3 Taxation under Learning by Doing

3.1 Author

Miltiadis Makris

  • a Professor of Economics at the University of Kent
  • the study of optimal income taxation, dynamic tax competition

Alessandro Pavan

  • Professor Northwestern University, Department of Economics

3.2 Wedge: Deadweight Loss


3.3 Abstract

我们研究了工人生产力随机(stochastic)且因为干中学(learning by doing)具有内生性的情况下的最优税收方案。




We isolate the role of learning by doing by comparing the aforementioned tax code to its counterpart in an economy that is identical to the calibrated one except for the exo- geneity of the productivity process.


3.4 Intro

“Learning by doing” refers to the positive effect of the time spent at work on the agents’ productivity.

  • a side product of the labor supply process.

Agents’ productivity

  • stochastic
  • private
  • evolves endogeny

The mechanism described above is specific to economies in which the agents’ productivity is their private information, is endogenous, and evolves stochastically over the life cycle, which are natural features of economies with LBD.


  • 无效损失更大in the presence of LBD, labor wedges are higher than those in the absence of LBD
  • 边际税率和无效损失的关系改变the presence of LBD alters the relation between wedges and marginal tax rates under optimal tax codes and 对全周期的税收规模、累进性和机制影响很大has a significant impact on the level, progressivity, and dynamics of taxes over the life cycle.
  • We also find that most of the welfare gains from the optimal reform can be generated with a simple tax code where taxes are invariant to past incomes but age dependent.

New tax code

  • higher tax rates for young workers, whereas for old workers it features higher tax rates at low income percentiles but lower tax rates at high income percentiles
  • less progressive for young workers and is regressive, instead of progressive, for old workers
  • a smaller differential between the average tax rate for old workers and the average tax rate for young workers

Comparison to a counterfactual economy where productivity is exogenous

  • features lower tax rates for young workers, whereas for old workers it features lower tax rates at low income percentiles but higher tax rates at high income percentiles
  • is progressive, instead of regres- sive, for young workers but is less regressive for old workers
  • a larger differential between the average tax rate for old workers and that for young workers

In the presence of LBD, agents have incentives to work harder to boost their future productivity.

  • Under complete information, this effect contrib- utes positively to welfare.

  • Private: agents must receive rents to reveal their private information.

    Such rents represent welfare losses and call for downward distortions in labor supply. These rents are higher for highly productive agents. LBD, by shifting the productivity distribution in future periods to- ward higher productivity levels, contributes to higher expected future rents and thus to higher expected future welfare losses.

3.5 Model

two period \(t1,\ t2\)

Linear labor production

Period 1: productivity: \(\theta_1\)

  • Private
  • \(cdf:F_1\)

Period 2: productivity: \(\theta_2\)

  • private
  • \(cdf:F_2(·|\theta_1,y_1)\)
  • dependence on \(y_1\)

Period-t flow utility \[ v\left(c_{t}(\theta_t)\right)-\psi\left(y_{t}(\theta_t), \theta_{t}\right) \] Discount factor: \(\delta\)

Expected life-time utility \[ V_{1}\left(\theta_{1}\right)=\mathbb{E}\left[\sum_{t} \delta^{t-1}\left(v\left(c_{t}\left(\tilde{\theta}^{t}\right)\right)-\psi\left(y_{t}\left(\tilde{\theta}^{t}\right), \tilde{\theta}_{t}\right)\right) \mid \theta_{1}, y_{1}\left(\theta_{1}\right)\right] \] Expected life-time tax bill \[ R_{1}\left(\theta_{1}\right)=\mathbb{E}\left[\sum_{t} \delta^{t-1}\left(y_{t}\left(\tilde{\theta}^{t}\right)-c_{t}\left(\tilde{\theta}^{t}\right)\right) \mid \theta_{1}, y_{1}\left(\theta_{1}\right)\right] \] Dual problem

  • \(\int R_{1}\left(\theta_{1}\right) d F_{1}\left(\theta_{1}\right)\)
  • \(\int V_{1}\left(\theta_{1}\right) d F_{1}\left(\theta_{1}\right) \geq \kappa\)

3.6 First best

3.7 Second best

Need to give high types ”rents”: higher consumption (lower taxes) than under FB


3.8 Conclusion



  1. 一阶段工作影响二阶段收入——一阶段税率应低于二阶段税率

  2. 应鼓励高禀赋工人工作

    1. 二阶段税收累退,程度高
    2. 一阶段税收累进,程度低


可能应用到对企业征税?央地税收改革中的地方能力似乎不是private info。