Chapter 2 温度(夜晚)

Figures and tables with captions can also be cross-referenced from elsewhere in your book using \@ref(fig:chunk-label) and \@ref(tab:chunk-label), respectively.

See Figure 2.1.

par(mar = c(4, 4, .1, .1))
plot(pressure, type = 'b', pch = 19)
Plot with connected points showing that vapor pressure of mercury increases exponentially as temperature increases.

Figure 2.1: Here is a nice figure!

Don’t miss Table 2.1.

  head(pressure, 10), caption = 'Here is a nice table!',
  booktabs = TRUE
Table 2.1: Here is a nice table!
temperature pressure
0 0.0002
20 0.0012
40 0.0060
60 0.0300
80 0.0900
100 0.2700
120 0.7500
140 1.8500
160 4.2000
180 8.8000