Chapter 7 RStudio

7.1 Materials

7.2 Goals

  • Understand a simple web projct

    • a self-contained .html
    • a structure of file system where some .html’s internally depend on other files within the file system.
  • Understand the role of RStudio in web design.

    • Rmd: a bridge to final .html product.
    • Text: with different file extensions to supply web supporting documents, such as .html, .css, .js.
  • Use certain functions from htmltools to intertwine verious web supporting documents inside an Rmd.

7.3 Assignment

  1. Execute the following code to download and unzip the following file system:

Change the file system structure to … and edit the .html file to make .html work correctly in your browser.

  1. Intertwine the following documents inside an Rmd without changing the file system structure.