Chapter 4 Output tables
From the total table resulting from the loop, the core table and extension tables are made. These are all automatically saved as .csv
4.1 Taxon extension
Scientific, species and genus names are added if not present.
ext_df$scientificName <- ifelse(ext_df$scientificName %in% NA, gsub("[[:punct:]]+", "", paste(ext_df$genus, ext_df$specificEpithet)), gsub("[[:punct:]]+", "", ext_df$scientificName)) #make scientific name if not present
ext_df$genus <- ifelse(ext_df$genus %in% NA, word(ext_df$scientificName, 1), ext_df$genus) #make genus name if not present
ext_df$specificEpithet <- ifelse(ext_df$specificEpithet %in% NA, word(ext_df$scientificName, 2), ext_df$specificEpithet) #make specific epithet if not present
Taxonomic information from the GBIF taxonomic backbone is added (traitdataform
) and a taxonID is made.
taxa_std <- standardise_taxa(ext_df) #add taxonomic info columns
taxon_names <- subset(metadata, category == "taxon") #subset only columns with names of taxon category
taxon_names <- c(taxon_names$names) #vector with taxon names
taxon_subset <- select(taxa_std, one_of(taxon_names)) #only select columns with names in taxon vector
taxa_df <- taxa_std %>% select(taxonID = taxonID,
scientificNameStd = scientificNameStd,
kingdom = kingdom,
phylum = phylum,
class = class,
order = order,
family = family) %>% mutate_each(list(as.character))
taxa_bind <- cbind(taxa_df, taxon_subset) #combine columns
Taxon <- distinct(taxa_bind) #only select unique rows
Taxon$taxonID2 <- seq(1:nrow(Taxon)) #add more specific taxonID
ext_df2 <- full_join(Taxon, taxa_std, by = c(colnames(Taxon[!colnames(Taxon) %in% "taxonID2"]))) #add taxonID2 column
Taxonomic information from The Plant List is added (Taxonstand
tpl <- TPL(splist = unique(Taxon$scientificName), corr = TRUE) #add taxonomic info form The Plant List
tpl_merge <- left_join(Taxon, tpl, by = c("scientificName" = "Taxon")) #merge with Taxon df
Taxonomic information from the World Checklist of Vascular Plants is added. No package is available so the database is automatically downloaded and opened. Important! The WCVP database is from June 2020. If a new version is released, the file URL should be changed manually.
temp_zip <- tempfile() #make temporary files to story WCVP zip and text files
temp_txt <- tempfile()
download.file(url = "", destfile = temp_zip) #download WCVP database
unzip(zipfile = temp_zip, exdir = temp_txt) #unzip and save database as text file
WCVP <- fread(file.path(temp_txt, "wcvp_export.txt")) #read WCVP text file
unlink(c(temp_zip, temp_txt)) #remove temporary files
wcvp_sub <- subset(WCVP, family %in% Taxon$family & rank == "SPECIES") #subset WCVP database to only included family names present in the datasets and only species names
wcvp_sub$accepted <- ifelse(wcvp_sub$taxonomic_status == "Accepted", wcvp_sub$taxon_name, wcvp_sub$taxon_name) #make column for all accepted scientific names
wcvp_merge <- left_join(tpl_merge, wcvp_sub, by = c("scientificName" = "taxon_name")) #merge with tpl_merge
The “Taxon” extension table is made and saved as .csv
Taxon2 <- data.frame(taxonID = wcvp_merge$taxonID2, #df for Taxon extension
verbatimScientificName = wcvp_merge$scientificName,
scientificNameGBIF = wcvp_merge$scientificNameStd,
scientificNameTPL = ifelse(wcvp_merge$Plant.Name.Index == "FALSE" & wcvp_merge$Higher.level == "FALSE", NA ,paste(wcvp_merge$New.Genus, wcvp_merge$New.Species)),
scientificNameWCVP = wcvp_merge$accepted,
verbatimInfraspecificEpithet = wcvp_merge$infraspecificEpithet,
kingdom = wcvp_merge$kingdom,
phylum = wcvp_merge$phylum,
class = wcvp_merge$class,
order = wcvp_merge$order,
family = wcvp_merge$family.x,
genus = wcvp_merge$genus.x,
stringsAsFactors = F,
wcvp_merge[setdiff(taxon_names, c("specificEpithet","infraspecificEpithet","scientificName","genus"))],
GBIFID = wcvp_merge$taxonID,
TPLID = ifelse(wcvp_merge$New.ID == "", NA,
paste0("",wcvp_merge$TPL.version,"/record/", wcvp_merge$New.ID)),
WCVPID = ifelse(wcvp_merge$accepted_kew_id == "",
paste0("", wcvp_merge$kew_id),
paste0("", wcvp_merge$accepted_kew_id)))
fwrite(Taxon2, "output_tables/Taxon_ext.csv", row.names = FALSE) #write taxon extension file
Example of the taxon extension table:
## Loading required package: knitr
taxonID | verbatimScientificName | scientificNameGBIF | scientificNameTPL | scientificNameWCVP | verbatimInfraspecificEpithet | kingdom | phylum | class | order | family | genus | originalNameUsage | morphotype | verbatimTaxonRank | GBIFID | TPLID | WCVPID |
1 | Attalea allenii | Attalea allenii | Attalea allenii | Attalea allenii | NA | Plantae | Tracheophyta | Liliopsida | Arecales | Arecaceae | Attalea | A. allenii | NA | NA | | | |
2 | Attalea amygdalina | Attalea amygdalina | Attalea amygdalina | Attalea amygdalina | NA | Plantae | Tracheophyta | Liliopsida | Arecales | Arecaceae | Attalea | A. amygdalina | NA | NA | | | |
3 | Attalea barreirensis | Attalea barreirensis | Attalea barreirensis | Attalea barreirensis | NA | Plantae | Tracheophyta | Liliopsida | Arecales | Arecaceae | Attalea | A. barreirensis | NA | NA | | | |
4 | Attalea barreirensis | Attalea barreirensis | Attalea barreirensis | Attalea barreirensis | NA | Plantae | Tracheophyta | Liliopsida | Arecales | Arecaceae | Attalea | NA | NA | NA | | | |
5 | Attalea butyracea | Attalea butyracea | Attalea butyracea | Attalea butyracea | NA | Plantae | Tracheophyta | Liliopsida | Arecales | Arecaceae | Attalea | S. rostrata | NA | NA | | | |
6 | Attalea butyracea | Attalea butyracea | Attalea butyracea | Attalea butyracea | NA | Plantae | Tracheophyta | Liliopsida | Arecales | Arecaceae | Attalea | S. butyracea | NA | NA | | | |
4.2 Measurement or Fact extension
The “Measurement or Fact” extension table is made and saved as an .csv
subset_meas <- subset(taxon_occ_meas, category == "measurement") #subset only columns with names of measurement category
vector_meas <- c(subset_meas$names) #vector with measurement names
Measurement <- data.frame(ext_df2[vector_meas], #df with all measurement or fact info
basisOfRecord = ext_df2$basisOfRecord,
references = ext_df2$references)
Measurement <- distinct(Measurement) #select only distinct rows
Measurement$measurementID <- seq(nrow(Measurement)) #add measurementID
Measurement <- Measurement %>% select(measurementID, everything()) #measurementID as first column
write.csv(Measurement, "output_tables/Measurement_or_Fact_ext.csv", fileEncoding = "Latin1", row.names = FALSE) #write measurement or fact extension file
ext_df3 <- full_join(Measurement, ext_df2, by = c(colnames(Measurement[!colnames(Measurement) %in% "measurementID"])))
measurementID | measurementDeterminedBy | basisOfRecord | references |
1 | de Nevers | PreservedSpecimen | Henderson, A. (2020a). A revision of Attalea (Arecaceae, Arecoideae, Cocoseae, Attaleinae). Phytotaxa, 444(1), 1-76. |
2 | Hammel | PreservedSpecimen | Henderson, A. (2020a). A revision of Attalea (Arecaceae, Arecoideae, Cocoseae, Attaleinae). Phytotaxa, 444(1), 1-76. |
3 | Croat | PreservedSpecimen | Henderson, A. (2020a). A revision of Attalea (Arecaceae, Arecoideae, Cocoseae, Attaleinae). Phytotaxa, 444(1), 1-76. |
4 | Sugden | PreservedSpecimen | Henderson, A. (2020a). A revision of Attalea (Arecaceae, Arecoideae, Cocoseae, Attaleinae). Phytotaxa, 444(1), 1-76. |
5 | Anderson | PreservedSpecimen | Henderson, A. (2020a). A revision of Attalea (Arecaceae, Arecoideae, Cocoseae, Attaleinae). Phytotaxa, 444(1), 1-76. |
6 | Duke | PreservedSpecimen | Henderson, A. (2020a). A revision of Attalea (Arecaceae, Arecoideae, Cocoseae, Attaleinae). Phytotaxa, 444(1), 1-76. |
4.3 Occurrence extension
Verbatim SRSs are standardized to EPSG-codes. Misspelled country names are corrected and standardized.
EPSG_df <- make_EPSG() #download EPSG database
EPSG_df$verbatimSRS <- gsub("# ","", EPSG_df$note) #remove symbols
EPSG_df[,c("note","prj4")] <- NULL #remove note and prj4 columns
EPSG_df <- EPSG_df[!duplicated(EPSG_df[,"verbatimSRS"]),] #remove duplicate verbatimSRS values
ext_df3 <- left_join(ext_df3, EPSG_df, by = "verbatimSRS") #merge by verbatimSRS
ext_df3$geodeticDatum <- ext_df3$code #rename EPSG code column
ext_df3$code <- NULL
ext_df3$verbatimSRS <- NULL
ext_df3$geodeticDatum <- ifelse(ext_df3$geodeticDatum %in% NA, "unknown", as.character(paste0("EPSG:",ext_df3$geodeticDatum))) #add "EPSG:" tag
ext_df3$country <- rangeBuilder::standardizeCountry(ext_df3$verbatimCountry, fuzzyDist = 5) #standardize country names
The “Occurrence” extension table is made and saved as an .csv
subset_occ <- subset(taxon_occ_meas, category == "occurrence") #subset only columns with names of occurrence category
vector_occ <- c(subset_occ$names) #vector with occurrence names
Occurrence <- data.frame(ext_df3[vector_occ],
country = ext_df3$country,
geodeticDatum = ext_df3$geodeticDatum, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) #df with all occurrence info
Occurrence <- distinct(Occurrence) #only select unique rows
Occurrence$occurrenceID <- seq(1:nrow(Occurrence)) #add occurrenceID
Occurrence <- Occurrence %>% select(occurrenceID, everything()) #move ID to first position
fwrite(Occurrence, "output_tables/Occurrence_ext.csv", row.names = FALSE) #write occurrence extension file
ext_df4 <- full_join(Occurrence, ext_df3, by = c(colnames(Occurrence[!colnames(Occurrence) %in% "occurrenceID"]))) #occurrenceID column
occurrenceID | identificationID | recordNumber | institutionCode | verbatimLatitude | verbatimLongitude | verbatimElevation | verbatimCountry | country | geodeticDatum |
1 | 684 | 4735 | MO | 9.40 | -79.13 | 90 | Panama | PANAMA | EPSG:4326 |
2 | 7 | 4152 | NY | 9.31 | -78.91 | 300 | Panama | PANAMA | EPSG:4326 |
3 | 718 | 3639 | MO | 9.31 | -78.25 | 350 | Panama | PANAMA | EPSG:4326 |
4 | 678 | 7301 | MO | 9.31 | -78.91 | 350 | Panama | PANAMA | EPSG:4326 |
5 | 720 | 7191 | MO | 9.43 | -79.11 | NA | Panama | PANAMA | EPSG:4326 |
6 | 660 | 7766 | MO | 8.95 | -83.11 | NA | Costa Rica | COSTA RICA | EPSG:4326 |
4.4 Core table
The core table is made from the total table and saved as .csv
file. It is linked to the extension table via the “taxonID”, “measurementID” and “occurrenceID” columns.
core_table <- ext_df4 %>% select(scientificName = scientificNameStd,#df with all core values and ID's
verbatimScientificName = scientificName,
verbatimTraitName = verbatimTraitName,
traitName = traitName,
traitValue = traitValue,
traitUnit = traitUnit,
traitID = identifier,
taxonID = taxonID2,
measurementID = measurementID,
occurrenceID = occurrenceID)
fwrite(core_table, "output_tables/core_table.csv", row.names = FALSE) #write file with core values and ID's
scientificName | verbatimScientificName | verbatimTraitName | traitName | traitValue | traitUnit | traitID | taxonID | measurementID | occurrenceID |
Attalea allenii | Attalea allenii | Stflowlen | Staminate_flower_length | 0.98 | cm | NA | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Attalea allenii | Attalea allenii | Straclen | Staminate_rachilla_length | 3.00 | cm | NA | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Attalea allenii | Attalea allenii | Petiole | Petiole_length | 150.00 | cm | | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Attalea allenii | Attalea allenii | Seeds | Seed_count | 3.00 | count | | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Attalea allenii | Attalea allenii | Pinwid | Median_leaflet_width | 3.80 | cm | NA | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Attalea allenii | Attalea allenii | Fruitdiam | Fruit_width | 3.60 | cm | | 1 | 1 | 2 |