Chapter 1 Introduction

This book is about tapping the planetary energy field, as prophesied by the Ageless Wisdom teachings and envisioned by Nicholas Tesla, to harness, store and freely distribute clean, patents-free electricity for the benefit of humanity.

1.1 Basic Premise

The Sun is to the solar system as the nucleus is to the physical atom

1.2 Current scientific model

The analogy between the Sun in the solar system and the nucleus in an atom is an interesting one, but it has its limitations:

  1. Energy Source: In the solar system, the Sun is indeed the primary source of energy, providing light and heat through nuclear fusion. In an atom, the nucleus contains protons and neutrons, and while it holds most of the atom’s mass, it isn’t an energy source in the same way. Instead, energy in atoms is often discussed in terms of electron interactions and transitions.

  2. Force Fields: The Sun’s gravitational field governs the orbits of planets, while in an atom, the nucleus’s positive charge creates an electric field that attracts negatively charged electrons. This is a similarity in terms of central forces, but the nature of the forces (gravitational vs. electromagnetic) is different.

  3. Positive and Negative Charges: The Sun is not positively charged; it is a massive body with a gravitational pull. In contrast, the nucleus is positively charged due to protons, and electrons are negatively charged, creating an electromagnetic force.

While there are parallels in terms of central forces and structure, the analogy breaks down when considering the types of forces and the role of energy. The Sun’s role in the solar system and the nucleus’s role in an atom are governed by different physical principles.

1.3 An alternative cosmological theory

The Electric Universe model differs from the accepted thermonuclear model of the Sun in several key ways:

  1. Energy Source: The thermonuclear model posits that the Sun’s energy is generated through nuclear fusion reactions occurring in its core, where hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium, releasing energy. In contrast, the Electric Universe model suggests that the Sun’s energy comes from external electric currents in space, which power the Sun like a giant electric light bulb.

  2. Role of Gravity and Electromagnetism: The traditional model emphasizes gravity as the primary force governing the Sun’s structure and energy production. The Electric Universe model, however, emphasizes electromagnetism, proposing that electric and magnetic forces play a significant role in shaping the Sun and its activity.

  3. Solar Phenomena: In the thermonuclear model, solar phenomena like sunspots and solar flares are explained by magnetic activity generated by the Sun’s internal processes. The Electric Universe model attributes these phenomena to external electric currents and interactions with the Sun’s magnetic field.

Overall, the Electric Universe model challenges the conventional understanding by focusing on electromagnetic forces and external energy sources, whereas the accepted model relies on nuclear fusion and gravitational forces.

Reference: The Electric Bridge