Chapter 2 Computing setup

For the Cooper Center Data Science Boot Camp, please install the software described below on your local machine.

2.2 Git and Github

Git is software for version control. Github is a web service that provides remote storage and access to files via git. By using git and Github together, we greatly facilitate collaboration between multiple individuals working on the same code base, a.k.a. collaborative coding.

If you have not worked with git and Github before, this short YouTube video provides an orientation to git and Github: Git and GitHub for an Organized Project (STAT 545 Episode 2-A) from the University of British Columbia. See also: Happy Git and GitHub for the useR.

2.3 Other resources

  1. If you already have R installed on your machine, make sure you’re version is later than v. 3.0.1. You can check your current version by running the command R.Version() from the R console. The most recent version is: R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22).↩︎

  2. If you do not install R Studio on your machine, you will need to install and load the rmarkdown package for R manually.↩︎