Chapter 3 China (Week 3)

3.1 Discussion questions

  • Do you agree or disagree with the arguments of the assigned readings? Why?

  • What other areas/regions are particularly important for the US foreign policy? Why?(*)

Biden says US forces would defend Taiwan in event of attack by China

3.2 Taiwan

Survey from NCCU

Survey from TNDM.

US congress: Taiwan Policy Act of 2022

  • “Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office” to “Taiwan Representative Office”
  • Taiwan treated “as a major non-NATO ally”
  • Trade and Investment Framework
  • military assistance

3.3 Export control

  • Dual-use export control
    • new BIS regulations
    • supercomputers: chips, software, equipment, components
    • forbid US firms and citizens from working with Chinese entities
  • Strategic ambiguity strategic clarity

3.4 Additional resources

Here is a list of resources concerning economic decoupling or sanctions:

Here are resources related to Taiwan:

Some more resources concerning US China strategy:

Finally, some miscellaneous topics:

Ian Bremmer and Kevin Rudd on Global Geopolitical Risks Ahead of U.S. Midterm Elections, where Rudd explained that the US tried for 6-12 months but failed to convince other allies to come on board concerning tech sanctions on China.