Chapter 3 Working with Data Frames
3.1 subset and filter
3.1.1 by variable (columns)
filters based on a conditionDF <- DF[c("VARIABLE1", "VARIABLE2", "…")]
filters based on variable namesDF <- subset(DF, select=c("VARIABLE1", "VARIABLE2", "…"))
is another option to filters based on variables names, requiresdplyer
3.1.2 by case (rows)
DF <- DF[DF$VARIABLE < 100,]
with the< 100
as an example, works with any other R operator
3.1.3 by the number of missing values
useful when analyzing sets of items:
DF$na_count <- apply(, 1, sum)
creates the variablena_count
with the number ofNAs
DF_noNAs <- DF[DF$na_count < 100,]
creates a newDF_noNAs
based on theNAs
counts (in the example > 100)- follows code chunk:
$na_count <- apply(, 1, sum) # counts the NAs in the DF
DF<- DF[DF$na_count < 100,] # filters based on NAs counts (in the example > 100) DF
3.2 merge
DF1&2 <- full_join(DF1, DF2, by = "GROUPING_VARIABLE", suffix = c(".x", ".y"))
merges all variables of DF1 and DF2:- adds missing cases on empty cells
- adds a
suffix to variables fromDF1
that did not match dplyr
package is required
3.4 re-name variables
names(DF)[names(DF) == "OLD_NAME"] <- "NEW_NAME"
for a single variablenames(DF)[1] <- "NEW_NAME"
where the number corresponds to the column numberfor several variables simultaneously:
DF.labels <- c("OLD_NAME"="NEW_NAME", … )
creates the labels’ keynames(DF) <- as.list(DF.labels[match(names(DF), names(DF.labels))])
applies the labels’ key- follows code chunk:
<- c("OLD_NAME"="NEW_NAME", … ) # creates labels
DF.labels names(DF) <- as.list(DF.labels[match(names(DF), names(DF.labels))]) # applies labels
for several variables simultaneously using names in a data frame (recommended):
DF <- DF %>% rename_with(~ DF.names$newname, DF.names$oldname)
being the data frame with the names (this data frame can be the study varaible dictionary)
3.5 re-code variables
3.5.1 categorize a continuous variable
- example with 3 categories
DF$FACTOR_VAR <- cut(DF$CONTINUOUS_VAR,breaks=c(-Inf, x, y, Inf), labels=c(">x","x-y",">y"))
with x and y referring to the numeric values of the continuous variable
3.5.2 create dummies
DF <- dummy_cols(DF, select_columns = "VARAIBLE")
uses thedummy_cols()
to create the dummies in aDF
for a factorVARIABLE
names(DF)[names(DF) == "VARIABLE_DUMMY1"] <- "VARIABLE"
is useful to rename on of the dummy variables for latter useDF$VARIABLE <- NULL
can be used to clean the unnecessaryVARIABLES
in the theDF
, follows code chunk:
<- dummy_cols(DF, select_columns = "VARAIBLE") # create variables
DF names(DF)[names(DF) == "VARIABLE_DUMMY1"] <- "VARIABLE"
3.5.3 label factors
DF$VARIABLE <- factor(DF$VARIABLE, levels=c(1,2,3), labels=c("LABEL_1", "LABEL_2", "LABEL_3"))
turns variable into factor with corresponding levels and labels
3.5.4 replace values
DF[DF==""] <- NA
replace missing values by NA on a entire data frame (same logic applies to any other specific values)DF$VARIABLE[DF$VARIABLE==""] <- NA
allows to replace values on specific variablesDF[] = 0
allows to replaceNAs
by specific values (in the example, by 0)DF$VARIABLE[$VARIABLE)] = 0
same logic as previous but for specific variables- replace all missing values by mean using:
for (cols in colnames(DF)) {
if (cols %in% names(DF[,sapply(DF, is.numeric)])) {
<-DF %>% mutate(!!cols := replace(!!rlang::sym(cols),
mean(!!rlang::sym(cols), na.rm=TRUE)))
}else {
<- DF %>% mutate(!!cols := replace(!!rlang::sym(cols), !!rlang::sym(cols)=="",
DF getmode(!!rlang::sym(cols))))
} }