
The main conclusions of this study are:

  1. The internal consistency of the construct of the Seven Rays as three primordial y four derivative vectors. The orthogonality of three primordial rays would correspond to the three primary colors of light, out of which all other colors can be derived according to the theory of color. However, the correspondence of the four derivative rays, as established in the esoteric literature (Blatavatsky-Bailey), with the secondary and tertiary complementary colors of light does not always follow the rules of the additive color model, except for Ray 6 (cyan). More theoretical work and empirical validation is needed.

  2. The high theoretical correlation of the four main Keirsey temperaments with the four Bailey derivative rays was confirmed by contrasting the traits of the 16 Keirsey types. Furthermore, the expected 1-3-5-7 and 2-4-6 pattern of the seven rays clearly emerged for the Keirsey rational and idealist types. The pattern was more nuanced for the Guardian and the Artisan types.

  3. The proposed JB model, theoretically correlating the four Keirsey temperaments with the 7 rays, could be useful for a first approximation to rapidly ascertain the rays in the psychological constitution of clients, as well as the basis for further empirical validation, that is, estimating statistical correlations of questionnaires addressing both typologies.

  4. The usefulness of AI for the theoretical exploration of instruments addressing personality types.

  5. The identification of possible future subjects of research correlating the 7 rays with the fields of music, astrology (the four elements) and the periodic table of chemistry.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that this is a purely theoretical approach to the subject. However, it’s worth noting that theoretical physics has often paved the way for empirical discoveries, predicting the existence of subatomic particles before they were experimentally verified. In a similar vein, this initial exploration might serve as a foundation for subsequent theoretical and empirical research. The goal would be to validate with the 7-rays construct what has already been revealed through the study of sound (music) and light (color): a sevenfold key to unraveling the complexities of evolution and human consciousness. -JB 2023.09.25