PSYC614: Text and Talk (Quantitative)
Chapter 1 About
Welcome to this online recourse for workshops related to the quantitative analysis portion of PSYC614. Questions related to this document can be directed to Dr Stefan Leach (
Week 13 - Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing
- Important R commands for dealing with text data
- Loops to iterate through large amounts of text data
- Challenges to apply your understanding of R and text data
Week 17 - Exploring text with topic models
- Pre-processing data for stopword removal, contraction expansion, and lemmatizing,
- Exploring word frequencies and term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF)
- Fitting and interpreting topic models
Appendix: Foundations of R
- Setting up your environment
- Vectors, factors, matrices, and data frames
- Data manipulation with tidyverse