the process of working with complex matrices. At its core, diagonalization transforms a given square matrix into a diagonal matrix, which is much easier to analyze and compute.

5.2 Purpose of Diagonalization

The main goal of diagonalization is to simplify matrix operations. Diagonal matrices are straightforward to work with because their non-diagonal elements are zero, making calculations like powers and determinants easy to perform. This simplification is particularly useful in solving systems of linear equations, analyzing differential equations, and performing various computations in applied mathematics and engineering.

5.3 Conditions for Diagonalization

Not every matrix can be diagonalized. A matrix can be diagonalized if and only if it has enough linearly independent eigenvectors to form a basis for its vector space. Simply put, a matrix is diagonalizable if it has distinct eigenvalues or, if it has repeated eigenvalues, it still has enough independent eigenvectors to match its dimensionality.

5.4 Matrices and Vectors

Each eigenvector has a corresponding unique eigenvalue. For operational convenience, especially in computations and theoretical work, eigenvectors are often grouped into a matrix, and eigenvalues are collected into a vector or a diagonal matrix. This organization helps in simplifying matrix equations and transformations.

Transforming an eigenvalue vector into an eigenvalue matrix involves creating a diagonal matrix where the eigenvalues from the vector are placed along the main diagonal, and all off-diagonal elements are zero. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Start with the Eigenvalue Vector: Suppose you have an eigenvalue vector λ=[λ1,λ2,,λn].

  2. Create a Diagonal Matrix: Construct a diagonal matrix Λ where each eigenvalue λi from the vector is placed on the diagonal. The matrix will look like this:


  3. Zero Off-Diagonal Elements: Ensure that all off-diagonal elements are zero, which is characteristic of a diagonal matrix.

This diagonal matrix Λ is often used in the process of diagonalizing a matrix, where it represents the scaling factors associated with each eigenvector in the eigenvector matrix.

5.5 Mathematical Process:

  1. Find Eigenvalues: Determine the eigenvalues (λ) of the matrix A by solving the characteristic equation det, where I is the identity matrix.

  2. Find Eigenvectors: For each eigenvalue, find the corresponding eigenvectors by solving (A - \lambda I)x = 0.

  3. Form Matrices: Arrange the eigenvectors as columns in a matrix V and the eigenvalues along the diagonal in a matrix \Lambda.

  4. Construct the Diagonalization: If A is diagonalizable, you can express it as A = V\Lambda V^{-1}, where V^{-1} is the inverse of the matrix V.

The transformation of the original matrix A using its eigenvectors and eigenvalues is a key part of the diagonalization process. Recapitulating:

  1. Eigenvector Matrix V: Construct a matrix V where each column is an eigenvector of A.

  2. Diagonal Matrix \Lambda: Create a diagonal matrix \Lambda where the diagonal elements are the eigenvalues corresponding to the eigenvectors in V.

  3. Diagonalization: If A can be diagonalized, it can be expressed as:

    A = V \times \Lambda \times V^{-1}


    • V is the eigenvector matrix.
    • \Lambda is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.
    • V^{-1} is the inverse of the eigenvector matrix.

This equation shows that the original matrix A is similar to the diagonal matrix \Lambda, meaning they represent the same linear transformation but in different bases. The matrix V transforms the basis of A to one where the transformation is simply scaling by the eigenvalues, making computations like matrix powers and exponentials much easier.

5.6 Significance of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors:

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are central to the diagonalization process. The eigenvalues determine the entries of the diagonal matrix, while the eigenvectors form the columns of the matrix V. This transformation reflects how the original matrix A can be simplified, highlighting the intrinsic properties of A.

5.7 Practical Applications:

Diagonalization is used extensively in various fields. In quantum mechanics, it helps solve the Schrödinger equation. In statistics, it’s used in Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce dimensionality. In engineering, diagonalization aids in analyzing system dynamics and electrical circuits.

Overall, matrix diagonalization is a crucial technique that transforms complex problems into more manageable forms, leveraging the fundamental properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

When a square matrix is diagonalized, the resulting diagonal matrix has non-zero elements only on its main diagonal, with all off-diagonal elements being zero. This configuration can be thought of as forming two triangular regions of zeros within the matrix:

Upper Triangle of Zeros: Above the main diagonal. Lower Triangle of Zeros: Below the main diagonal.

In the case of a square matrix, these two triangular regions are indeed isosceles right triangles if you consider the matrix as a grid. Each “triangle” has equal numbers of rows and columns of zeros, reflecting the symmetry of the matrix about its diagonal. This is a geometric interpretation of the structure of a diagonal matrix.

5.8 Semantics

The word “eigen” is derived from the German word “eigen,” which means “own” or “characteristic.” In the context of mathematics, particularly in linear algebra, “eigen” is used to describe certain properties of matrices.

  • Eigenvalues are the “characteristic values” of a matrix, representing the factors by which the eigenvectors are scaled during a linear transformation.
  • Eigenvectors are the “characteristic vectors” that remain in the same direction (though possibly scaled) after a linear transformation is applied. Eigenvectors are vectors that, when multiplied by a matrix, result in a scaled version of themselves. This scaling factor is known as the eigenvalue.

In the statement “a scaled version of themselves,” “themselves” refers to the eigenvectors, not the original matrix A or the eigenvector matrix V.

When we say that an eigenvector is scaled, it means that when the matrix A multiplies an eigenvector v, the result is the eigenvector v multiplied by a scalar (the eigenvalue \lambda). Mathematically, this is expressed as:

A \times v = \lambda \times v

Here, v is the eigenvector, and \lambda is the eigenvalue. The eigenvector v remains in the same direction but is scaled by the factor \lambda.

Together, eigenvalues and eigenvectors provide important insights into the behavior of linear transformations, such as rotations, scaling, and more, making them fundamental in various applications across science and engineering.