Chapter 7 Concluding remarks

I have left unedited the AI replies, I did so to explore the current societal consensus on these matters, as reflected by AI, regardless of my personal preferences. Of course, my line of questioning — some even leading questions — betray any claim of neutrality on these subjects. However, neutrality and objectivity are not equal terms.

Based on this review, it can be reasonably inferred that the prevailing modern family model faces sustainability challenges at both personal and societal levels. It underscores the need for a more simplified, yet innovative and productive lifestyle that supports effective child-rearing. There must be a simpler and wiser way to live, creatively and productively, while raising children.

The optimal upbringing of children ideally involves the presence of both a mother and a father at home. However, life circumstances may necessitate that single parents, due to choice, separation, or divorce, undertake these responsibilities alone. Similarly, same-sex couples can offer a nurturing environment for adopted children who might otherwise remain in orphanages. While these alternative arrangements can be beneficial, they may not fully replicate the traditional archetype of a mother and a father raising children, which has been historically considered ideal for societal well-being.

I foresee a future where our economy undergoes a transformative shift that ensures basic necessities for every individual across the globe, thanks to breakthroughs in free energy. In this scenario, families will no longer be burdened by financial constraints that necessitate a compressed notion of “quality time” with their children. We must ready ourselves for this potential future, where abundant leisure time can be dedicated to vital pursuits, like instilling spiritual values in successive generations of children.