Chapter 1 Two models in two dimensions

Q: compare traditional married family model with children (adapted to include either father or mother as sole economic provider or homemaker) and modern family (with both father and mother as wage earners) in two dimensions: 1. economic (1a. family income and 1B. contribution to society) and 2. quality of life (2a. for parents and 2b. for children and 2c. societal perspective).

R: Comparing the traditional family model with a modern family model involves looking at various dimensions. Here’s a comparison based on economic aspects and quality of life:

1.1 Economic

Family income

Traditional Model: In the traditional family model, usually one parent (often the father) is the sole breadwinner, which could limit the family’s income to one source. This may lead to lower overall family income compared to dual-income families.

Modern Model: In the modern family model, both parents are typically wage earners. This can result in higher family income due to multiple sources, providing more financial security.


Traditional Model: One parent (usually the mother) often stays at home to take care of the children and manage household chores. This contributes to the society as they nurture future generations and maintain family stability.

Modern Model: Both parents work, contributing to the economy and society through their professional roles. They also pay more taxes due to their combined income, which aids in societal development.

1.2 Quality of life


Traditional Model: The working parent may experience stress from being the sole provider, while the homemaker might feel isolated or undervalued. However, roles and responsibilities are clearly divided.

Modern Model: Both parents share financial responsibilities, which can reduce stress but can also result in a struggle to balance work and family life. They may have more opportunities for personal fulfillment and independence.


Traditional Model: Children have more access to one parent (usually the mother), which can provide emotional security. However, they may lack exposure to diverse role models where only one parent works.

Modern Model: Children may benefit from seeing both parents as contributors to the family income and society, promoting gender equality. But they may have less parental attention due to work commitments.


Traditional Model: Society benefits from the nurturing of future generations, but there’s a risk of perpetuating traditional gender roles and inequality.

Modern Model: Society can benefit from increased workforce participation and diversity, but it also needs to provide more support structures like child care and flexible working arrangements.

Please note that these are generalizations and individual experiences can vary greatly based on personal circumstances, cultural norms, and societal structures.