Chapter 6 The Beating Heart of Creation

6.1 Ritual of the Dynamic Cuboctahedron


This ritual celebrates the dynamic cuboctahedron (jitterbug) as a symbol of the universal heartbeat—the rhythmic expansion and contraction that mirrors the pulse of life in all atoms of creation. It connects participants to the flow of energy, unity, and transformation inherent in the cosmos.


  1. Sacred Space: Create a circular space to represent the wholeness of the universe. Place a model of the dynamic cuboctahedron (or a symbolic object) at the center.
  2. Elements of Creation: Arrange objects representing the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) around the space to honor the interconnectedness of all life.
  3. Lighting: Use a central candle or light source to symbolize the spark of life, radiating energy outward.

Steps of the Ritual

  1. Opening Invocation:

    • Begin by standing in a circle around the central cuboctahedron.
    • Chant or speak:
      “We gather to honor the pulse of creation,
      The rhythm of life that flows through all,
      Expanding, contracting, a cosmic vibration,
      The heart of the universe, we hear its call.”
  2. Breath Synchronization:

    • Participants synchronize their breathing to mimic the expansion and contraction of the cuboctahedron:
      • Inhale deeply, visualizing the cuboctahedron expanding outward, radiating energy.
      • Exhale slowly, imagining it contracting inward, condensing into a point of pure potential.
    • Repeat this cycle for several breaths, feeling the connection to the universal rhythm.
  3. Dynamic Movement:

    • If a physical model of the jitterbug is available, gently manipulate it to demonstrate its expanding and contracting motion.
    • Participants can mirror this motion with their hands or bodies, moving outward and inward in unison, symbolizing the heartbeat of creation.
  4. Transformation Chant:

    • As the group moves, chant together:
      “Expand to the stars, contract to the core,
      The pulse of creation, forevermore.
      Life in motion, atoms in play,
      The heart of the cosmos, night and day.”
  5. Reflection and Unity:

    • After the movement, sit in stillness around the cuboctahedron. Reflect on the interconnectedness of all life and the vibrational energy that unites everything.
    • Share thoughts or intentions, focusing on how the rhythm of life inspires personal growth and harmony.
  6. Closing Gesture:

    • Place hands over the heart and bow toward the center, symbolizing gratitude for the life force that flows through all.
    • Speak:
      “The heart beats on, the rhythm flows,
      In every atom, the cosmos glows.
      We honor the pulse, the sacred vibration,
      The dynamic heart of all creation.”

Optional Enhancements

  • Music: Use rhythmic drumming or a heartbeat-like sound to enhance the experience.
  • Lighting Effects: Dim and brighten lights in sync with the expansion and contraction to create a visual representation of the heartbeat.
  • Visualization: Guide participants in imagining the cuboctahedron transforming into other shapes (e.g., icosahedron, octahedron), symbolizing the infinite potential of creation.

This ritual embodies the dynamic cuboctahedron as a living, breathing symbol of the universe’s vibrational energy, connecting participants to the pulse of life that resonates in all things.

6.2 The Ritual of the Rhombicuboctahedron

Luca Pacioli

This weaving ritual honors the rhombicuboctahedron, another sacred emblem of life’s rhythm, its geometry mirroring the pulse of a heartbeat in every atom of existence. Both an expanded octahedron and cube, it is another vessel for expressing the dynamic balance of expansion and contraction, inhale and exhale, creation and dissolution. Here, the weaver becomes attuned to the primordial beat of the universe, the vibrating life force that binds all things together.


  1. Sacred Space: Begin by setting an intentional space for weaving. Arrange objects associated with the geometry of the rhombicuboctahedron. Utilize crystals such as clear quartz or fluorite, symbolizing balance and clarity. Mark a circle with twelve points to represent its 12-square faces.
  2. Numerological Invocation: Write the number 24 on a piece of parchment (the total number of the polyhedron’s vertices) to symbolize its completeness. Place it at the center of your workspace.
  3. Colors and Elements: Surround each point with candles tied to Air (white), Earth (green), Fire (red), and Water (blue). These colors echo the elements necessary for life, harmonizing the space for what is to come.

The Rhythmic Weave

  1. Patterning the Form: Begin by weaving an imaginary sphere in the air with your hands. Envision threads of light stretching to form 8 triangular faces and 18 squares completing the rhombicuboctahedron. Focus intently on its pulsating nature, like a living, breathing heart.

  2. Mantra of the Beat: Chant these words rhythmically in time with your heartbeat, allowing your voice to echo the ebb and flow of life:

    “Expand, Contract, Expand, Align,
    Threads of pulse, threads divine.
    Cube expands, octahedron bends,
    Heart of life, creation transcends.”

    Each repetition strengthens the connection between your internal rhythm and the universal pulse.

  3. Lattice of Light: Visualize a glowing lattice expanding and contracting in sync with your breath. On every inhale, the rhombicuboctahedron grows outward, shimmering with the energy of creation. On the exhale, it contracts inward, holding the force of balance and renewal.

The Final Anchor

  1. Sacred Seal: To complete the ritual, weave a singular golden thread from the figure’s core outward. This thread serves as a bridge between the microcosm of your beating heart and the macrocosm of universal life. Pinch your fingers together as if tying the thread, symbolizing the connection established. Whisper:

    “Boundless sphere that breathes and turns,
    Within my heart, your rhythm burns.
    Life in all, one pulse we bind,
    Expanding worlds in unified mind.”

  2. Release and Reflect: With gratitude, extinguish the candles, releasing the created threads back into the ether. Take a moment to feel the lingering duality of stillness and vibration within you, grounding yourself.

This ritual reminds us that the universe exists within a constant interplay of opposites. The rhombicuboctahedron, with its dual identities of cube and octahedron, is more than a geometric form. It is the essence of life’s rhythm, an embodiment of interconnected cycles. Within these pulsations lies creation itself, endlessly expanding, contracting, and evolving.