2 Tree-level flowering phenology

PlanetScope-derived vegetative phenology correlates with flowering phenology derived from NEON.

2.1 Data

Read NEON phenometrics data prepared in the phenology-sample-data project.


Read in NEON PlanetScope data (day of year) prepared with the batchplanet package.


2.2 Analysis

Correlation between 50% green-up time from PlanetScope and flower onset time from NEON.


Correlation between leaf and flower onset time from NEON.


Individual phenological observations extracted from PlanetScope (PS) and National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) for wind-pollinated taxa. (A) Extraction of individual-level phenological metric from PS data, showing Enhanced Vegetation Index (black point), smoothed Enhanced Vegetation Index (green line), period of green-up (green shade), and extracted 50% green-up time (vertical green line), using two individuals at HARV and ORNL sites as examples. (B) Correlation between time of 50% green-up from PS and time of flower onset from NEON.

Figure 2.1: Individual phenological observations extracted from PlanetScope (PS) and National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) for wind-pollinated taxa. (A) Extraction of individual-level phenological metric from PS data, showing Enhanced Vegetation Index (black point), smoothed Enhanced Vegetation Index (green line), period of green-up (green shade), and extracted 50% green-up time (vertical green line), using two individuals at HARV and ORNL sites as examples. (B) Correlation between time of 50% green-up from PS and time of flower onset from NEON.