10  Logistic Regression: interactions, residuals, predictions

Learning objectives

By the end of this week you should be able to:

  1. Interpret statistical output for a multiple logistic regression model with interactions

  2. Understand how predicted values and residuals can be extended to this model

  3. Learn about prediction and residuals in this setting

  4. Discover how to identify outliers and influential observations

  5. Understand how to use these tools to assess the model fit

Learning activities

This week’s learning activities include:

Learning Activity Learning objectives
Lecture 1 1, 2, 3
Reading 1,
Lecture 2 2, 3, 4, 5
Practice/Investigation 1, 3
Discussion all

Lecture 1 in R

Download video here

Lecture 1 in Stata

Download video here


The interaction between two predictors or effect modification is quite similar to what we saw in linear regression. We will revisit this concept since its interpretation is typically done in terms of OR (whereas the intearction term is typically added on the log-odds scale). This deserves explanation. The general form of an interaction model with two covariates x1 and x2 is: logit(p)=β0+β1x1+β2x2+β3x1×x2 where logit(p) is shortened version of log(p/(1p)) and, for simplicity, we have simplified the notation since p=p(y=1|x1,x2,x1×x2). Also x1 and x2 can be binary or continuous with the convention that a binary indicator is always coded 0/1.

Interaction between two binary predictors

We again consider the WcGS study and consider the potential interaction between arcus and a binary indicator for patients aged over 50 called bage_50. The specification of the logistic model in Stata or R follows the general syntax used with the linear model. You can either define “by hand” the interaction term and add it to the model with the the two covariates arcus and bage_50 or let the software do the job for you. We will use the second approach here but it critical to be sure about the coding (0/1) or tell Stata or R to create the right indicators for you. The Stata syntax will then be: logistic chd69 i.arcus##i.bage_50, coef and R’s: glm(chd69 factor(arcus)factor(bage_50), family=binomial, data=wcgs). The command factor() is not necessary when both covariates are coded 0/1. Note that in the Stata command we used the option coef to avoid reporting the ORs. The following results are obtained:

R code and output

Show the code
wcgs <- read.csv("wcgs.csv")
out1<-glm(chd69 ~ arcus*bage_50, family=binomial, data=wcgs)
## Call:
## glm(formula = chd69 ~ arcus * bage_50, family = binomial, data = wcgs)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -0.5198  -0.5063  -0.3300  -0.3300   2.4238  
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)    -2.8829     0.1089 -26.467  < 2e-16 ***
## arcus           0.6480     0.1789   3.623 0.000292 ***
## bage_50         0.8933     0.1721   5.190 2.11e-07 ***
## arcus:bage_50  -0.5921     0.2722  -2.175 0.029640 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 1771.2  on 3151  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 1730.9  on 3148  degrees of freedom
##   (2 observations deleted due to missingness)
## AIC: 1738.9
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

Stata code and output

Show the code
use wcgs.dta
gen bage50=(age>=50)
logistic chd69 arcus##bage50, coef
## Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =      3,152
##                                                 LR chi2(3)        =      40.33
##                                                 Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
## Log likelihood = -865.43251                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0228
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        chd69 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
## -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
##      1.arcus |   .6479628   .1788637     3.62   0.000     .2973964    .9985293
##     1.bage50 |   .8932677   .1721239     5.19   0.000     .5559111    1.230624
##              |
## arcus#bage50 |
##         1 1  |  -.5920552   .2722269    -2.17   0.030     -1.12561   -.0585002
##              |
##        _cons |  -2.882853   .1089261   -26.47   0.000    -3.096344   -2.669362
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The interaction term is significant (p=0.03) which means that we cannot igore the age effect when considering the association of arcus with CHD. Let’s use the notation introduced above, x1 = arcus and x2 = bage_50 and consider a young patient (less than 50) without arcus. The log-odds of CHD occurence is: β^0=2.88 up to rounding. Compare with someone in the same age category with arcus, the log-odds of CHD occurence is: β^0+β^1=2.23, therefore the OR for arcus in this age group is: exp(β^0+β^1)/exp(β^0)=exp(β^1)=1.91, 95%CI=(1.34 ; 2.70). By the same token, the log-odds of CHD occurence for a patient aged 50+ without arcus is: β^0+β^2=2.88+.89=1.99 and changes to β^0+β^1+β^2+β^3=1.93 for patients with arcus, therefore the OR for arcus in patients aged 50+ is exp(β^1+β^3)=1.06 by taking the ratio of the corresponding exponentiated terms. To get a 95% CI for this OR we need to use lincom or the corresponding R command yielding OR=1.06, 95%CI=(0.71 ; 1.58).

R code and output

Show the code
## Loading required package: mvtnorm
## Loading required package: survival
## Loading required package: TH.data
## Loading required package: MASS
## Attaching package: 'TH.data'
## The following object is masked from 'package:MASS':
##     geyser
lincom <- glht(out1,linfct=c("arcus+arcus:bage_50 =0"))
lower<-exp(out2$coefficients -1.96*out2$sigma)
upper<-exp(out2$coefficients +1.96*out2$sigma)
# estimate + 95% CI for the OR
##   General Linear Hypotheses
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                            Estimate
## arcus + arcus:bage_50 == 0  0.05591
##                           OR     lower    upper
## arcus + arcus:bage_50 1.0575 0.7072835 1.581129

Stata code and output

Show the code
use wcgs.dta
gen bage50=(age>=50)
** OR for arcus in patients aged less than 50, direct from output
logistic chd69 arcus##bage50
**  OR for arcus in patients aged >= 50, use lincom 
lincom 1.arcus + 1.arcus#1.bage50, or
## Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =      3,152
##                                                 LR chi2(3)        =      40.33
##                                                 Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
## Log likelihood = -865.43251                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0228
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        chd69 | Odds Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
## -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
##      1.arcus |   1.911643   .3419235     3.62   0.000     1.346349    2.714287
##     1.bage50 |     2.4431   .4205159     5.19   0.000     1.743529    3.423366
##              |
## arcus#bage50 |
##         1 1  |   .5531892    .150593    -2.17   0.030     .3244544     .943178
##              |
##        _cons |   .0559748   .0060971   -26.47   0.000     .0452142    .0692964
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Note: _cons estimates baseline odds.
##  ( 1)  [chd69]1.arcus + [chd69]1.arcus#1.bage50 = 0
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        chd69 | Odds Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
## -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
##          (1) |     1.0575   .2170202     0.27   0.785     .7072887    1.581117
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In other words, the OR for arcus is exp(β^1)=1.91, 95% CI=(1.34 ; 2.70) in patients aged less than 50 and exp(β^1+β^3)=1.06, 95% CI= (0.71 ; 1.58) in patients aged 50+. We clearly see here the effect modification at play, the OR in patients aged less than 50 is multiplied by exp(β^3) to provide the OR in patients aged 50+. The additive interaction term on the log-odds scale translates into a multiplicative factor for the OR (due to the well known property of the exponential function).

Interaction between a binary indicator and a continuous predictor

Interactions between a continuous variable and a binary predictor can be handled in a similar way. The is the purpose of next activity.


  1. start by reading the compulsory reading:
[@vittinghoff2012] Chapter 5. Logistic regression (Section 5.2.4. p 163-165)

This reading explains how to introduce a possible interaction the between age seen this time as a continuous variable and arcus (coded 0/1).

  1. try to reproduce the output

  2. can you give the association between chd69 and age in patients without arcus? Provide the OR, its 95% CI and give an interpretation of the association.

  3. give the association between chd69 and age in patients with arcus. Provide the OR, its 95% C and give an interpretation of the association. Does it make sense to add an interaction in this model?

  4. Can we interpret the coefficient of arcus alone? How can we get a more meaningful coefficient for arcus (either on the log-odds scale or as an OR)?


Just as we did for the linear model we can create predictions for all patients in the dataset and beyond. What does it mean in this context? Let rewrite the formula defining the logistic model for a given sample of i=1,,n observations. Again we simplify the notation and note pi the probability of observing an event (e.g. cHD in our example) for patient i given all their characteristics x1i,,xpi. It is convenient to create the vector of covariates for this individual xi=(1,x_{1i},, x_{pi})^T$, the leading one being added for the intercept. The logistic model then stipulates that:

log(pi/(1pi))=β0+β1x1i++βpxpi=xiTβ, where β=(β0,β1,betap)T is the vector or parameter. It’s very similar to the formula in linear for the mean response in the linear model (up to the logistic transformation called link). It’s possible to extract pi from this equation by using the inverse transformation yielding pi=exp(xiTβ)/(1+exp(xiTβ)). This expression represents the probability of the patient experiencing the event and is between 0 and 1 [why?]. Now, it’s easy to get the predicted probability or prediction noted $^pi for patient i by plugging in the MLE β^ for β in the formula, i.e.:

p^i=exp(xiTβ^)1+exp(xiTβ^) By the same token we can compute the probability of a new patient experiencing an event by using a different set of covariates xnew. All statistical packages provide predicted values for all patients using a command predict or equivalent. AS an example we can compute the predicted probabilities of CHD occurence for all patients in the dataset. Also, the same command(s) can be used for a new patient with age=40, bmi=25, chol=400, sbp=130, smoke=0, dibpat=0. To avoid issue with the rescaling/centring we will refit the model with the original variables. The Stata and R code can be found here and give the same results, i.e. p^=0.13, 95%CI=(0.079 ; 0.216).

R code and output

Show the code
myvars <- c("id","chd69", "age", "bmi", "chol", "sbp", "smoke", "dibpat")
wcgs1 <- wcgs[myvars]
wcgs1=wcgs1[wcgs1$chol <645,]
wcgs1cc=na.omit(wcgs1) # 3141 x 11
model1<-glm(chd69 ~ age + chol + sbp + bmi + smoke + dibpat, family=binomial, data=wcgs1cc)
## Call:
## glm(formula = chd69 ~ age + chol + sbp + bmi + smoke + dibpat, 
##     family = binomial, data = wcgs1cc)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -1.2318  -0.4411  -0.3194  -0.2246   2.8613  
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -12.270864   0.982111 -12.494  < 2e-16 ***
## age           0.060445   0.011969   5.050 4.41e-07 ***
## chol          0.010641   0.001527   6.970 3.18e-12 ***
## sbp           0.018068   0.004120   4.385 1.16e-05 ***
## bmi           0.054948   0.026531   2.071   0.0384 *  
## smoke         0.603858   0.141086   4.280 1.87e-05 ***
## dibpat        0.696569   0.144372   4.825 1.40e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 1774.2  on 3140  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 1589.9  on 3134  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 1603.9
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6
#wcgs1cc$pred.prob <- fitted(model1)
pred<-predict(model1,type = "response",se.fit = TRUE)
pred<-predict(model1,type = "response")

#  prediction + 95% CI for a patient age = 40, bmi=25, chol =400, sbp=130, smoke=0, dibpat=0
new <- data.frame(age = 40, bmi=25, chol =400, sbp=130, smoke=0, dibpat=0)
out <- predict(model1, new, type="link",se.fit=TRUE)
# 95% CI for the linear predictor (link option)
# 95% CI for the CHD probability by transformation Via the reciprocal of logit = expit
##          1          1          1 
## 0.13305183 0.07875639 0.21600251

Stata code and output

Show the code
use wcgs.dta
drop if missing(chd69) | missing(bmi) | missing(age) | missing(sbp) | missing(smoke) | missing(chol) | missing(dibpat)  
drop if chol ==645

** proba CHD as a function of age, bmi, chol, sbp, smoke, dibpat
** only for patients in the dataset

logistic chd69 age chol sbp bmi smoke dibpat, coef
predict proba, pr

** prediction for a new patient: age = 40, bmi=25, chol =400, sbp=130, smoke=0, dibpat=0
adjust age = 40 bmi=25 chol =400 sbp=130 smoke=0 dibpat=0, ci pr

** by hand transforming the linear predictor and its 95% CI

adjust age = 40 bmi=25 chol =400 sbp=130 smoke=0 dibpat=0, ci
disp exp( -1.87424)/(1+exp(-1.87424))
disp exp(-2.45935)/(1+exp(-2.45935))
disp exp(-1.28913)/(1+exp(-1.28913))
## (12 observations deleted)
## (1 observation deleted)
## Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =      3,141
##                                                 LR chi2(6)        =     184.34
##                                                 Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
## Log likelihood = -794.92603                     Pseudo R2         =     0.1039
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        chd69 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
## -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
##          age |   .0604453    .011969     5.05   0.000     .0369866    .0839041
##         chol |   .0106408   .0015267     6.97   0.000     .0076485    .0136332
##          sbp |   .0180675   .0041204     4.38   0.000     .0099917    .0261433
##          bmi |   .0549478   .0265311     2.07   0.038     .0029478    .1069478
##        smoke |   .6038582   .1410863     4.28   0.000     .3273341    .8803823
##       dibpat |   .6965686   .1443722     4.82   0.000     .4136043     .979533
##        _cons |  -12.27086   .9821107   -12.49   0.000    -14.19577   -10.34596
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##      Dependent variable: chd69     Equation: chd69     Command: logistic
## Covariates set to value: age = 40, bmi = 25, chol = 400, sbp = 130, smoke = 0,
##                          dibpat = 0
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------
##       All |         pr          lb          ub
## ----------+-----------------------------------
##           |    .133052    [.078757    .216001]
## ----------------------------------------------
##      Key:  pr         =  Probability
##            [lb , ub]  =  [95% Confidence Interval]
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##      Dependent variable: chd69     Equation: chd69     Command: logistic
## Covariates set to value: age = 40, bmi = 25, chol = 400, sbp = 130, smoke = 0,
##                          dibpat = 0
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------
##       All |         xb          lb          ub
## ----------+-----------------------------------
##           |   -1.87424   [-2.45935   -1.28913]
## ----------------------------------------------
##      Key:  xb         =  Linear Prediction
##            [lb , ub]  =  [95% Confidence Interval]
## .13305188
## .07875748
## .2160001

Some nice plots of predicted probabilities versus a (continuous) covariate can be obtained using the command margins available both in Stata and R - see lecture 1. Note that the predicted probabilities you may get from a logistic regression model used to analyse case control studies are not reliable. Only ORs can be estimated with such a retrospective design. We defer for now the notion of prediction accuracy, i.e. how well a logistic regression model predicts. This will be discussed in week 11.

10.0.1 Investigation:

  1. calculate the predicted probability of CHD occurence for a patient with the following characteristics: age=50, BMI=27, chol=200, sbp=150, smoke=1, dibpat=0. Give the 95% CI.

  2. Represent the probability of an event as a function of age for a particular patient profile, e.g. use BMI=27, chol=200, sbp=150, smoke=1, dibpat=0 and let age free to vary. Hint: look at the Stata/R code provided in the lecture to produce this plot using the command/library margins and related plots.

  3. Contrast with a plot of the CHD probability vs age for smoke=0, the other characteristics remaining the same. Draw the 2 plots side-by-side.

Residuals and other diagnostic tools

Raw residuals were calculated as the difference between observed and fitted values with several standardised versions available. A natural way to extend this idea in logistic regression is to compute the Pearson residuals defined as a standardised difference beween the binary endpoint and the prediction, i.e. rP,i=yip^ip^i(1p^i) In other words, the Pearson residual has the following structure “(observed - expected)/SD(observed)” for the corresponding observation. The standardisation performed here corresponds to dividing by the standard deviation of the response yi both other variants have also been suggested. They cannot be easily represented due to the discrete nature of the outcome. Another form of residuals exists for this model, they are called the deviance residuals (rD,i). The formula is omitted for simplicity but the deviance residuals measure the disagreement between the maxima of the observed and the fitted log-likelihood functions. Since logistic regression uses the maximal likelihood principle, the goal in logistic regression is to minimize the sum of the deviance residuals, so we do something similar to what we do in linear regression. Both types of residuals are readily available in standard packages. One can wonder whether the Pearson or the deviance residuals are normally distributed and the answer is “no”. A normal probability plot of either type is usually of little interest since the plot will typically show a kick (a broken line) due to the discreteness of the outcome, even when we simulate data from a logistic regression model. Still other plots can be very helpful such as the plot of the residuals versus prediction or an index plot. Before we examine this in detail on an example, the notion of leverage also exist in logistic regression and is correspond to the diagonal element hii of the “hat matrix” that has a slightly more complicated definition than in linear model but a similar interpretation. It is not always easy to see on scatter points whether an observation is a leverage point since the fitted curve is no longer a hyperplane geometrically. An approximation to the Cook’s distance is and the various dfbetas are also available in this model. They allow us to examine whether some observations are unduly influential on the fit.

Lecture 2 in R

[Download video here]https://www.dropbox.com/s/i8vaa1cfi326kjv/RM1_week10_lecture2_R.mp4?dl=1)

Lecture 2 in Stata

Download video here

Model checking - diagnostics

Cheking the model assumptions is just as important in logistic regression as it is in linear regression. First, we work under the assumption that the observations are independent. If some form of clustering is anticipated, a more complex modelling is required. This is essentially a design issue and in most cases we know from the start whether this assumption is met or not. Since we do not have an error term per se’, no checks of distributional assumptions analogous to normally distributed residuals and constant variance are required. This comes from the fact that the probability distribution for binary outcomes has a simple form that does not include a separate variance parameter. However, we still need to check linearity and whether outliers or influential observations are present in the data making inference invalid. We will defer the examination of linearity until next week and focus on outliers and influential observations in this section.

As an example, we use the final model proposed by Vittinghof et al. 2012) for chd69 of the WGCS study. The authors don’t delve into their model building strategy so we will not speculate for now and simply reproduce their analysis with some additional checks. The selected covariates are age_10, chol_50, sbp_50, bmi_10, smoke, dibpat, and two interactions terms involving 2 continuous previous predictors named bmichol and bmisbp. Their results can be reproduced using the code below. Note that they have scaled and CENTRED variables otherwise we get different results. The sample means for age, cholesterol, SBP and BMI were used to centre the variables.

There are different types of useful residual plots we can produce: one is an index plot displaying the Pearson (or deviance) residual vs the ordered observation number in the dataset. This plot allows us to identify large residuals. Another possibly the plot of the Cook’s distance vs the predicted probability. These two plots can be found side-by-side in the figure below, see also p. 175-176 in Vittinghof et al. (2012). You can also examine other diagnostic tools like leverage and draw other plots e.g. Pearson (or deviance) residuals vs probabilities

R code and output

Show the code
# rescale and centre variables 
myvars <- c("id","chd69", "age", "bmi", "chol", "sbp", "smoke", "dibpat", "age_10", "bmi_10", "chol_50", "sbp_50")
wcgs2 <- wcgs[myvars]
dim(wcgs2cc) # remove missing data --> complete case (cc)
## [1] 3141   12


model3<-glm(chd69 ~ age_10 + chol_50 + sbp_50 +  bmi_10 + smoke + dibpat + bmichol + bmisbp, family=binomial, data=wcgs2cc)
## Call:
## glm(formula = chd69 ~ age_10 + chol_50 + sbp_50 + bmi_10 + smoke + 
##     dibpat + bmichol + bmisbp, family = binomial, data = wcgs2cc)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -1.1592  -0.4466  -0.3145  -0.2132   2.9369  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -3.41606    0.15047 -22.702  < 2e-16 ***
## age_10       0.59497    0.12011   4.954 7.29e-07 ***
## chol_50      0.57571    0.07779   7.401 1.35e-13 ***
## sbp_50       1.01965    0.20660   4.935 8.00e-07 ***
## bmi_10       1.04884    0.29982   3.498 0.000468 ***
## smoke        0.60619    0.14105   4.298 1.73e-05 ***
## dibpat       0.72343    0.14490   4.993 5.96e-07 ***
## bmichol     -0.88969    0.27465  -3.239 0.001198 ** 
## bmisbp      -1.50346    0.63182  -2.380 0.017332 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 1774.2  on 3140  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 1576.0  on 3132  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 1594
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6

# compute residuals and diagnostic tool (leverage, Cook's distance)

wcgs2cc$devres <- residuals(model3)          # deviance residuals
wcgs2cc$res <- residuals(model3, "pearson")  # Pearson residuals
wcgs2cc$pred.prob <- fitted(model3)          # predicted prob
wcgs2cc$lev  <- hatvalues(model3)            # leverage
wcgs2cc$cd  <- cooks.distance(model3)        # Cook's distance
#i <- order(-wcgs1cc$lev)  # sort by decreasing leverage
plot(wcgs2cc$res,ylab="Pearson Residual")
plot(wcgs2cc$pred.prob, wcgs2cc$cd, xlab="Pred probability", ylab="Cook's D")

Show the code

# high CD
##         id chd69 age      bmi chol sbp smoke dibpat      age_10     bmi_10
## 2734 10078     1  43 38.94737  188 166     0      0 -0.32786937  1.4428994
## 712  12453     0  47 11.19061  188 196     1      1  0.07213063 -1.3327763
## 599  12281     1  48 29.85652  308 186     1      1  0.17213063  0.5338145
## 2119 10196     1  52 19.22490  298 102     1      0  0.57213063 -0.5293477
## 2432  3175     1  46 20.52444  337 110     1      0 -0.02786937 -0.3993938
##         chol_50     sbp_50    bmichol     bmisbp     devres        res
## 2734 -0.7674475  0.7473431 -1.1073495  1.0783409  2.2357619  3.3427774
## 712  -0.7674475  1.3473431  1.0228358 -1.7957069 -0.8907384 -0.6977971
## 599   1.6325525  1.1473431  0.8714802  0.6124684  1.6254118  1.6574372
## 2119  1.4325525 -0.5326569 -0.7583184  0.2819607  2.2679381  3.4769227
## 2432  2.2125525 -0.3726569 -0.8836797  0.1488369  1.9716135  2.4462330
##       pred.prob         lev          cd
## 2734 0.08214118 0.033022199 0.043847556
## 712  0.32746925 0.269896352 0.027393268
## 599  0.26687318 0.038937547 0.012867584
## 2119 0.07640008 0.009212782 0.012606008
## 2432 0.14318327 0.013496547 0.009221012
# cases 10078 and 12453

# high leverage
##         id chd69 age      bmi chol sbp smoke dibpat     age_10     bmi_10
## 712  12453     0  47 11.19061  188 196     1      1 0.07213063 -1.3327763
## 2800 10214     0  51 37.65281  153 170     1      0 0.47213063  1.3134431
## 332  13390     0  47 34.69812  129 130     0      1 0.07213063  1.0179742
## 772  19088     0  53 31.92690  133 180     0      1 0.67213063  0.7408528
## 1235 22076     0  48 37.24805  181 154     0      1 0.17213063  1.2729680
##         chol_50     sbp_50   bmichol      bmisbp     devres        res
## 712  -0.7674475 1.34734306  1.022836 -1.79570685 -0.8907384 -0.6977971
## 2800 -1.4674475 0.82734306 -1.927409  1.08666801 -0.7674821 -0.5852130
## 332  -1.9474475 0.02734306 -1.982451  0.02783453 -0.8074791 -0.6208309
## 772  -1.8674475 1.02734306 -1.383504  0.76111000 -0.6472336 -0.4827077
## 1235 -0.9074475 0.50734306 -1.155152  0.64583147 -0.7245481 -0.5478658
##      pred.prob        lev          cd
## 712  0.3274693 0.26989635 0.027393268
## 2800 0.2551067 0.11636894 0.005671273
## 332  0.2782029 0.08980852 0.004642545
## 772  0.1889744 0.04911439 0.001406300
## 1235 0.2308621 0.04670133 0.001713867
# case 12453 stands out again

Stata code and output - figures omitted

Show the code
use wcgs.dta
** sample mean will all obs is used to centre the variables
gen age10=(age-46.27869)/10    
gen bmi10=(bmi-24.51837)/10    
gen chol50=(chol-226.3724)/50  
gen sbp50=(sbp-128.6328)/50    
** interaction terms
gen bmichol=bmi10*chol50
gen bmisbp=bmi10*sbp50
 ** missing (all in chol) and outlier removed
drop if chol >= 645

logistic chd69 age10 chol50 sbp50 bmi10 smoke dibpat  bmichol bmisbp, coef 
predict hat, hat

** dbeta similar to Cooks distance (due to Pregibon) - different from R
predict cookd, dbeta 
predict resP, res
predict dv, dev
predict proba, pr

** various plots

gen index=_n
scatter resP ind, yline(0) name(temp1)
scatter cookd proba,  yline(0) name(temp2)
graph combine temp1 temp2

** scatter dv proba,  yline(0) name(temp3)
** scatter resP proba,  yline(0) name(temp4)
** graph combine temp3 temp4

gsort -cookd
list id cookd  chd69 age chol chol sbp bmi smoke in 1/5 
** case 10078 has dbeta twice as big as the next one

graph box hat
gsort -hat
list id hat  chd69 age chol chol sbp bmi smoke in 1/5 
## (12 missing values generated)
## (12 missing values generated)
## (13 observations deleted)
## Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =      3,141
##                                                 LR chi2(8)        =     198.15
##                                                 Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
## Log likelihood = -788.01957                     Pseudo R2         =     0.1117
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        chd69 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
## -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
##        age10 |   .5949712   .1201093     4.95   0.000     .3595612    .8303811
##       chol50 |   .5757133   .0777901     7.40   0.000     .4232475    .7281792
##        sbp50 |   1.019648   .2066016     4.94   0.000     .6147161     1.42458
##        bmi10 |    1.04884   .2998181     3.50   0.000     .4612068    1.636472
##        smoke |   .6061928   .1410534     4.30   0.000     .3297331    .8826525
##       dibpat |   .7234267   .1448997     4.99   0.000     .4394284    1.007425
##      bmichol |  -.8896929   .2746472    -3.24   0.001    -1.427992   -.3513942
##       bmisbp |  -1.503455   .6318153    -2.38   0.017     -2.74179   -.2651194
##        _cons |  -3.416062    .150472   -22.70   0.000    -3.710982   -3.121143
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##      +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
##      |    id      cookd   chd69   age   chol   chol   sbp        bmi   smoke |
##      |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
##   1. | 10078   .3946279       1    43    188    188   166   38.94737       0 |
##   2. | 12453   .2465399       0    47    188    188   196   11.19061       1 |
##   3. | 12281   .1158082       1    48    308    308   186   29.85652       1 |
##   4. | 10196   .1134538       1    52    298    298   102    19.2249       1 |
##   5. |  3175   .0829891       1    46    337    337   110   20.52444       1 |
##      +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
##      +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
##      |    id        hat   chd69   age   chol   chol   sbp        bmi   smoke |
##      |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
##   1. | 12453   .2698967       0    47    188    188   196   11.19061       1 |
##   2. | 10214   .1163691       0    51    153    153   170   37.65281       1 |
##   3. | 13390   .0898088       0    47    129    129   130   34.69812       0 |
##   4. | 19088   .0491144       0    53    133    133   180    31.9269       0 |
##   5. | 22076   .0467014       0    48    181    181   154   37.24805       0 |
##      +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

We clearly see the grouping of residuals by CHD status on the left panel but there is no indication that an observation has a residual that is much larger than the others. Note that some of these residuals are well above 2 and that’s perfectly fine. The standardisation carried out in the standard Pearson residuals does not mean that their variance is 1. A similar plot can be produced for the deviance residuals (omitted) and will lead to a similar interpretation. The plot of the Cook’s distance vs the predicted probabilities identifies two observations with a slightly bigger Cook’s distance (CD). We can identify who they are by sorting the data by decreasing CD and printing the top 2-5 observations. The one with the largest CD is patient 10078 with CHD who does not smoke, is very obese (BMI=38.9) and a cholesterol below average (188 mg/dL = 4.86 mmol/L). The next one is case 12453 who did not have CHD, smokes and has a very high SBP (196). Although these two observations stand out, they are not overly influential on the fit. A case-deletion and refit would lead us to a similar conclusion. Note that you may get different values in Stata but similar looking plots (up tp scaling). This has to do with the way the Cook’s distance is calculated. A lot of other plots can be produced like in linear regression: you can for instance compute the dfbetas (one per parameter) and plot them to identify influential observations or use leverage values again for other plots. There is no real equivalent of residuals-squared versus leverage. Plot of Pearson or deviance residuals versus a particular covariate are not particularly useful to identify remaining structures than the model may not have captured (like a quadratic trend in age). This will be examined using splines - see week 11 material.

We said earlier that we should not expect the Pearson or deviance residuals to be normally distributed. What happens if we draw a normal probability plot anyway? The figure below displays such a plot and we can clearly see the separation between two groups based on the outcome status and plot is a broken line.

R-users may be able to produce a more meaningful plot using the library gamlss . This library allows you to fit a large variety of models that will be explored in RM2. You can force gamlss to fit a logistic regression model and get the exact same fit as the standard glm command. The code can be found here. The advantage is that a standard plot of the output gives you a much nicer plot of residuals. These resdiduals are called randomised quantile residuals due to Dunn and Smyth (2012). They essentially use randomisation to achieve continuous residuals when the response variable is discrete. Irrespective of the technicality (details to be given in RM2), R produces very nice plots for these residuals.

R code and output

Show the code
## Loading required package: gamlss
## Loading required package: splines
## Loading required package: gamlss.data
## Attaching package: 'gamlss.data'
## The following object is masked from 'package:datasets':
##     sleep
## Loading required package: gamlss.dist
## Loading required package: nlme
## Loading required package: parallel
##  **********   GAMLSS Version 5.4-12  **********
## For more on GAMLSS look at https://www.gamlss.com/
## Type gamlssNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
out4<-gamlss(chd69 ~ age_10 + chol_50 + sbp_50 +  bmi_10 + smoke + dibpat + bmichol + bmisbp, family=BI, data=wcgs2cc)
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 1576.039 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 1576.039

## ******************************************************************
##   Summary of the Randomised Quantile Residuals
##                            mean   =  -0.01678609 
##                        variance   =  0.9931974 
##                coef. of skewness  =  0.02845551 
##                coef. of kurtosis  =  2.959374 
## Filliben correlation coefficient  =  0.9994918 
## ******************************************************************

A nice straight QQ plot of this randomised quantile residuals is produced meaning that there are no particular issue in the residuals to be concerned about. R-users can try to run the code given above and first verify that gamlss and glm gave the same fit. The plot command issued right after the fit returns though a completely different figure due to a different implementation in gamlss. There is no equivalent to this function gamlss in Stata that we know of.

The following are the key takeaway messages from this week:

  1. The concept of interaction is similar to the one used in linear regression when expressed on the logit scale. Effect modification is mutiplicative on the odds-ratio scale

  2. Predicted probabilities of an event adn 95% CI can be calculated for any patient’s profile. Transforming the linear predictor and its 95% CI to the probability scale is the way to go.

  3. Residuals can also be extended (e.g. the Pearson and deviance residuals) but they are not normally distributed.

  4. Other diagnostic tools (e.g. leverage, Cook’s distance) exist and have similar interpretarion. They cam help identify outliers and influential observations.