3 - Structure and schedule

3.1 Weekly schedule

This is how the general structure of a week looks like:

Activity Deadline Description
Readings topic covered Before introduction asynchronous session We will cover three topics per week
Asynchronous session Monday and Wednesday Videos will be posted by 9 am on the day of the session1
Syncrhonous session Tuesday and Thursday 3-4:15 pm Prepare for the activities
Seminar questions Thursday 7 pm Answer the seminar questions of every topic covered during the week
Seminar feedback Friday 3 pm You need to provide feedback to at least 2 of your peers here
Finish activity Friday 4:15 pm In case you (and your teammates) did not finish an activity, you have until this time to finish it.

3.2 Tentative Calendar

Here is a tentative calendar of the topics that we will cover during the course:

Week Topic
1 Introduction
1 What is development?
1 Choose your team and topic for the final project
2 Development Theories
2 Poverty and Poverty Traps
2 History and development: Pre-colonial Africa and trade of enslaved persons
2 Informal check-up final project: Book an appointment with me
3 History and development: Colonization period
3 History and development: After independence
3 Conflict and development
4 Politics and development
4 The role of institutions
4 Informal check-up final project: Book an appointment with me
4 Assessment 1: 50-hour assessment: Wednesday 3 pm- Friday 5 pm
5 Structuring the economy: Agriculture
5 Structuring the economy: Industrial policy
5 International trade
6 Foreign aid
6 The rural-urban divide and migration
6 Micro topics: public finance and financial development
7 Tentative: Ethnicity, culture and development
7 Assessment 2: 50-hour assessment: Tuesday 3 pm- Thursday 5 pm
7 Analysis paper due by Friday, Oct. 23rd- 7 pm

  1. During week 1, we will have a syncrhonous session on Wednesday for the introduction. There will be a video posted as well, with information on the first topic↩︎