2 Education, Age, & Population

2.1 Objects, Vectors, Dataframes, & Tibbles

Fortunately, the U.S. Census Bureau has population, age, and education data all in one spot. As such, we’ll tackle all three of those variables in this single section, starting with where and how to download the data. First, however, let’s take this opportunity to create a convenience object with R. We’ll need to remember the six other states that we’re gathering data for throughout this document. Certainly, we could memorize them or reference the Introduction of this document over and over, but we could also store that information in a memorably named object and have R remember it for us! Then, we can just type the object name into the console and have R remind us which states we’re interested in whenever we need a refresher! In the code below, we create a data.frame object named states_of_interest and tell R to store the full state names and the abbreviations of the six states we need to gather data for inside of of two appropriately named columns. We then tell R to show us the output of the states_of_interest object.

states_of_interest <- data.frame(State = c("Alabama", "Kentucky", "Missouri", "South Carolina", "Texas", "West Virginia"),
                                 Abb = c("AL", "KY", "MO", "SC", "TX", "WV"))
##            State Abb
## 1        Alabama  AL
## 2       Kentucky  KY
## 3       Missouri  MO
## 4 South Carolina  SC
## 5          Texas  TX
## 6  West Virginia  WV

The reason we do names and abbreviations isn’t just in case we have a major lapse in memory and forget what the abbreviations stand for. It’s also so that I can show you the difference between a vector and a dataframe. It’s useful to think about vectors like a column of data. The object name of the vector would be the column name and the data within the vector would be all of the data points you’d see in the rows beneath that name. Each of the columns in our data frame is a vector then! Telling R to show you a lone vector doesn’t print out to the console like a column, however. The code below and it’s console output show what you get instead.

## [1] AL KY MO SC TX WV
## Levels: AL KY MO SC TX WV

Note the usage of the $ operator here. The $ operator allows us to access individual columns from a larger dataframe. So, we provide the object name of a dataframe, then the $ operator, and then the object name of the variable we want to reference. We’ll do this often going forward, so remember this. We’ll talk about ways to circumvent overly frequent usage of the $ operator using tidyverse later in Section 2.4. For now, using the tidyverse function tibble(), we can turn this dataframe into what the tidyverse authors call a “tibble” (Müller and Wickham 2019). Run the code below to see the differences.

states_of_interest <- as_tibble(states_of_interest)

## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   State          Abb  
##   <fct>          <fct>
## 1 Alabama        AL   
## 2 Kentucky       KY   
## 3 Missouri       MO   
## 4 South Carolina SC   
## 5 Texas          TX   
## 6 West Virginia  WV

See how this gives us useful information that we didn’t have before? Not only do we get the contents of the dataframe, but we also get the following:

  • The dimensions of a dataframe, or number of rows by the number of columns, i.e. A tibble: 6x2
  • The column names, or variable names, contained within, i.e. states_of_interest$State $Abb
  • The types of the variables, i.e. <fctr>, which stands for “factor.”

There’s nothing wrong per se with the console output we originally had for states_of_interest, but it’s quite minimalistic compared to the tibble() form. Importantly, “tibbles” are dataframes, but they’re also different in a lot of ways. If you’re interested in the nuances between them outside of the few I’ve pointed out here, visit https://tibble.tidyverse.org/. Alternatively, you can run vignette("tibble") and read some useful descriptions of the differences in the comfort of your console!

We’ll also need to remember the variables that we want to collect. Thankfully, we’ve already collected all of them for MS and named our columns accordingly in that dataset. As such, we can simply type the following at any time to have R remind us what variables we’re looking for:

## [1] "County"                          "WalkerMean.MuniProportion.Multi"
## [3] "WalkerMean.PopProportion.Multi"  "PA.Ratio"                       
## [5] "PercentBachelorOrHigher"         "PercentUnder18"                 
## [7] "AvgAQPM01_14"                    "PrimaryCarePhysRatio"           
## [9] "PercentSmokers"

Now, with some of the terminology and convenience setup out of the way, we can go download some Census data!

2.2 Downloading the Census Education Data

To obtain the data we need, I went to the United States Census Bureau’s American Fact Finder tool and selected Advanced Search. For your convenience, this link will take you directly there (U.S. Census Bureau 2010). Under the Geographies tab, select County then add All Counties within … for each of the states in states_of_interest. To do so, select a state name from the Select a state: dropdown menu, click All Counties within …, and click Add to Your Selection. Repeat this process until you have all All Counties within … for the six states of interest. For the PercentBachelorOrHigher variable data, I opened the Topics dropdown, selected People, then Education, and then “Educational Attainment.” Then, I used the drop down menu on the right hand side of the screen next to Show results from: and selected 2010. The 2010 ACS 5-year estimates dataset is the only available dataset that had estimates for each of the states_of_interest and was therefore selected for download and extraction. Left click the first instance of EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT in blue text to the left of 2010 ACS 5-year estimates in the Table, File or Document Title column. This will open up an in-browser viewer for the data. Above the table, you’ll see the word Download in blue text; left click it and tick Use the data before clicking OK. For ease of replication in the rest of this tutorial, I suggest extracting the files to a folder in your working directory called Census Data. The video below details how to perform the entirety of this step, but keep in mind the folder you will extract the files to will be situated differently than mine.

Let’s open up the file we downloaded from the Census called ACS_10_5YR_S1501_with_ann.csv, and start to clean it up some. Use the code below to import the data into R on your machine. Notice the usage of the here() function from the here package (Müller 2017). If you don’t already have the here() package installed, you can run install.packages("here") in the console, and R will take care of that for you automatically! The here() function helps you tell R where to find the files you want it to read more easily by always starting from your R project’s root directory. For more information on the here package and why it’s useful with a dash of humor, see https://github.com/jennybc/here_here. Recall, I suggested extracting the files to a file in your project directory called Census Data. If you did exactly that, the code below will execute without hangup. If you named your folder something else or saved it in a different place, you’ll need to correct that or adjust your code to account for it. We use read.csv() here because we’re, well, reading a .csv file! We surround that with as_tibble() because we want this to print more nicely to our console. If you’re feeling brave, try removing head(), running the code again, and looking at the output. Then, also remove as_tibble(), run the code again, and compare. This is one of the clearest examples of why tibbles are preferred that I have encountered.

census_edu <- as_tibble(read.csv(here("Census Data", "ACS_10_5YR_S1501_with_ann.csv"), header = T))

## # A tibble: 6 x 231
##   GEO.id GEO.id2 GEO.display.lab~ HC01_EST_VC01 HC01_MOE_VC01 HC02_EST_VC01
##   <fct>  <fct>   <fct>            <fct>         <fct>         <fct>        
## 1 Id     Id2     Geography        Total; Estim~ Total; Margi~ Male; Estima~
## 2 05000~ 01001   Autauga County,~ 4546          112           2254         
## 3 05000~ 01003   Baldwin County,~ 13257         211           6825         
## 4 05000~ 01005   Barbour County,~ 2590          61            1524         
## 5 05000~ 01007   Bibb County, Al~ 2230          329           1298         
## 6 05000~ 01009   Blount County, ~ 4559          99            2315         
## # ... with 225 more variables: HC02_MOE_VC01 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC01 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC01 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC02 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC02 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC02 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC02 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC02 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC02 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC03 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC03 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC03 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC03 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC03 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC03 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC04 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC04 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC04 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC04 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC04 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC04 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC05 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC05 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC05 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC05 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC05 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC05 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC07 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC07 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC07 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC07 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC07 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC07 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC08 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC08 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC08 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC08 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC08 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC08 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC09 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC09 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC09 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC09 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC09 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC09 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC10 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC10 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC10 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC10 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC10 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC10 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC11 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC11 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC11 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC11 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC11 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC11 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC12 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC12 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC12 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC12 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC12 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC12 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC13 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC13 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC13 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC13 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC13 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC13 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC14 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC14 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC14 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC14 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC14 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC14 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC16 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC16 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC16 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC16 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC16 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC16 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC17 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC17 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC17 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC17 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC17 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC17 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC19 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC19 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC19 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC19 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC19 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC19 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC20 <fct>, HC01_MOE_VC20 <fct>,
## #   HC02_EST_VC20 <fct>, HC02_MOE_VC20 <fct>, HC03_EST_VC20 <fct>,
## #   HC03_MOE_VC20 <fct>, HC01_EST_VC21 <fct>, ...

I also recommend taking a look at what the data looks like in the data viewer as well. Tibbles are great for glancing at a dataset, but to really get an in-depth feel for what it looks like, the viewer is unmatched. Just use the View() function on objects to open them in the data viewer of RStudio. Note the capital V! Table 2.1 below shows a partial preview of what the data will resemble in the viewer.

Table 2.1: Uncleaned Census Education Data Preview
GEO.id GEO.id2 GEO.display.label HC01_EST_VC01 HC01_MOE_VC01 HC02_EST_VC01 HC02_MOE_VC01 HC03_EST_VC01 HC03_MOE_VC01 HC01_EST_VC02 HC01_MOE_VC02 HC02_EST_VC02 HC02_MOE_VC02 HC03_EST_VC02 HC03_MOE_VC02 HC01_EST_VC03 HC01_MOE_VC03 HC02_EST_VC03 HC02_MOE_VC03 HC03_EST_VC03 HC03_MOE_VC03 HC01_EST_VC04 HC01_MOE_VC04 HC02_EST_VC04 HC02_MOE_VC04 HC03_EST_VC04 HC03_MOE_VC04 HC01_EST_VC05 HC01_MOE_VC05 HC02_EST_VC05 HC02_MOE_VC05 HC03_EST_VC05 HC03_MOE_VC05 HC01_EST_VC07 HC01_MOE_VC07 HC02_EST_VC07 HC02_MOE_VC07 HC03_EST_VC07 HC03_MOE_VC07 HC01_EST_VC08 HC01_MOE_VC08 HC02_EST_VC08 HC02_MOE_VC08 HC03_EST_VC08 HC03_MOE_VC08 HC01_EST_VC09 HC01_MOE_VC09 HC02_EST_VC09 HC02_MOE_VC09 HC03_EST_VC09 HC03_MOE_VC09 HC01_EST_VC10 HC01_MOE_VC10 HC02_EST_VC10 HC02_MOE_VC10 HC03_EST_VC10 HC03_MOE_VC10 HC01_EST_VC11 HC01_MOE_VC11 HC02_EST_VC11 HC02_MOE_VC11 HC03_EST_VC11 HC03_MOE_VC11 HC01_EST_VC12 HC01_MOE_VC12 HC02_EST_VC12 HC02_MOE_VC12 HC03_EST_VC12 HC03_MOE_VC12 HC01_EST_VC13 HC01_MOE_VC13 HC02_EST_VC13 HC02_MOE_VC13 HC03_EST_VC13 HC03_MOE_VC13 HC01_EST_VC14 HC01_MOE_VC14 HC02_EST_VC14 HC02_MOE_VC14 HC03_EST_VC14 HC03_MOE_VC14 HC01_EST_VC16 HC01_MOE_VC16 HC02_EST_VC16 HC02_MOE_VC16 HC03_EST_VC16 HC03_MOE_VC16 HC01_EST_VC17 HC01_MOE_VC17 HC02_EST_VC17 HC02_MOE_VC17 HC03_EST_VC17 HC03_MOE_VC17 HC01_EST_VC19 HC01_MOE_VC19 HC02_EST_VC19 HC02_MOE_VC19 HC03_EST_VC19 HC03_MOE_VC19 HC01_EST_VC20 HC01_MOE_VC20 HC02_EST_VC20 HC02_MOE_VC20 HC03_EST_VC20 HC03_MOE_VC20 HC01_EST_VC21 HC01_MOE_VC21 HC02_EST_VC21 HC02_MOE_VC21 HC03_EST_VC21 HC03_MOE_VC21 HC01_EST_VC23 HC01_MOE_VC23 HC02_EST_VC23 HC02_MOE_VC23 HC03_EST_VC23 HC03_MOE_VC23 HC01_EST_VC24 HC01_MOE_VC24 HC02_EST_VC24 HC02_MOE_VC24 HC03_EST_VC24 HC03_MOE_VC24 HC01_EST_VC25 HC01_MOE_VC25 HC02_EST_VC25 HC02_MOE_VC25 HC03_EST_VC25 HC03_MOE_VC25 HC01_EST_VC27 HC01_MOE_VC27 HC02_EST_VC27 HC02_MOE_VC27 HC03_EST_VC27 HC03_MOE_VC27 HC01_EST_VC28 HC01_MOE_VC28 HC02_EST_VC28 HC02_MOE_VC28 HC03_EST_VC28 HC03_MOE_VC28 HC01_EST_VC29 HC01_MOE_VC29 HC02_EST_VC29 HC02_MOE_VC29 HC03_EST_VC29 HC03_MOE_VC29 HC01_EST_VC31 HC01_MOE_VC31 HC02_EST_VC31 HC02_MOE_VC31 HC03_EST_VC31 HC03_MOE_VC31 HC01_EST_VC32 HC01_MOE_VC32 HC02_EST_VC32 HC02_MOE_VC32 HC03_EST_VC32 HC03_MOE_VC32 HC01_EST_VC33 HC01_MOE_VC33 HC02_EST_VC33 HC02_MOE_VC33 HC03_EST_VC33 HC03_MOE_VC33 HC01_EST_VC37 HC01_MOE_VC37 HC02_EST_VC37 HC02_MOE_VC37 HC03_EST_VC37 HC03_MOE_VC37 HC01_EST_VC38 HC01_MOE_VC38 HC02_EST_VC38 HC02_MOE_VC38 HC03_EST_VC38 HC03_MOE_VC38 HC01_EST_VC39 HC01_MOE_VC39 HC02_EST_VC39 HC02_MOE_VC39 HC03_EST_VC39 HC03_MOE_VC39 HC01_EST_VC40 HC01_MOE_VC40 HC02_EST_VC40 HC02_MOE_VC40 HC03_EST_VC40 HC03_MOE_VC40 HC01_EST_VC44 HC01_MOE_VC44 HC02_EST_VC44 HC02_MOE_VC44 HC03_EST_VC44 HC03_MOE_VC44 HC01_EST_VC45 HC01_MOE_VC45 HC02_EST_VC45 HC02_MOE_VC45 HC03_EST_VC45 HC03_MOE_VC45 HC01_EST_VC46 HC01_MOE_VC46 HC02_EST_VC46 HC02_MOE_VC46 HC03_EST_VC46 HC03_MOE_VC46 HC01_EST_VC47 HC01_MOE_VC47 HC02_EST_VC47 HC02_MOE_VC47 HC03_EST_VC47 HC03_MOE_VC47 HC01_EST_VC48 HC01_MOE_VC48 HC02_EST_VC48 HC02_MOE_VC48 HC03_EST_VC48 HC03_MOE_VC48 HC01_EST_VC49 HC01_MOE_VC49 HC02_EST_VC49 HC02_MOE_VC49 HC03_EST_VC49 HC03_MOE_VC49 HC01_EST_VC52 HC01_MOE_VC52 HC02_EST_VC52 HC02_MOE_VC52 HC03_EST_VC52 HC03_MOE_VC52
Id Id2 Geography Total; Estimate; Population 18 to 24 years Total; Margin of Error; Population 18 to 24 years Male; Estimate; Population 18 to 24 years Male; Margin of Error; Population 18 to 24 years Female; Estimate; Population 18 to 24 years Female; Margin of Error; Population 18 to 24 years Total; Estimate; Less than high school graduate Total; Margin of Error; Less than high school graduate Male; Estimate; Less than high school graduate Male; Margin of Error; Less than high school graduate Female; Estimate; Less than high school graduate Female; Margin of Error; Less than high school graduate Total; Estimate; High school graduate (includes equivalency) Total; Margin of Error; High school graduate (includes equivalency) Male; Estimate; High school graduate (includes equivalency) Male; Margin of Error; High school graduate (includes equivalency) Female; Estimate; High school graduate (includes equivalency) Female; Margin of Error; High school graduate (includes equivalency) Total; Estimate; Some college or associate’s degree Total; Margin of Error; Some college or associate’s degree Male; Estimate; Some college or associate’s degree Male; Margin of Error; Some college or associate’s degree Female; Estimate; Some college or associate’s degree Female; Margin of Error; Some college or associate’s degree Total; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Margin of Error; Bachelor’s degree or higher Male; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher Male; Margin of Error; Bachelor’s degree or higher Female; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher Female; Margin of Error; Bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Estimate; Population 25 years and over Total; Margin of Error; Population 25 years and over Male; Estimate; Population 25 years and over Male; Margin of Error; Population 25 years and over Female; Estimate; Population 25 years and over Female; Margin of Error; Population 25 years and over Total; Estimate; Less than 9th grade Total; Margin of Error; Less than 9th grade Male; Estimate; Less than 9th grade Male; Margin of Error; Less than 9th grade Female; Estimate; Less than 9th grade Female; Margin of Error; Less than 9th grade Total; Estimate; 9th to 12th grade, no diploma Total; Margin of Error; 9th to 12th grade, no diploma Male; Estimate; 9th to 12th grade, no diploma Male; Margin of Error; 9th to 12th grade, no diploma Female; Estimate; 9th to 12th grade, no diploma Female; Margin of Error; 9th to 12th grade, no diploma Total; Estimate; High school graduate (includes equivalency) Total; Margin of Error; High school graduate (includes equivalency) Male; Estimate; High school graduate (includes equivalency) Male; Margin of Error; High school graduate (includes equivalency) Female; Estimate; High school graduate (includes equivalency) Female; Margin of Error; High school graduate (includes equivalency) Total; Estimate; Some college, no degree Total; Margin of Error; Some college, no degree Male; Estimate; Some college, no degree Male; Margin of Error; Some college, no degree Female; Estimate; Some college, no degree Female; Margin of Error; Some college, no degree Total; Estimate; Associate’s degree Total; Margin of Error; Associate’s degree Male; Estimate; Associate’s degree Male; Margin of Error; Associate’s degree Female; Estimate; Associate’s degree Female; Margin of Error; Associate’s degree Total; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree Total; Margin of Error; Bachelor’s degree Male; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree Male; Margin of Error; Bachelor’s degree Female; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree Female; Margin of Error; Bachelor’s degree Total; Estimate; Graduate or professional degree Total; Margin of Error; Graduate or professional degree Male; Estimate; Graduate or professional degree Male; Margin of Error; Graduate or professional degree Female; Estimate; Graduate or professional degree Female; Margin of Error; Graduate or professional degree Total; Estimate; Percent high school graduate or higher Total; Margin of Error; Percent high school graduate or higher Male; Estimate; Percent high school graduate or higher Male; Margin of Error; Percent high school graduate or higher Female; Estimate; Percent high school graduate or higher Female; Margin of Error; Percent high school graduate or higher Total; Estimate; Percent bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Margin of Error; Percent bachelor’s degree or higher Male; Estimate; Percent bachelor’s degree or higher Male; Margin of Error; Percent bachelor’s degree or higher Female; Estimate; Percent bachelor’s degree or higher Female; Margin of Error; Percent bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Estimate; Population 25 to 34 years Total; Margin of Error; Population 25 to 34 years Male; Estimate; Population 25 to 34 years Male; Margin of Error; Population 25 to 34 years Female; Estimate; Population 25 to 34 years Female; Margin of Error; Population 25 to 34 years Total; Estimate; High school graduate or higher Total; Margin of Error; High school graduate or higher Male; Estimate; High school graduate or higher Male; Margin of Error; 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Margin of Error; Bachelor’s degree or higher Female; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher Female; Margin of Error; Bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Estimate; Population 65 years and over Total; Margin of Error; Population 65 years and over Male; Estimate; Population 65 years and over Male; Margin of Error; Population 65 years and over Female; Estimate; Population 65 years and over Female; Margin of Error; Population 65 years and over Total; Estimate; High school graduate or higher Total; Margin of Error; High school graduate or higher Male; Estimate; High school graduate or higher Male; Margin of Error; High school graduate or higher Female; Estimate; High school graduate or higher Female; Margin of Error; High school graduate or higher Total; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Margin of Error; Bachelor’s degree or higher Male; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher Male; Margin of Error; Bachelor’s degree or higher Female; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher Female; Margin of Error; Bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Estimate; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Less than high school graduate Total; Margin of Error; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Less than high school graduate Male; Estimate; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Less than high school graduate Male; Margin of Error; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Less than high school graduate Female; Estimate; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Less than high school graduate Female; Margin of Error; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Less than high school graduate Total; Estimate; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - High school graduate (includes equivalency) Total; Margin of Error; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - High school graduate (includes equivalency) Male; Estimate; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - High school graduate (includes equivalency) Male; Margin of Error; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - High school graduate (includes equivalency) Female; Estimate; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - High school graduate (includes equivalency) Female; Margin of Error; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - High school graduate (includes equivalency) Total; Estimate; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Some college or associate’s degree Total; Margin of Error; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Some college or associate’s degree Male; Estimate; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Some college or associate’s degree Male; Margin of Error; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Some college or associate’s degree Female; Estimate; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Some college or associate’s degree Female; Margin of Error; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Some college or associate’s degree Total; Estimate; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Margin of Error; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Bachelor’s degree or higher Male; Estimate; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Bachelor’s degree or higher Male; Margin of Error; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Bachelor’s degree or higher Female; Estimate; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Bachelor’s degree or higher Female; Margin of Error; POVERTY RATE FOR THE POPULATION 25 YEARS AND OVER FOR WHOM POVERTY STATUS IS DETERMINED BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LEVEL - Bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Population 25 years and over with earnings Total; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Population 25 years and over with earnings Male; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Population 25 years and over with earnings Male; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Population 25 years and over with earnings Female; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Population 25 years and over with earnings Female; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Population 25 years and over with earnings Total; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Less than high school graduate Total; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Less than high school graduate Male; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Less than high school graduate Male; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Less than high school graduate Female; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Less than high school graduate Female; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Less than high school graduate Total; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - High school graduate (includes equivalency) Total; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - High school graduate (includes equivalency) Male; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - High school graduate (includes equivalency) Male; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - High school graduate (includes equivalency) Female; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - High school graduate (includes equivalency) Female; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - High school graduate (includes equivalency) Total; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Some college or associate’s degree Total; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Some college or associate’s degree Male; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Some college or associate’s degree Male; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Some college or associate’s degree Female; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Some college or associate’s degree Female; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Some college or associate’s degree Total; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Bachelor’s degree Total; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Bachelor’s degree Male; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Bachelor’s degree Male; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Bachelor’s degree Female; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Bachelor’s degree Female; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Bachelor’s degree Total; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Graduate or professional degree Total; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Graduate or professional degree Male; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Graduate or professional degree Male; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Graduate or professional degree Female; Estimate; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Graduate or professional degree Female; Margin of Error; MEDIAN EARNINGS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2010 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) - Graduate or professional degree Total; Estimate; PERCENT IMPUTED - Educational attainment Total; Margin of Error; PERCENT IMPUTED - Educational attainment Male; Estimate; PERCENT IMPUTED - Educational attainment Male; Margin of Error; PERCENT IMPUTED - Educational attainment Female; Estimate; PERCENT IMPUTED - Educational attainment Female; Margin of Error; PERCENT IMPUTED - Educational attainment
0500000US01001 01001 Autauga County, Alabama 4546 112 2254 70 2292 91 23.3 4.7 28.6 7.5 18.2 5.4 33.0 4.8 37.7 7.4 28.4 6.6 37.2 5.8 30.4 7.0 43.8 8.4 6.4 2.6 3.2 2.3 9.6 4.7 33884 112 16047 80 17837 104 4.9 0.8 5.1 1.2 4.8 1.3 9.7 1.0 9.4 1.4 10.1 1.2 35.2 2.0 34.4 2.5 36.0 2.6 21.9 1.7 22.6 2.4 21.3 2.0 6.5 0.9 5.0 1.2 7.7 1.3 14.7 1.2 15.3 1.7 14.1 1.6 7.1 0.8 8.2 1.2 6.0 1.0 85.3 1.4 85.5 1.8 85.2 1.6 21.7 1.3 23.5 2.0 20.2 1.7 6370 135 3064 77 3306 92 87.5 3.4 86.3 5.3 88.5 3.7 22.3 4.0 19.5 5.0 24.9 4.9 8269 117 3975 58 4294 85 89.2 2.5 88.7 2.9 89.6 3.3 23.9 3.2 26.2 4.5 21.8 3.7 13185 121 6442 77 6743 89 86.8 1.8 85.7 2.8 87.8 2.1 24.1 2.2 25.7 3.1 22.6 2.8 6060 66 2566 29 3494 67 74.7 3.3 79.3 4.2 71.3 4.4 13.0 2.8 18.6 4.5 8.8 2.6 23.7 5.5 20.2 6.5 26.9 6.9 8.4 1.8 6.5 2.2 9.9 2.5 4.9 1.6 3.0 1.7 6.5 2.2 2.4 1.2 1.9 1.4 3.0 1.6 34167 1533 44112 1824 26832 915 19643 4768 27439 2824 13994 1703 29010 1559 36257 3441 22441 2081 33552 2830 46871 3264 26403 1187 49699 4891 64635 4384 40800 2711 56389 4927 72662 7188 42891 6239 2.0
0500000US01003 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama 13257 211 6825 82 6432 193 21.0 3.0 25.3 4.0 16.3 4.2 37.3 4.0 40.4 5.0 33.9 5.4 34.9 3.4 28.4 4.1 41.9 4.8 6.9 1.9 5.9 2.4 7.9 2.3 121560 210 58269 88 63291 189 3.9 0.5 4.3 0.7 3.5 0.6 8.5 0.5 9.5 0.9 7.7 0.6 29.9 1.0 29.4 1.3 30.4 1.3 23.2 0.9 22.3 1.1 24.1 1.3 7.6 0.5 5.9 0.7 9.2 0.8 18.1 0.8 19.8 1.2 16.6 1.0 8.7 0.6 8.9 0.8 8.5 0.7 87.6 0.6 86.2 1.1 88.8 0.8 26.8 1.0 28.7 1.3 25.1 1.1 19930 205 9911 72 10019 193 87.7 2.0 85.5 2.4 89.8 2.6 25.7 2.8 21.1 2.9 30.2 3.9 23424 200 11444 79 11980 171 89.3 1.6 87.0 2.2 91.6 2.2 28.5 2.2 26.3 2.9 30.7 2.9 49216 203 23471 82 25745 202 88.9 1.0 86.3 1.5 91.2 1.3 28.3 1.4 31.4 2.1 25.5 1.8 28990 115 13443 73 15547 87 83.9 1.3 86.0 1.8 82.1 2.0 23.7 1.7 31.6 2.5 16.9 2.2 22.5 3.2 20.0 3.7 25.3 4.4 11.3 1.5 6.4 1.4 15.5 2.2 6.3 1.1 4.9 1.2 7.4 1.6 2.7 0.8 2.1 0.8 3.4 1.1 30780 832 40044 1089 23118 874 18332 1748 22147 2053 12208 2983 25201 1327 32365 1627 18932 1396 29639 1144 39988 1960 22765 1195 45147 2485 59914 4623 35791 1576 51478 1667 73986 9777 45025 3921 3.5
0500000US01005 01005 Barbour County, Alabama 2590 61 1524 44 1066 41 32.3 7.0 35.7 10.6 27.4 7.9 43.7 6.9 44.4 9.4 42.9 10.3 23.1 5.5 18.7 5.9 29.4 10.7 0.9 0.7 1.2 1.1 0.4 0.6 18879 68 9942 50 8937 51 9.0 1.1 8.5 1.4 9.5 1.7 19.2 1.8 21.0 2.4 17.2 2.3 35.4 2.4 36.1 2.7 34.6 3.1 16.0 1.7 16.6 2.7 15.3 1.9 7.0 1.0 5.2 1.3 9.0 1.6 7.5 1.1 6.9 1.5 8.2 1.7 6.0 1.2 5.7 1.2 6.3 1.7 71.9 1.9 70.5 2.4 73.4 2.6 13.5 1.7 12.6 2.0 14.5 2.1 3748 82 2267 56 1481 57 72.8 4.4 67.7 5.1 80.6 8.1 8.9 3.2 6.0 3.5 13.4 5.6 3840 69 2243 67 1597 30 78.3 4.1 75.8 5.5 81.7 6.9 14.2 4.0 7.0 3.4 24.2 7.6 7485 57 3825 46 3660 35 74.4 3.1 72.9 3.3 75.9 4.3 15.0 2.6 17.3 3.5 12.7 2.9 3806 45 1607 26 2199 21 59.5 4.0 61.3 5.5 58.2 5.3 14.4 3.1 18.8 5.2 11.2 3.0 39.4 5.9 32.9 8.0 44.6 6.3 20.4 4.2 15.6 5.0 24.9 5.4 13.1 4.0 5.4 3.4 19.3 5.6 2.4 1.3 0.8 1.1 3.9 2.3 22508 1498 26424 2550 20269 1649 13129 2803 13011 5732 13221 2826 21611 2372 26639 3562 17887 1849 24197 2460 31739 9078 21112 2004 39428 4454 45179 10026 33984 6737 47930 6079 52321 12791 46250 5114 4.8
0500000US01007 01007 Bibb County, Alabama 2230 329 1298 329 932 ***** 26.6 8.9 39.5 15.9 8.7 7.8 41.7 12.0 47.2 16.6 34.0 12.5 28.7 8.4 10.6 8.4 53.8 13.4 3.0 2.8 2.6 4.2 3.5 3.5 15082 329 7911 329 7171 ***** 9.8 2.5 10.4 3.9 9.0 2.6 15.7 3.0 16.6 4.1 14.7 3.5 42.3 3.5 43.7 4.1 40.8 4.9 16.9 2.4 13.4 3.2 20.6 3.3 5.4 1.4 5.6 1.8 5.1 2.1 7.5 1.8 8.4 2.4 6.5 2.4 2.6 0.9 1.8 0.8 3.3 1.4 74.5 3.6 73.0 4.9 76.3 4.3 10.0 2.1 10.2 2.7 9.8 2.7 2754 320 1463 320 1291 ***** 82.2 8.3 80.2 10.4 84.4 10.9 13.1 6.0 10.9 4.7 15.6 10.6 3604 333 2113 333 1491 ***** 83.0 5.9 79.7 8.1 87.7 6.6 10.6 4.7 10.0 6.5 11.3 5.3 5912 ***** 3151 ***** 2761 ***** 72.2 5.4 70.1 6.9 74.6 6.9 8.5 2.8 8.3 3.8 8.9 3.2 2812 ***** 1184 ***** 1628 ***** 61.1 6.2 59.6 10.3 62.2 7.6 9.4 3.9 14.9 6.6 5.5 3.4 20.4 5.6 17.5 6.1 24.0 8.6 10.3 3.5 8.3 4.6 12.5 4.9 3.3 1.7 2.0 1.6 4.3 3.0 2.7 3.1 3.5 5.3 1.8 3.2 31657 2027 38414 3611 20564 1719 31065 5731 34291 7154 13793 7836 28054 2819 33213 3321 19598 4493 32147 7486 42331 6274 19872 3997 53980 11334 67656 32600 36779 14679 49896 8646 48229 28793 51563 13171 5.1
0500000US01009 01009 Blount County, Alabama 4559 99 2315 48 2244 74 22.4 4.6 26.3 7.1 18.3 5.9 39.0 6.5 41.0 8.6 36.9 7.9 37.6 6.1 30.8 7.1 44.6 8.4 1.0 0.9 1.8 1.6 0.3 0.4 38085 107 18447 112 19638 126 9.4 1.0 9.9 1.4 8.9 1.3 15.9 1.3 16.0 1.9 15.8 1.9 36.4 1.8 37.1 2.6 35.8 2.1 19.5 1.4 19.5 2.2 19.4 1.7 6.2 0.8 4.6 0.9 7.7 1.2 8.4 1.0 9.0 1.4 7.7 1.3 4.2 0.7 3.8 1.0 4.5 0.9 74.7 1.6 74.1 2.3 75.2 2.2 12.5 1.4 12.8 1.7 12.2 1.7 6932 181 3544 73 3388 173 74.2 4.1 70.5 6.4 78.1 6.1 11.8 2.4 13.0 3.9 10.5 3.0 8080 175 4110 107 3970 132 80.3 3.4 80.0 4.3 80.6 4.6 14.3 3.1 11.8 3.2 16.9 4.4 15019 193 7290 107 7729 168 77.5 2.4 76.5 3.3 78.4 3.0 14.0 2.3 15.3 3.1 12.9 2.5 8054 132 3503 69 4551 93 64.1 3.6 65.5 5.3 63.0 4.3 8.5 2.0 8.8 2.7 8.3 2.9 22.6 3.3 17.3 3.8 27.9 5.3 11.1 2.0 9.4 2.7 12.8 2.6 4.6 1.2 2.5 1.1 6.3 1.9 4.0 2.1 2.6 1.9 5.4 4.0 31435 809 37199 1647 24488 2151 22819 2544 27086 2116 15767 2692 27791 2635 36710 2418 19234 1722 33684 2094 43392 2141 28688 2179 42208 2855 45506 3342 37179 7687 53730 1997 59660 21417 51587 1865 4.8

If you scrolled far enough across you saw that, clearly, this data needs a lot of work to be even remotely in line with what we need from it. There are a lot of columns, and the first row contains variable descriptions rather than actual county data. Time to show off dplyr from the tidyverse in the proceeding sections (Wickham et al. 2019).

2.3 The “Pipe” Operator

First of all, the magrittr package included in the tidyverse gives us the %>% operator, also referred to as the “pipe” operator (Bache and Wickham 2014). The %>% operator is extremely useful because it allows us to write code in a way that is easier to read after the fact, and it saves us typing the same object name repetitively. Take the code below, for example. Notice how the %>% operator is at the end of each line of code besides the last? When “piping” we present an object name followed by the %>% operator, present operations we’d like R to perform on the provided object name on the next line, include the %>% operator at the end of that line, present more operations to be done on the next line, and so on. Note that while you don’t technically have to break pipe operations across multiple lines, doing so is a best practice that will make your code much easier to follow both for yourself and potential future readers, hence why I recommend it here. Many R functions take the object name of the data you want that function to operate on as their first argument. The %>% operator lets you circumvent having to type that object name as the first argument over and over.

If we wrote, for example,

foo %>%
  ... %>%
  ... %>%

we could think of this as a plain English sentence that would read, “Take foo, then …, then …, then …” The final product would be whatever is left of foo after all of those operations had been done in sequential order from top to bottom. Note, it’s not required that you insert a line break after each pipe, but doing so is a common practice that will improve the readability of your code.

2.4 Cleaning the Census Education Data

With the basics of “piping” introduced, let’s turn to some of the functions available with the dplyr package from the tidyverse that make cleaning and tidying data more intuitive.

I break this first cleaning example into two sections. First, in Section 2.4.1 I’ll show you an easy way to select columns through some manual inspection of the data and a couple lines of code. In Section 2.4.2, I’ll introduce some more advanced ways you could do the same selection without needing to do as much manual inspection of the data by taking advantage of additional R functions.

2.4.1 Selection via Manual Inspection

Below, we tell R to create a new object named census_edu_clean that is the result of piping census_edu through a series of operations. The first function, or verb, we use to do those operations is select(). You can always type a question mark followed by any function name in the console to read the documentation of a function. Try ?select, for example.

Use select() when you want to select certain columns to keep from a dataset. You can supply select() with either the column number or the column name of the columns you’d like to keep. If you want to keep multiple columns, which you often will, you simply separate each consecutive desired column number or name with a comma.

This step is where we’ll need to do some manual inspection to find the column names we are interested in. In this instance, we’re interested in the county names and the percentage of the county population with a bachelor’s degree or higher. Again, by looking closely at the Census education data by using the previously mentioned View() function, we can see the data includes indecipherable shorthand for the column names and a description of the data inside each column in the first row. Actual data doesn’t begin until the second row. We can identify the contents of a column by scrolling across the viewer and reading the entry in the first row for each column. Once we’ve identified the column we want, we can supply its column name to select() to tell R that’s the one we’d like to keep.

Scrolling across the first row, we can quickly see that Geo.display.label is the column name for Geography, so we know we need to supply that to select() down the line. You might also realize that there appears to be a noticeable pattern for how the later columns are ordered. Generally, the description of what was measured proceeds the second semicolon. For each measurement, the following pattern exists: Total; Estimate; … then Total; Margin of Error; … then Male; Estimate; … then Male; Margin of Error; … then Female; Estimate; … then Female; Margin of Error; …. We know right away that we’re only interested in the Total; Estimate; … column for whatever measurement description most nearly matches “bachelor’s degree or higher.” If you continue scrolling across, you’ll notice there’s a column that matches that exact pattern: Total; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher. Seeing that, remember its associated column name, HC01_EST_VC05, because that’s the second column name we need to supply the select() function with.

Helpfully, you can rename columns within the select() function as you select them. Since the column names that already exist are uninformative, let’s replace them with more easily understood substitutes, County and PercentBachelorOrHigher respectively, by typing the new name we want followed by an equal sign and the old name.

This code illustrates how you would perform what we’ve discussed above, and Table 2.2 presents a preview of the output created through this usage of select().


census_edu_clean <- census_edu %>%
  select(County = GEO.display.label, PercentBachelorOrHigher = HC01_EST_VC05)
Table 2.2: Preview of Manually Selected Columns
County PercentBachelorOrHigher
Geography Total; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher
Autauga County, Alabama 6.4
Baldwin County, Alabama 6.9
Barbour County, Alabama 0.9
Bibb County, Alabama 3.0
Blount County, Alabama 1.0

2.4.2 Selection via Conditions & Additional Cleaning

As you’ve seen in Section 2.4.1, you would normally feed the column names or column numbers that you wanted to keep to the select() function. I do that below in a slightly more advanced way. Again, our Census data is somewhat strange in that we have the column names followed by a description of what the column name stands for in the first row. The second row and beyond is where the actual data begins. Sometimes manual inspection is easy enough and can get you the column numbers or column names that you’re interested in without much hassle. Other times, there are an overly burdensome number of columns for any individual to manually read through. Below, I discuss how you could perform the same selection as we did in Section 2.4.1 with conditional arguments passed to the select() function that will find the column numbers you want for you. I’ll also demonstrate some of the pitfalls of manual inspection via example.

Since we’re only interested in the percentage of the total population with a bachelor’s degree or higher, I tell R I want it to keep only columns that contain the strings “Geography” or “Total; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher” in the first row using the str_detect() function. Assume for a moment we hadn’t done the full extent of manual inspection that we did earlier. We still know to keep “Geography” because that contains our county and state names. We can test “Total; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher” because we’ve done enough manual inspection to identify the "Total; Estimate; … pattern, and since we know we know the first letter of each word following a semicolon is capitalized, we can supply a reasonable guess as to what the measurement we’re looking for is named, “Bachelor’s degree or higher”.

To test where these strings are, however, I need index positions. Index positions are ways to access subsets of information inside of R objects. You reference them by proceeding an object name with brackets[] and inserting positions within those brackets. Said positions generally consist of two numbers separated by a comma, though you can use vectors separated by commas as well. The first number is row number, and the second number is the column number. So, [1,1] would reference the observation in the first row of the first column of some object. If you omit a number on the left of the comma, that translates to all rows. If you omit a number on the right of the comma, that stands for all columns. For example, [1,] means all values in row one across all columns. If, instead, you were to write [,1], that would translate to all values in all rows of column one. For more detailed explanations of how to reference index positions of R objects, see the tutorials mentioned at the beginning of this document.

Thankfully, the which() function returns index positions as its output. The str_detect() function from the tidyverse package stringr will tell you which values inside of a vector contain a string pattern and which don’t (Wickham 2019). Since we only want those that do math the supplied pattern, we tell which() to look for where str_detect() is true, i.e. == T. To get a vector from a row, we must use unlist(). We can use . as a placeholder for the object name we’re piping where needed, hence .[1,] in the unlist() argument. Typically, when you want to reference a part of a the piped object via indexing, you’ll need to use the . as a placeholder for the objectname before adding the bracketed index positions.

Putting all of this together, you can come up with the lines of code below. Running these lines may supply you with an unexpected result, however.

census_edu_clean <- census_edu %>%
  select(County = which(str_detect(unlist(.[1,]), "Geography") == T), PercentBachelorOrHigher = which(str_detect(unlist(.[1,]), "Total; Estimate; Bachelor's degree or higher") == T))
Table 2.3: Example of Multiple Columns Matching a Condition
County PercentBachelorOrHigher1 PercentBachelorOrHigher2 PercentBachelorOrHigher3 PercentBachelorOrHigher4 PercentBachelorOrHigher5
Geography Total; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher Total; Estimate; Bachelor’s degree or higher
Autauga County, Alabama 6.4 22.3 23.9 24.1 13.0
Baldwin County, Alabama 6.9 25.7 28.5 28.3 23.7
Barbour County, Alabama 0.9 8.9 14.2 15.0 14.4
Bibb County, Alabama 3.0 13.1 10.6 8.5 9.4
Blount County, Alabama 1.0 11.8 14.3 14.0 8.5

The code above returned several columns rather than a single column named PercentBachelorOrHigher because multiple columns matched the conditions that we specified. This is an excellent example of why manual inspection is, at times, problematic compared to conditional selection. When we were manually inspecting, we found the first instance that matched our expectations and mistakenly assumed that we found the column we were looking for. Using conditions can protect you from these sorts of troublesome assumptions. Seeing that multiple columns match the condition we supplied, we’re left with a few questions:

  • Are any of these the correct column?
  • Is there some other string we should be looking for?
  • How can we find the correct column?

To start answering these questions, you’ll want to go back to the raw, original data and find a codebook or some other identifying documentation. Personally, I recommend this always be your first course of action when you’re unsure about what is contained in a dataset and how it’s labeled. The image below shows an in-browser preview of the Census education data. The data in the left-most column corresponds to what we see in row one of census_edu. We can see that the data is broken down across age categories (yellow boxes) starting at Population 18 to 24 years. The next category begins at Population 25 years and over, and beneath that, we see a sub category (blue box), Percent bachelor’s degree or higher. This should have been our target string all along.

Using the string Bachelor’s degree or higher rather than Percent bachelor’s degree or higher was returning information for age categories we aren’t interested in. We want the measurement that contains the most information about the largest amount of the population in our particular case. So, if we test the string Percent bachelor’s degree or higher, as we do in the code below, we’ll see that R only returns a single column. This allows us to be confident we have selected the correct column now!

census_edu %>%
  select(County = which(str_detect(unlist(.[1,]), "Geography") == T), PercentBachelorOrHigher = which(str_detect(unlist(.[1,]), "Total; Estimate; Percent bachelor's degree or higher") == T)) %>%
Table 2.4: Properly Identified Column via Combination of Manual Inspection and Conditional Selection
County PercentBachelorOrHigher
Geography Total; Estimate; Percent bachelor’s degree or higher
Autauga County, Alabama 21.7
Baldwin County, Alabama 26.8
Barbour County, Alabama 13.5
Bibb County, Alabama 10.0
Blount County, Alabama 12.5

The next verb we use is slice(), which allows us to choose to keep or discard rows by name or position. We discard the first row of the data in this case because it contained the column descriptions, which we made obsolete by renaming the columns to better convey their contents. To discard rows within the slice() function, simply precede the desired row number with the subtraction symbol as I do below.

Next, we use mutate(), which allows us to create new columns or convert existing columns into something new. In this case, we convert PercentBachelororHigher, from a factor variable to a numeric variable and multiply it by 0.01 to convert it into a more conventional decimal form representation of percent data.

Finally, some of the data was missing or non-numeric, meaning that R returns NA for some counties when we asked it to perform the mutation. Since we don’t have that data for those counties, we simply drop them from the final data by using the drop_na() function. Table 2.5 shows what our clean data should resemble now. With just a few lines of code, we tidied up our data to a nice workable format! Compare this to the mess we started with that is Table 2.1, and you’ll start to get a feel for how powerful R can be when organizing and tidying up data!

census_edu_clean <- census_edu %>%
  select(County = which(str_detect(unlist(.[1,]), "Geography") == T), PercentBachelorOrHigher = which(str_detect(unlist(.[1,]), "Total; Estimate; Percent bachelor's degree or higher") == T)) %>%
  slice(-1) %>%
  mutate(PercentBachelorOrHigher = as.numeric(levels(PercentBachelorOrHigher))[PercentBachelorOrHigher] * 0.01) %>%

Table 2.5: Cleaned Education Data Preview
County PercentBachelorOrHigher
Autauga County, Alabama 0.217
Baldwin County, Alabama 0.268
Barbour County, Alabama 0.135
Bibb County, Alabama 0.100
Blount County, Alabama 0.125
Bullock County, Alabama 0.120

Voila! With just a few lines of code, we tidied up our data to a nice workable format! Compare this to the mess we started with that is Table 2.1, and you’ll start to get a feel for how powerful R can be when organizing and tidying up data!

Unfortunately, the process doesn’t stop there, however. We should make sure that we have the expected number of observations left over, and if we don’t, we need to find out why in the event that it might be correctable. To do that, we can use the base R function nrow(). Note that the drop_na() function will drop the entire row wherever there are NA’s in a column. Knowing that, we should compare the number of rows we have left after using drop_na() to the number of rows we had to begin with in census_edu minus one. We compare to census_edu - 1 because we used slice() to intentionally get rid of the first row of data already.

nrow(census_edu) - 1
## [1] 657
## [1] 657

Perfect! The numbers of rows in each match, so we’re good to go on the education data. Now that we know the basics of how to clean data in R, let’s continue grabbing some more of the other variables we need.

2.5 Downloading the Census Age Data

To obtain the age data, follow the same steps as detailed in Section 2.2, but replace Education -> Educational Attainment from the topics list with Age & Sex -> Age. Download the dataset 2010 SF1 100% Data, and extract it to the same Census Data folder I recommended before. Once downloaded, you can import using similar code to before.

census_age <- as_tibble(read.csv(here("Census Data", "DEC_10_SF1_QTP1_with_ann.csv"), header = T))


Viewing the data demonstrates the same problems exist for this data as the education data.

Table 2.6: Uncleaned Age Data Preview
GEO.id GEO.id2 GEO.display.label SUBHD0101_S01 SUBHD0102_S01 SUBHD0103_S01 SUBHD0201_S01 SUBHD0202_S01 SUBHD0203_S01 HD03_S01 SUBHD0101_S02 SUBHD0102_S02 SUBHD0103_S02 SUBHD0201_S02 SUBHD0202_S02 SUBHD0203_S02 HD03_S02 SUBHD0101_S03 SUBHD0102_S03 SUBHD0103_S03 SUBHD0201_S03 SUBHD0202_S03 SUBHD0203_S03 HD03_S03 SUBHD0101_S04 SUBHD0102_S04 SUBHD0103_S04 SUBHD0201_S04 SUBHD0202_S04 SUBHD0203_S04 HD03_S04 SUBHD0101_S05 SUBHD0102_S05 SUBHD0103_S05 SUBHD0201_S05 SUBHD0202_S05 SUBHD0203_S05 HD03_S05 SUBHD0101_S06 SUBHD0102_S06 SUBHD0103_S06 SUBHD0201_S06 SUBHD0202_S06 SUBHD0203_S06 HD03_S06 SUBHD0101_S07 SUBHD0102_S07 SUBHD0103_S07 SUBHD0201_S07 SUBHD0202_S07 SUBHD0203_S07 HD03_S07 SUBHD0101_S08 SUBHD0102_S08 SUBHD0103_S08 SUBHD0201_S08 SUBHD0202_S08 SUBHD0203_S08 HD03_S08 SUBHD0101_S09 SUBHD0102_S09 SUBHD0103_S09 SUBHD0201_S09 SUBHD0202_S09 SUBHD0203_S09 HD03_S09 SUBHD0101_S10 SUBHD0102_S10 SUBHD0103_S10 SUBHD0201_S10 SUBHD0202_S10 SUBHD0203_S10 HD03_S10 SUBHD0101_S11 SUBHD0102_S11 SUBHD0103_S11 SUBHD0201_S11 SUBHD0202_S11 SUBHD0203_S11 HD03_S11 SUBHD0101_S12 SUBHD0102_S12 SUBHD0103_S12 SUBHD0201_S12 SUBHD0202_S12 SUBHD0203_S12 HD03_S12 SUBHD0101_S13 SUBHD0102_S13 SUBHD0103_S13 SUBHD0201_S13 SUBHD0202_S13 SUBHD0203_S13 HD03_S13 SUBHD0101_S14 SUBHD0102_S14 SUBHD0103_S14 SUBHD0201_S14 SUBHD0202_S14 SUBHD0203_S14 HD03_S14 SUBHD0101_S15 SUBHD0102_S15 SUBHD0103_S15 SUBHD0201_S15 SUBHD0202_S15 SUBHD0203_S15 HD03_S15 SUBHD0101_S16 SUBHD0102_S16 SUBHD0103_S16 SUBHD0201_S16 SUBHD0202_S16 SUBHD0203_S16 HD03_S16 SUBHD0101_S17 SUBHD0102_S17 SUBHD0103_S17 SUBHD0201_S17 SUBHD0202_S17 SUBHD0203_S17 HD03_S17 SUBHD0101_S18 SUBHD0102_S18 SUBHD0103_S18 SUBHD0201_S18 SUBHD0202_S18 SUBHD0203_S18 HD03_S18 SUBHD0101_S19 SUBHD0102_S19 SUBHD0103_S19 SUBHD0201_S19 SUBHD0202_S19 SUBHD0203_S19 HD03_S19 SUBHD0101_S20 SUBHD0102_S20 SUBHD0103_S20 SUBHD0201_S20 SUBHD0202_S20 SUBHD0203_S20 HD03_S20 SUBHD0101_S21 SUBHD0102_S21 SUBHD0103_S21 SUBHD0201_S21 SUBHD0202_S21 SUBHD0203_S21 HD03_S21 SUBHD0101_S22 SUBHD0102_S22 SUBHD0103_S22 SUBHD0201_S22 SUBHD0202_S22 SUBHD0203_S22 HD03_S22 SUBHD0101_S23 SUBHD0102_S23 SUBHD0103_S23 SUBHD0201_S23 SUBHD0202_S23 SUBHD0203_S23 HD03_S23 SUBHD0101_S24 SUBHD0102_S24 SUBHD0103_S24 SUBHD0201_S24 SUBHD0202_S24 SUBHD0203_S24 HD03_S24 SUBHD0101_S25 SUBHD0102_S25 SUBHD0103_S25 SUBHD0201_S25 SUBHD0202_S25 SUBHD0203_S25 HD03_S25 SUBHD0101_S26 SUBHD0102_S26 SUBHD0103_S26 SUBHD0201_S26 SUBHD0202_S26 SUBHD0203_S26 HD03_S26 SUBHD0101_S27 SUBHD0102_S27 SUBHD0103_S27 SUBHD0201_S27 SUBHD0202_S27 SUBHD0203_S27 HD03_S27 SUBHD0101_S28 SUBHD0102_S28 SUBHD0103_S28 SUBHD0201_S28 SUBHD0202_S28 SUBHD0203_S28 HD03_S28 SUBHD0101_S29 SUBHD0102_S29 SUBHD0103_S29 SUBHD0201_S29 SUBHD0202_S29 SUBHD0203_S29 HD03_S29 SUBHD0101_S30 SUBHD0102_S30 SUBHD0103_S30 SUBHD0201_S30 SUBHD0202_S30 SUBHD0203_S30 HD03_S30 SUBHD0101_S31 SUBHD0102_S31 SUBHD0103_S31 SUBHD0201_S31 SUBHD0202_S31 SUBHD0203_S31 HD03_S31 SUBHD0101_S32 SUBHD0102_S32 SUBHD0103_S32 SUBHD0201_S32 SUBHD0202_S32 SUBHD0203_S32 HD03_S32 SUBHD0101_S33 SUBHD0102_S33 SUBHD0103_S33 SUBHD0201_S33 SUBHD0202_S33 SUBHD0203_S33 HD03_S33 SUBHD0101_S34 SUBHD0102_S34 SUBHD0103_S34 SUBHD0201_S34 SUBHD0202_S34 SUBHD0203_S34 HD03_S34 SUBHD0101_S35 SUBHD0102_S35 SUBHD0103_S35 SUBHD0201_S35 SUBHD0202_S35 SUBHD0203_S35 HD03_S35 SUBHD0101_S36 SUBHD0102_S36 SUBHD0103_S36 SUBHD0201_S36 SUBHD0202_S36 SUBHD0203_S36 HD03_S36 SUBHD0101_S37 SUBHD0102_S37 SUBHD0103_S37 SUBHD0201_S37 SUBHD0202_S37 SUBHD0203_S37 HD03_S37 SUBHD0101_S38 SUBHD0102_S38 SUBHD0103_S38 SUBHD0201_S38 SUBHD0202_S38 SUBHD0203_S38 HD03_S38 SUBHD0101_S39 SUBHD0102_S39 SUBHD0103_S39 SUBHD0201_S39 SUBHD0202_S39 SUBHD0203_S39 HD03_S39 SUBHD0101_S40 SUBHD0102_S40 SUBHD0103_S40 SUBHD0201_S40 SUBHD0202_S40 SUBHD0203_S40 HD03_S40 SUBHD0101_S41 SUBHD0102_S41 SUBHD0103_S41 SUBHD0201_S41 SUBHD0202_S41 SUBHD0203_S41 HD03_S41
Id Id2 Geography Number - Both sexes; Total population Number - Male; Total population Number - Female; Total population Percent - Both sexes; Total population Percent - Male; Total population Percent - Female; Total population Males per 100 females; Total population Number - Both sexes; Total population - Under 5 years Number - Male; Total population - Under 5 years Number - Female; Total population - Under 5 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - Under 5 years Percent - Male; Total population - Under 5 years Percent - Female; Total population - Under 5 years Males per 100 females; Total population - Under 5 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 5 to 9 years Number - Male; Total population - 5 to 9 years Number - Female; Total population - 5 to 9 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 5 to 9 years Percent - Male; Total population - 5 to 9 years Percent - Female; Total population - 5 to 9 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 5 to 9 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 10 to 14 years Number - Male; Total population - 10 to 14 years Number - Female; Total population - 10 to 14 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 10 to 14 years Percent - Male; Total population - 10 to 14 years Percent - Female; Total population - 10 to 14 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 10 to 14 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 15 to 19 years Number - Male; Total population - 15 to 19 years Number - Female; Total population - 15 to 19 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 15 to 19 years Percent - Male; Total population - 15 to 19 years Percent - Female; Total population - 15 to 19 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 15 to 19 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 20 to 24 years Number - Male; Total population - 20 to 24 years Number - Female; Total population - 20 to 24 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 20 to 24 years Percent - Male; Total population - 20 to 24 years Percent - Female; Total population - 20 to 24 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 20 to 24 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 25 to 29 years Number - Male; Total population - 25 to 29 years Number - Female; Total population - 25 to 29 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 25 to 29 years Percent - Male; Total population - 25 to 29 years Percent - Female; Total population - 25 to 29 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 25 to 29 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 30 to 34 years Number - Male; Total population - 30 to 34 years Number - Female; Total population - 30 to 34 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 30 to 34 years Percent - Male; Total population - 30 to 34 years Percent - Female; Total population - 30 to 34 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 30 to 34 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 35 to 39 years Number - Male; Total population - 35 to 39 years Number - Female; Total population - 35 to 39 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 35 to 39 years Percent - Male; Total population - 35 to 39 years Percent - Female; Total population - 35 to 39 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 35 to 39 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 40 to 44 years Number - Male; Total population - 40 to 44 years Number - Female; Total population - 40 to 44 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 40 to 44 years Percent - Male; Total population - 40 to 44 years Percent - Female; Total population - 40 to 44 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 40 to 44 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 45 to 49 years Number - Male; Total population - 45 to 49 years Number - Female; Total population - 45 to 49 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 45 to 49 years Percent - Male; Total population - 45 to 49 years Percent - Female; Total population - 45 to 49 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 45 to 49 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 50 to 54 years Number - Male; Total population - 50 to 54 years Number - Female; Total population - 50 to 54 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 50 to 54 years Percent - Male; Total population - 50 to 54 years Percent - Female; Total population - 50 to 54 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 50 to 54 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 55 to 59 years Number - Male; Total population - 55 to 59 years Number - Female; Total population - 55 to 59 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 55 to 59 years Percent - Male; Total population - 55 to 59 years Percent - Female; Total population - 55 to 59 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 55 to 59 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 60 to 64 years Number - Male; Total population - 60 to 64 years Number - Female; Total population - 60 to 64 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 60 to 64 years Percent - Male; Total population - 60 to 64 years Percent - Female; Total population - 60 to 64 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 60 to 64 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 65 to 69 years Number - Male; Total population - 65 to 69 years Number - Female; Total population - 65 to 69 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 65 to 69 years Percent - Male; Total population - 65 to 69 years Percent - Female; Total population - 65 to 69 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 65 to 69 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 70 to 74 years Number - Male; Total population - 70 to 74 years Number - Female; Total population - 70 to 74 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 70 to 74 years Percent - Male; Total population - 70 to 74 years Percent - Female; Total population - 70 to 74 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 70 to 74 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 75 to 79 years Number - Male; Total population - 75 to 79 years Number - Female; Total population - 75 to 79 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 75 to 79 years Percent - Male; Total population - 75 to 79 years Percent - Female; Total population - 75 to 79 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 75 to 79 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 80 to 84 years Number - Male; Total population - 80 to 84 years Number - Female; Total population - 80 to 84 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 80 to 84 years Percent - Male; Total population - 80 to 84 years Percent - Female; Total population - 80 to 84 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 80 to 84 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 85 to 89 years Number - Male; Total population - 85 to 89 years Number - Female; Total population - 85 to 89 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 85 to 89 years Percent - Male; Total population - 85 to 89 years Percent - Female; Total population - 85 to 89 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 85 to 89 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 90 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 90 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 90 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 90 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 90 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 90 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 90 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - Under 18 years Number - Male; Total population - Under 18 years Number - Female; Total population - Under 18 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - Under 18 years Percent - Male; Total population - Under 18 years Percent - Female; Total population - Under 18 years Males per 100 females; Total population - Under 18 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 65 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 65 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 65 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 65 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 65 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Number - Male; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Number - Female; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Percent - Male; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Percent - Female; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Number - Male; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Number - Female; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Percent - Male; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Percent - Female; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 16 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 16 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 16 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 16 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 16 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 16 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 16 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 18 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 18 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 18 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 18 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 21 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 21 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 21 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 21 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 21 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 21 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 21 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 60 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 60 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 60 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 60 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 60 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 60 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 60 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 62 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 62 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 62 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 62 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 62 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 62 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 62 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 67 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 67 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 67 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 67 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 67 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 67 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 67 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 75 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 75 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 75 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 75 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 75 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 75 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 75 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - Median age (years) Number - Male; Total population - Median age (years) Number - Female; Total population - Median age (years) Percent - Both sexes; Total population - Median age (years) Percent - Male; Total population - Median age (years) Percent - Female; Total population - Median age (years) Males per 100 females; Total population - Median age (years)
0500000US01001 01001 Autauga County, Alabama 54571 26569 28002 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.9 3579 1866 1713 6.6 7.0 6.1 108.9 3991 2001 1990 7.3 7.5 7.1 100.6 4290 2171 2119 7.9 8.2 7.6 102.5 4290 2213 2077 7.9 8.3 7.4 106.5 3080 1539 1541 5.6 5.8 5.5 99.9 3157 1543 1614 5.8 5.8 5.8 95.6 3330 1594 1736 6.1 6.0 6.2 91.8 4157 2004 2153 7.6 7.5 7.7 93.1 4086 1974 2112 7.5 7.4 7.5 93.5 4332 2174 2158 7.9 8.2 7.7 100.7 3873 1866 2007 7.1 7.0 7.2 93.0 3083 1524 1559 5.6 5.7 5.6 97.8 2777 1279 1498 5.1 4.8 5.3 85.4 2277 1014 1263 4.2 3.8 4.5 80.3 1736 807 929 3.2 3.0 3.3 86.9 1251 546 705 2.3 2.1 2.5 77.4 731 295 436 1.3 1.1 1.6 67.7 367 113 254 0.7 0.4 0.9 44.5 184 46 138 0.3 0.2 0.5 33.3 14613 7455 7158 26.8 28.1 25.6 104.1 33412 16293 17119 61.2 61.3 61.1 95.2 4617 2335 2282 8.5 8.8 8.1 102.3 14730 7115 7615 27.0 26.8 27.2 93.4 6487 3137 3350 11.9 11.8 12.0 93.6 8243 3978 4265 15.1 15.0 15.2 93.3 14065 6843 7222 25.8 25.8 25.8 94.8 8205 4040 4165 15.0 15.2 14.9 97.0 5860 2803 3057 10.7 10.5 10.9 91.7 6546 2821 3725 12.0 10.6 13.3 75.7 4013 1821 2192 7.4 6.9 7.8 83.1 1982 841 1141 3.6 3.2 4.1 73.7 551 159 392 1.0 0.6 1.4 40.6 41804 20046 21758 76.6 75.4 77.7 92.1 39958 19114 20844 73.2 71.9 74.4 91.7 37756 17968 19788 69.2 67.6 70.7 90.8 9323 4100 5223 17.1 15.4 18.7 78.5 8222 3606 4616 15.1 13.6 16.5 78.1 5614 2403 3211 10.3 9.0 11.5 74.8 2533 1000 1533 4.6 3.8 5.5 65.2 37.0 35.9 37.9 ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X )
0500000US01003 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama 182265 89196 93069 100.0 100.0 100.0 95.8 11158 5614 5544 6.1 6.3 6.0 101.3 11599 5832 5767 6.4 6.5 6.2 101.1 11926 6076 5850 6.5 6.8 6.3 103.9 11600 5930 5670 6.4 6.6 6.1 104.6 9449 4793 4656 5.2 5.4 5.0 102.9 10247 5183 5064 5.6 5.8 5.4 102.3 10709 5317 5392 5.9 6.0 5.8 98.6 11558 5725 5833 6.3 6.4 6.3 98.1 11995 5895 6100 6.6 6.6 6.6 96.6 13431 6622 6809 7.4 7.4 7.3 97.3 13490 6425 7065 7.4 7.2 7.6 90.9 12523 5943 6580 6.9 6.7 7.1 90.3 12012 5728 6284 6.6 6.4 6.8 91.2 10174 4895 5279 5.6 5.5 5.7 92.7 7629 3663 3966 4.2 4.1 4.3 92.4 5598 2644 2954 3.1 3.0 3.2 89.5 3934 1735 2199 2.2 1.9 2.4 78.9 2221 863 1358 1.2 1.0 1.5 63.5 1012 313 699 0.6 0.4 0.8 44.8 41898 21226 20672 23.0 23.8 22.2 102.7 109799 53857 55942 60.2 60.4 60.1 96.3 13834 7019 6815 7.6 7.9 7.3 103.0 44509 22120 22389 24.4 24.8 24.1 98.8 20956 10500 10456 11.5 11.8 11.2 100.4 23553 11620 11933 12.9 13.0 12.8 97.4 51456 24718 26738 28.2 27.7 28.7 92.4 26921 13047 13874 14.8 14.6 14.9 94.0 24535 11671 12864 13.5 13.1 13.8 90.7 30568 14113 16455 16.8 15.8 17.7 85.8 17803 8558 9245 9.8 9.6 9.9 92.6 9532 4379 5153 5.2 4.9 5.5 85.0 3233 1176 2057 1.8 1.3 2.2 57.2 145215 70491 74724 79.7 79.0 80.3 94.3 140367 67970 72397 77.0 76.2 77.8 93.9 134024 64731 69293 73.5 72.6 74.5 93.4 42580 19841 22739 23.4 22.2 24.4 87.3 37780 17540 20240 20.7 19.7 21.7 86.7 26301 12059 14242 14.4 13.5 15.3 84.7 12765 5555 7210 7.0 6.2 7.7 77.0 41.1 40.1 42.2 ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X )
0500000US01005 01005 Barbour County, Alabama 27457 14576 12881 100.0 100.0 100.0 113.2 1702 847 855 6.2 5.8 6.6 99.1 1642 826 816 6.0 5.7 6.3 101.2 1599 820 779 5.8 5.6 6.0 105.3 1731 919 812 6.3 6.3 6.3 113.2 1794 1048 746 6.5 7.2 5.8 140.5 2010 1212 798 7.3 8.3 6.2 151.9 1808 1162 646 6.6 8.0 5.0 179.9 1819 1046 773 6.6 7.2 6.0 135.3 1809 1069 740 6.6 7.3 5.7 144.5 2108 1164 944 7.7 8.0 7.3 123.3 1910 1000 910 7.0 6.9 7.1 109.9 1817 910 907 6.6 6.2 7.0 100.3 1799 859 940 6.6 5.9 7.3 91.4 1290 631 659 4.7 4.3 5.1 95.8 948 436 512 3.5 3.0 4.0 85.2 685 303 382 2.5 2.1 3.0 79.3 543 195 348 2.0 1.3 2.7 56.0 311 97 214 1.1 0.7 1.7 45.3 132 32 100 0.5 0.2 0.8 32.0 6015 3052 2963 21.9 20.9 23.0 103.0 17533 9830 7703 63.9 67.4 59.8 127.6 2453 1408 1045 8.9 9.7 8.1 134.7 7446 4489 2957 27.1 30.8 23.0 151.8 3818 2374 1444 13.9 16.3 11.2 164.4 3628 2115 1513 13.2 14.5 11.7 139.8 7634 3933 3701 27.8 27.0 28.7 106.3 4018 2164 1854 14.6 14.8 14.4 116.7 3616 1769 1847 13.2 12.1 14.3 95.8 3909 1694 2215 14.2 11.6 17.2 76.5 2238 1067 1171 8.2 7.3 9.1 91.1 1228 498 730 4.5 3.4 5.7 68.2 443 129 314 1.6 0.9 2.4 41.1 22185 11904 10281 80.8 81.7 79.8 115.8 21442 11524 9918 78.1 79.1 77.0 116.2 20435 10974 9461 74.4 75.3 73.4 116.0 5708 2553 3155 20.8 17.5 24.5 80.9 4958 2195 2763 18.1 15.1 21.5 79.4 3353 1414 1939 12.2 9.7 15.1 72.9 1671 627 1044 6.1 4.3 8.1 60.1 39.0 37.2 41.6 ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X )
0500000US01007 01007 Bibb County, Alabama 22915 12301 10614 100.0 100.0 100.0 115.9 1378 712 666 6.0 5.8 6.3 106.9 1405 759 646 6.1 6.2 6.1 117.5 1440 771 669 6.3 6.3 6.3 115.2 1543 806 737 6.7 6.6 6.9 109.4 1491 811 680 6.5 6.6 6.4 119.3 1603 987 616 7.0 8.0 5.8 160.2 1646 1013 633 7.2 8.2 6.0 160.0 1747 1003 744 7.6 8.2 7.0 134.8 1635 892 743 7.1 7.3 7.0 120.1 1805 1036 769 7.9 8.4 7.2 134.7 1581 847 734 6.9 6.9 6.9 115.4 1401 734 667 6.1 6.0 6.3 110.0 1334 684 650 5.8 5.6 6.1 105.2 966 456 510 4.2 3.7 4.8 89.4 757 347 410 3.3 2.8 3.9 84.6 549 232 317 2.4 1.9 3.0 73.2 355 138 217 1.5 1.1 2.0 63.6 190 54 136 0.8 0.4 1.3 39.7 89 19 70 0.4 0.2 0.7 27.1 5201 2755 2446 22.7 22.4 23.0 112.6 14808 8300 6508 64.6 67.5 61.3 127.5 2056 1104 952 9.0 9.0 9.0 116.0 6631 3895 2736 28.9 31.7 25.8 142.4 3249 2000 1249 14.2 16.3 11.8 160.1 3382 1895 1487 14.8 15.4 14.0 127.4 6121 3301 2820 26.7 26.8 26.6 117.1 3386 1883 1503 14.8 15.3 14.2 125.3 2735 1418 1317 11.9 11.5 12.4 107.7 2906 1246 1660 12.7 10.1 15.6 75.1 1723 803 920 7.5 6.5 8.7 87.3 904 370 534 3.9 3.0 5.0 69.3 279 73 206 1.2 0.6 1.9 35.4 18372 9900 8472 80.2 80.5 79.8 116.9 17714 9546 8168 77.3 77.6 77.0 116.9 16889 9131 7758 73.7 74.2 73.1 117.7 4240 1930 2310 18.5 15.7 21.8 83.5 3690 1636 2054 16.1 13.3 19.4 79.6 2496 1058 1438 10.9 8.6 13.5 73.6 1183 443 740 5.2 3.6 7.0 59.9 37.8 36.5 39.5 ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X )
0500000US01009 01009 Blount County, Alabama 57322 28362 28960 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.9 3616 1805 1811 6.3 6.4 6.3 99.7 3880 1936 1944 6.8 6.8 6.7 99.6 4084 2113 1971 7.1 7.5 6.8 107.2 4033 2139 1894 7.0 7.5 6.5 112.9 3107 1577 1530 5.4 5.6 5.3 103.1 3436 1735 1701 6.0 6.1 5.9 102.0 3441 1730 1711 6.0 6.1 5.9 101.1 3892 1989 1903 6.8 7.0 6.6 104.5 4033 2033 2000 7.0 7.2 6.9 101.7 4163 2096 2067 7.3 7.4 7.1 101.4 3922 1972 1950 6.8 7.0 6.7 101.1 3694 1810 1884 6.4 6.4 6.5 96.1 3582 1700 1882 6.2 6.0 6.5 90.3 2892 1352 1540 5.0 4.8 5.3 87.8 2187 1039 1148 3.8 3.7 4.0 90.5 1517 684 833 2.6 2.4 2.9 82.1 1035 418 617 1.8 1.5 2.1 67.7 541 161 380 0.9 0.6 1.3 42.4 267 73 194 0.5 0.3 0.7 37.6 14106 7194 6912 24.6 25.4 23.9 104.1 34777 17441 17336 60.7 61.5 59.9 100.6 4614 2376 2238 8.0 8.4 7.7 106.2 14802 7487 7315 25.8 26.4 25.3 102.4 6877 3465 3412 12.0 12.2 11.8 101.6 7925 4022 3903 13.8 14.2 13.5 103.0 15361 7578 7783 26.8 26.7 26.9 97.4 8085 4068 4017 14.1 14.3 13.9 101.3 7276 3510 3766 12.7 12.4 13.0 93.2 8439 3727 4712 14.7 13.1 16.3 79.1 5079 2391 2688 8.9 8.4 9.3 89.0 2552 1102 1450 4.5 3.9 5.0 76.0 808 234 574 1.4 0.8 2.0 40.8 44902 22059 22843 78.3 77.8 78.9 96.6 43216 21168 22048 75.4 74.6 76.1 96.0 41054 20029 21025 71.6 70.6 72.6 95.3 12021 5427 6594 21.0 19.1 22.8 82.3 10549 4711 5838 18.4 16.6 20.2 80.7 7239 3181 4058 12.6 11.2 14.0 78.4 3360 1336 2024 5.9 4.7 7.0 66.0 39.0 38.0 40.0 ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X )

Fortunately for us, this means we can use nearly identical code to Section 2.4.2 to get the data we want!

2.6 Cleaning the Census Age Data

Cleaning the age data is as simple as changing up the object names to reflect the right data to operate on. I won’t explain what all of the functions we’re using here do again, but if you need a refresher, see Section 2.4. Recalling the contents of the MS dataset (or simply asking R to remind you with names(MS_Model_Dataset_Reduced_Form)), we know that the only age data we need is the percentage of the population under 18 years, i.e. PercentUnder18. For that reason, we’ll use str_detect() to narrow the columns down to those containing the string “Under 18 years” in the first row. Then, by manually inspecting the manageable output of the first selection, we can write the next selection. The output of the first two lines returns the following.

census_age_clean <- census_age %>%
  select(which(str_detect(unlist(.[1,]), "Geography") == T), which(str_detect(unlist(.[1,]), "Under 18 years") == T))

Table 2.7: Preview of First Age Data Selection
GEO.display.label SUBHD0101_S21 SUBHD0102_S21 SUBHD0103_S21 SUBHD0201_S21 SUBHD0202_S21 SUBHD0203_S21 HD03_S21
Geography Number - Both sexes; Total population - Under 18 years Number - Male; Total population - Under 18 years Number - Female; Total population - Under 18 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - Under 18 years Percent - Male; Total population - Under 18 years Percent - Female; Total population - Under 18 years Males per 100 females; Total population - Under 18 years
Autauga County, Alabama 14613 7455 7158 26.8 28.1 25.6 104.1
Baldwin County, Alabama 41898 21226 20672 23.0 23.8 22.2 102.7
Barbour County, Alabama 6015 3052 2963 21.9 20.9 23.0 103.0
Bibb County, Alabama 5201 2755 2446 22.7 22.4 23.0 112.6
Blount County, Alabama 14106 7194 6912 24.6 25.4 23.9 104.1

Looking at this subset of the data and scrolling right to inspect the descriptions provided in the first row of each column, you will see that column 5 contains the description “Percent - Both sexes; Total population - Under 18 years”. This matches the data that we need, which is why in the second select() function we specify column 5 to be kept and rename it PercentUnder18, i.e. select(County = 1, PercentUnder18 = 5). The rest of the operations are identical to those used in Section 2.4.

census_age_clean <- census_age %>%
  select(which(str_detect(unlist(.[1,]), "Geography") == T), which(str_detect(unlist(.[1,]), "Under 18 years") == T)) %>%
  select(County = 1, PercentUnder18 = 5) %>%
  slice(-1) %>%
  mutate(PercentUnder18 = as.numeric(levels(PercentUnder18))[PercentUnder18] * 0.01) %>% 

Table 2.8: Cleaned Age Data Preview
County PercentUnder18
Autauga County, Alabama 0.268
Baldwin County, Alabama 0.230
Barbour County, Alabama 0.219
Bibb County, Alabama 0.227
Blount County, Alabama 0.246
Bullock County, Alabama 0.223

Once again, we need to do our due diligence to make sure we didn’t lose any observations that could have been salvaged by checking the number of rows in census_age_clean after dropping NA’s and comparing it to the number of rows in census_age minus one.

nrow(census_age) - 1
## [1] 657
## [1] 657

Seeing no difference, we can stop here and move on to the population data.

2.7 Downloading the Census Population Data

To obtain the population data, follow the steps from Section 2.2 again, but replace Education -> Educational Attainment from the topics list with Basic Count/Estimate -> Population Total. Download the dataset 2010 Demographic Profile SF, and again extract it to the same Census Data folder I recommended before. Once downloaded, you can, again, import using similar code to before. Note that, while the 2010 total population is not included in the Mississippi data, we will need it to generate some of the measures we intend to create later, and that’s why we go ahead and grab it now.

census_totalpop2010 <- read.csv(here("Census Data", "DEC_10_SF1_QTP1_with_ann.csv"), header = T) %>%


Viewing the data demonstrates the same problems exist for this data as the education and age data.

Table 2.9: Uncleaned Population Data Preview
GEO.id GEO.id2 GEO.display.label SUBHD0101_S01 SUBHD0102_S01 SUBHD0103_S01 SUBHD0201_S01 SUBHD0202_S01 SUBHD0203_S01 HD03_S01 SUBHD0101_S02 SUBHD0102_S02 SUBHD0103_S02 SUBHD0201_S02 SUBHD0202_S02 SUBHD0203_S02 HD03_S02 SUBHD0101_S03 SUBHD0102_S03 SUBHD0103_S03 SUBHD0201_S03 SUBHD0202_S03 SUBHD0203_S03 HD03_S03 SUBHD0101_S04 SUBHD0102_S04 SUBHD0103_S04 SUBHD0201_S04 SUBHD0202_S04 SUBHD0203_S04 HD03_S04 SUBHD0101_S05 SUBHD0102_S05 SUBHD0103_S05 SUBHD0201_S05 SUBHD0202_S05 SUBHD0203_S05 HD03_S05 SUBHD0101_S06 SUBHD0102_S06 SUBHD0103_S06 SUBHD0201_S06 SUBHD0202_S06 SUBHD0203_S06 HD03_S06 SUBHD0101_S07 SUBHD0102_S07 SUBHD0103_S07 SUBHD0201_S07 SUBHD0202_S07 SUBHD0203_S07 HD03_S07 SUBHD0101_S08 SUBHD0102_S08 SUBHD0103_S08 SUBHD0201_S08 SUBHD0202_S08 SUBHD0203_S08 HD03_S08 SUBHD0101_S09 SUBHD0102_S09 SUBHD0103_S09 SUBHD0201_S09 SUBHD0202_S09 SUBHD0203_S09 HD03_S09 SUBHD0101_S10 SUBHD0102_S10 SUBHD0103_S10 SUBHD0201_S10 SUBHD0202_S10 SUBHD0203_S10 HD03_S10 SUBHD0101_S11 SUBHD0102_S11 SUBHD0103_S11 SUBHD0201_S11 SUBHD0202_S11 SUBHD0203_S11 HD03_S11 SUBHD0101_S12 SUBHD0102_S12 SUBHD0103_S12 SUBHD0201_S12 SUBHD0202_S12 SUBHD0203_S12 HD03_S12 SUBHD0101_S13 SUBHD0102_S13 SUBHD0103_S13 SUBHD0201_S13 SUBHD0202_S13 SUBHD0203_S13 HD03_S13 SUBHD0101_S14 SUBHD0102_S14 SUBHD0103_S14 SUBHD0201_S14 SUBHD0202_S14 SUBHD0203_S14 HD03_S14 SUBHD0101_S15 SUBHD0102_S15 SUBHD0103_S15 SUBHD0201_S15 SUBHD0202_S15 SUBHD0203_S15 HD03_S15 SUBHD0101_S16 SUBHD0102_S16 SUBHD0103_S16 SUBHD0201_S16 SUBHD0202_S16 SUBHD0203_S16 HD03_S16 SUBHD0101_S17 SUBHD0102_S17 SUBHD0103_S17 SUBHD0201_S17 SUBHD0202_S17 SUBHD0203_S17 HD03_S17 SUBHD0101_S18 SUBHD0102_S18 SUBHD0103_S18 SUBHD0201_S18 SUBHD0202_S18 SUBHD0203_S18 HD03_S18 SUBHD0101_S19 SUBHD0102_S19 SUBHD0103_S19 SUBHD0201_S19 SUBHD0202_S19 SUBHD0203_S19 HD03_S19 SUBHD0101_S20 SUBHD0102_S20 SUBHD0103_S20 SUBHD0201_S20 SUBHD0202_S20 SUBHD0203_S20 HD03_S20 SUBHD0101_S21 SUBHD0102_S21 SUBHD0103_S21 SUBHD0201_S21 SUBHD0202_S21 SUBHD0203_S21 HD03_S21 SUBHD0101_S22 SUBHD0102_S22 SUBHD0103_S22 SUBHD0201_S22 SUBHD0202_S22 SUBHD0203_S22 HD03_S22 SUBHD0101_S23 SUBHD0102_S23 SUBHD0103_S23 SUBHD0201_S23 SUBHD0202_S23 SUBHD0203_S23 HD03_S23 SUBHD0101_S24 SUBHD0102_S24 SUBHD0103_S24 SUBHD0201_S24 SUBHD0202_S24 SUBHD0203_S24 HD03_S24 SUBHD0101_S25 SUBHD0102_S25 SUBHD0103_S25 SUBHD0201_S25 SUBHD0202_S25 SUBHD0203_S25 HD03_S25 SUBHD0101_S26 SUBHD0102_S26 SUBHD0103_S26 SUBHD0201_S26 SUBHD0202_S26 SUBHD0203_S26 HD03_S26 SUBHD0101_S27 SUBHD0102_S27 SUBHD0103_S27 SUBHD0201_S27 SUBHD0202_S27 SUBHD0203_S27 HD03_S27 SUBHD0101_S28 SUBHD0102_S28 SUBHD0103_S28 SUBHD0201_S28 SUBHD0202_S28 SUBHD0203_S28 HD03_S28 SUBHD0101_S29 SUBHD0102_S29 SUBHD0103_S29 SUBHD0201_S29 SUBHD0202_S29 SUBHD0203_S29 HD03_S29 SUBHD0101_S30 SUBHD0102_S30 SUBHD0103_S30 SUBHD0201_S30 SUBHD0202_S30 SUBHD0203_S30 HD03_S30 SUBHD0101_S31 SUBHD0102_S31 SUBHD0103_S31 SUBHD0201_S31 SUBHD0202_S31 SUBHD0203_S31 HD03_S31 SUBHD0101_S32 SUBHD0102_S32 SUBHD0103_S32 SUBHD0201_S32 SUBHD0202_S32 SUBHD0203_S32 HD03_S32 SUBHD0101_S33 SUBHD0102_S33 SUBHD0103_S33 SUBHD0201_S33 SUBHD0202_S33 SUBHD0203_S33 HD03_S33 SUBHD0101_S34 SUBHD0102_S34 SUBHD0103_S34 SUBHD0201_S34 SUBHD0202_S34 SUBHD0203_S34 HD03_S34 SUBHD0101_S35 SUBHD0102_S35 SUBHD0103_S35 SUBHD0201_S35 SUBHD0202_S35 SUBHD0203_S35 HD03_S35 SUBHD0101_S36 SUBHD0102_S36 SUBHD0103_S36 SUBHD0201_S36 SUBHD0202_S36 SUBHD0203_S36 HD03_S36 SUBHD0101_S37 SUBHD0102_S37 SUBHD0103_S37 SUBHD0201_S37 SUBHD0202_S37 SUBHD0203_S37 HD03_S37 SUBHD0101_S38 SUBHD0102_S38 SUBHD0103_S38 SUBHD0201_S38 SUBHD0202_S38 SUBHD0203_S38 HD03_S38 SUBHD0101_S39 SUBHD0102_S39 SUBHD0103_S39 SUBHD0201_S39 SUBHD0202_S39 SUBHD0203_S39 HD03_S39 SUBHD0101_S40 SUBHD0102_S40 SUBHD0103_S40 SUBHD0201_S40 SUBHD0202_S40 SUBHD0203_S40 HD03_S40 SUBHD0101_S41 SUBHD0102_S41 SUBHD0103_S41 SUBHD0201_S41 SUBHD0202_S41 SUBHD0203_S41 HD03_S41
Id Id2 Geography Number - Both sexes; Total population Number - Male; Total population Number - Female; Total population Percent - Both sexes; Total population Percent - Male; Total population Percent - Female; Total population Males per 100 females; Total population Number - Both sexes; Total population - Under 5 years Number - Male; Total population - Under 5 years Number - Female; Total population - Under 5 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - Under 5 years Percent - Male; Total population - Under 5 years Percent - Female; Total population - Under 5 years Males per 100 females; Total population - Under 5 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 5 to 9 years Number - Male; Total population - 5 to 9 years Number - Female; Total population - 5 to 9 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 5 to 9 years Percent - Male; Total population - 5 to 9 years Percent - Female; Total population - 5 to 9 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 5 to 9 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 10 to 14 years Number - Male; Total population - 10 to 14 years Number - Female; Total population - 10 to 14 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 10 to 14 years Percent - Male; Total population - 10 to 14 years Percent - Female; Total population - 10 to 14 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 10 to 14 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 15 to 19 years Number - Male; Total population - 15 to 19 years Number - Female; Total population - 15 to 19 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 15 to 19 years Percent - Male; Total population - 15 to 19 years Percent - Female; Total population - 15 to 19 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 15 to 19 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 20 to 24 years Number - Male; Total population - 20 to 24 years Number - Female; Total population - 20 to 24 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 20 to 24 years Percent - Male; Total population - 20 to 24 years Percent - Female; Total population - 20 to 24 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 20 to 24 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 25 to 29 years Number - Male; Total population - 25 to 29 years Number - Female; Total population - 25 to 29 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 25 to 29 years Percent - Male; Total population - 25 to 29 years Percent - Female; Total population - 25 to 29 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 25 to 29 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 30 to 34 years Number - Male; Total population - 30 to 34 years Number - Female; Total population - 30 to 34 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 30 to 34 years Percent - Male; Total population - 30 to 34 years Percent - Female; Total population - 30 to 34 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 30 to 34 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 35 to 39 years Number - Male; Total population - 35 to 39 years Number - Female; Total population - 35 to 39 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 35 to 39 years Percent - Male; Total population - 35 to 39 years Percent - Female; Total population - 35 to 39 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 35 to 39 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 40 to 44 years Number - Male; Total population - 40 to 44 years Number - Female; Total population - 40 to 44 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 40 to 44 years Percent - Male; Total population - 40 to 44 years Percent - Female; Total population - 40 to 44 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 40 to 44 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 45 to 49 years Number - Male; Total population - 45 to 49 years Number - Female; Total population - 45 to 49 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 45 to 49 years Percent - Male; Total population - 45 to 49 years Percent - Female; Total population - 45 to 49 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 45 to 49 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 50 to 54 years Number - Male; Total population - 50 to 54 years Number - Female; Total population - 50 to 54 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 50 to 54 years Percent - Male; Total population - 50 to 54 years Percent - Female; Total population - 50 to 54 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 50 to 54 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 55 to 59 years Number - Male; Total population - 55 to 59 years Number - Female; Total population - 55 to 59 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 55 to 59 years Percent - Male; Total population - 55 to 59 years Percent - Female; Total population - 55 to 59 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 55 to 59 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 60 to 64 years Number - Male; Total population - 60 to 64 years Number - Female; Total population - 60 to 64 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 60 to 64 years Percent - Male; Total population - 60 to 64 years Percent - Female; Total population - 60 to 64 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 60 to 64 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 65 to 69 years Number - Male; Total population - 65 to 69 years Number - Female; Total population - 65 to 69 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 65 to 69 years Percent - Male; Total population - 65 to 69 years Percent - Female; Total population - 65 to 69 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 65 to 69 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 70 to 74 years Number - Male; Total population - 70 to 74 years Number - Female; Total population - 70 to 74 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 70 to 74 years Percent - Male; Total population - 70 to 74 years Percent - Female; Total population - 70 to 74 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 70 to 74 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 75 to 79 years Number - Male; Total population - 75 to 79 years Number - Female; Total population - 75 to 79 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 75 to 79 years Percent - Male; Total population - 75 to 79 years Percent - Female; Total population - 75 to 79 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 75 to 79 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 80 to 84 years Number - Male; Total population - 80 to 84 years Number - Female; Total population - 80 to 84 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 80 to 84 years Percent - Male; Total population - 80 to 84 years Percent - Female; Total population - 80 to 84 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 80 to 84 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 85 to 89 years Number - Male; Total population - 85 to 89 years Number - Female; Total population - 85 to 89 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 85 to 89 years Percent - Male; Total population - 85 to 89 years Percent - Female; Total population - 85 to 89 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 85 to 89 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 90 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 90 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 90 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 90 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 90 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 90 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 90 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - Under 18 years Number - Male; Total population - Under 18 years Number - Female; Total population - Under 18 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - Under 18 years Percent - Male; Total population - Under 18 years Percent - Female; Total population - Under 18 years Males per 100 females; Total population - Under 18 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 18 to 24 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 25 to 34 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 25 to 44 years - 35 to 44 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 45 to 54 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Number - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Number - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Percent - Male; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Percent - Female; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 to 64 years - 45 to 64 years - 55 to 64 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 65 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 65 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 65 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 65 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 65 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Number - Male; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Number - Female; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Percent - Male; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Percent - Female; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 65 years and over - 65 to 74 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Number - Male; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Number - Female; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Percent - Male; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Percent - Female; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Males per 100 females; Total population - 65 years and over - 75 to 84 years Number - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 65 years and over - 85 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 16 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 16 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 16 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 16 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 16 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 16 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 16 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 18 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 18 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 18 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 18 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 18 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 18 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 18 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 21 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 21 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 21 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 21 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 21 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 21 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 21 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 60 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 60 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 60 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 60 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 60 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 60 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 60 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 62 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 62 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 62 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 62 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 62 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 62 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 62 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 67 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 67 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 67 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 67 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 67 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 67 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 67 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - 75 years and over Number - Male; Total population - 75 years and over Number - Female; Total population - 75 years and over Percent - Both sexes; Total population - 75 years and over Percent - Male; Total population - 75 years and over Percent - Female; Total population - 75 years and over Males per 100 females; Total population - 75 years and over Number - Both sexes; Total population - Median age (years) Number - Male; Total population - Median age (years) Number - Female; Total population - Median age (years) Percent - Both sexes; Total population - Median age (years) Percent - Male; Total population - Median age (years) Percent - Female; Total population - Median age (years) Males per 100 females; Total population - Median age (years)
0500000US01001 01001 Autauga County, Alabama 54571 26569 28002 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.9 3579 1866 1713 6.6 7.0 6.1 108.9 3991 2001 1990 7.3 7.5 7.1 100.6 4290 2171 2119 7.9 8.2 7.6 102.5 4290 2213 2077 7.9 8.3 7.4 106.5 3080 1539 1541 5.6 5.8 5.5 99.9 3157 1543 1614 5.8 5.8 5.8 95.6 3330 1594 1736 6.1 6.0 6.2 91.8 4157 2004 2153 7.6 7.5 7.7 93.1 4086 1974 2112 7.5 7.4 7.5 93.5 4332 2174 2158 7.9 8.2 7.7 100.7 3873 1866 2007 7.1 7.0 7.2 93.0 3083 1524 1559 5.6 5.7 5.6 97.8 2777 1279 1498 5.1 4.8 5.3 85.4 2277 1014 1263 4.2 3.8 4.5 80.3 1736 807 929 3.2 3.0 3.3 86.9 1251 546 705 2.3 2.1 2.5 77.4 731 295 436 1.3 1.1 1.6 67.7 367 113 254 0.7 0.4 0.9 44.5 184 46 138 0.3 0.2 0.5 33.3 14613 7455 7158 26.8 28.1 25.6 104.1 33412 16293 17119 61.2 61.3 61.1 95.2 4617 2335 2282 8.5 8.8 8.1 102.3 14730 7115 7615 27.0 26.8 27.2 93.4 6487 3137 3350 11.9 11.8 12.0 93.6 8243 3978 4265 15.1 15.0 15.2 93.3 14065 6843 7222 25.8 25.8 25.8 94.8 8205 4040 4165 15.0 15.2 14.9 97.0 5860 2803 3057 10.7 10.5 10.9 91.7 6546 2821 3725 12.0 10.6 13.3 75.7 4013 1821 2192 7.4 6.9 7.8 83.1 1982 841 1141 3.6 3.2 4.1 73.7 551 159 392 1.0 0.6 1.4 40.6 41804 20046 21758 76.6 75.4 77.7 92.1 39958 19114 20844 73.2 71.9 74.4 91.7 37756 17968 19788 69.2 67.6 70.7 90.8 9323 4100 5223 17.1 15.4 18.7 78.5 8222 3606 4616 15.1 13.6 16.5 78.1 5614 2403 3211 10.3 9.0 11.5 74.8 2533 1000 1533 4.6 3.8 5.5 65.2 37.0 35.9 37.9 ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X )
0500000US01003 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama 182265 89196 93069 100.0 100.0 100.0 95.8 11158 5614 5544 6.1 6.3 6.0 101.3 11599 5832 5767 6.4 6.5 6.2 101.1 11926 6076 5850 6.5 6.8 6.3 103.9 11600 5930 5670 6.4 6.6 6.1 104.6 9449 4793 4656 5.2 5.4 5.0 102.9 10247 5183 5064 5.6 5.8 5.4 102.3 10709 5317 5392 5.9 6.0 5.8 98.6 11558 5725 5833 6.3 6.4 6.3 98.1 11995 5895 6100 6.6 6.6 6.6 96.6 13431 6622 6809 7.4 7.4 7.3 97.3 13490 6425 7065 7.4 7.2 7.6 90.9 12523 5943 6580 6.9 6.7 7.1 90.3 12012 5728 6284 6.6 6.4 6.8 91.2 10174 4895 5279 5.6 5.5 5.7 92.7 7629 3663 3966 4.2 4.1 4.3 92.4 5598 2644 2954 3.1 3.0 3.2 89.5 3934 1735 2199 2.2 1.9 2.4 78.9 2221 863 1358 1.2 1.0 1.5 63.5 1012 313 699 0.6 0.4 0.8 44.8 41898 21226 20672 23.0 23.8 22.2 102.7 109799 53857 55942 60.2 60.4 60.1 96.3 13834 7019 6815 7.6 7.9 7.3 103.0 44509 22120 22389 24.4 24.8 24.1 98.8 20956 10500 10456 11.5 11.8 11.2 100.4 23553 11620 11933 12.9 13.0 12.8 97.4 51456 24718 26738 28.2 27.7 28.7 92.4 26921 13047 13874 14.8 14.6 14.9 94.0 24535 11671 12864 13.5 13.1 13.8 90.7 30568 14113 16455 16.8 15.8 17.7 85.8 17803 8558 9245 9.8 9.6 9.9 92.6 9532 4379 5153 5.2 4.9 5.5 85.0 3233 1176 2057 1.8 1.3 2.2 57.2 145215 70491 74724 79.7 79.0 80.3 94.3 140367 67970 72397 77.0 76.2 77.8 93.9 134024 64731 69293 73.5 72.6 74.5 93.4 42580 19841 22739 23.4 22.2 24.4 87.3 37780 17540 20240 20.7 19.7 21.7 86.7 26301 12059 14242 14.4 13.5 15.3 84.7 12765 5555 7210 7.0 6.2 7.7 77.0 41.1 40.1 42.2 ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X )
0500000US01005 01005 Barbour County, Alabama 27457 14576 12881 100.0 100.0 100.0 113.2 1702 847 855 6.2 5.8 6.6 99.1 1642 826 816 6.0 5.7 6.3 101.2 1599 820 779 5.8 5.6 6.0 105.3 1731 919 812 6.3 6.3 6.3 113.2 1794 1048 746 6.5 7.2 5.8 140.5 2010 1212 798 7.3 8.3 6.2 151.9 1808 1162 646 6.6 8.0 5.0 179.9 1819 1046 773 6.6 7.2 6.0 135.3 1809 1069 740 6.6 7.3 5.7 144.5 2108 1164 944 7.7 8.0 7.3 123.3 1910 1000 910 7.0 6.9 7.1 109.9 1817 910 907 6.6 6.2 7.0 100.3 1799 859 940 6.6 5.9 7.3 91.4 1290 631 659 4.7 4.3 5.1 95.8 948 436 512 3.5 3.0 4.0 85.2 685 303 382 2.5 2.1 3.0 79.3 543 195 348 2.0 1.3 2.7 56.0 311 97 214 1.1 0.7 1.7 45.3 132 32 100 0.5 0.2 0.8 32.0 6015 3052 2963 21.9 20.9 23.0 103.0 17533 9830 7703 63.9 67.4 59.8 127.6 2453 1408 1045 8.9 9.7 8.1 134.7 7446 4489 2957 27.1 30.8 23.0 151.8 3818 2374 1444 13.9 16.3 11.2 164.4 3628 2115 1513 13.2 14.5 11.7 139.8 7634 3933 3701 27.8 27.0 28.7 106.3 4018 2164 1854 14.6 14.8 14.4 116.7 3616 1769 1847 13.2 12.1 14.3 95.8 3909 1694 2215 14.2 11.6 17.2 76.5 2238 1067 1171 8.2 7.3 9.1 91.1 1228 498 730 4.5 3.4 5.7 68.2 443 129 314 1.6 0.9 2.4 41.1 22185 11904 10281 80.8 81.7 79.8 115.8 21442 11524 9918 78.1 79.1 77.0 116.2 20435 10974 9461 74.4 75.3 73.4 116.0 5708 2553 3155 20.8 17.5 24.5 80.9 4958 2195 2763 18.1 15.1 21.5 79.4 3353 1414 1939 12.2 9.7 15.1 72.9 1671 627 1044 6.1 4.3 8.1 60.1 39.0 37.2 41.6 ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X )
0500000US01007 01007 Bibb County, Alabama 22915 12301 10614 100.0 100.0 100.0 115.9 1378 712 666 6.0 5.8 6.3 106.9 1405 759 646 6.1 6.2 6.1 117.5 1440 771 669 6.3 6.3 6.3 115.2 1543 806 737 6.7 6.6 6.9 109.4 1491 811 680 6.5 6.6 6.4 119.3 1603 987 616 7.0 8.0 5.8 160.2 1646 1013 633 7.2 8.2 6.0 160.0 1747 1003 744 7.6 8.2 7.0 134.8 1635 892 743 7.1 7.3 7.0 120.1 1805 1036 769 7.9 8.4 7.2 134.7 1581 847 734 6.9 6.9 6.9 115.4 1401 734 667 6.1 6.0 6.3 110.0 1334 684 650 5.8 5.6 6.1 105.2 966 456 510 4.2 3.7 4.8 89.4 757 347 410 3.3 2.8 3.9 84.6 549 232 317 2.4 1.9 3.0 73.2 355 138 217 1.5 1.1 2.0 63.6 190 54 136 0.8 0.4 1.3 39.7 89 19 70 0.4 0.2 0.7 27.1 5201 2755 2446 22.7 22.4 23.0 112.6 14808 8300 6508 64.6 67.5 61.3 127.5 2056 1104 952 9.0 9.0 9.0 116.0 6631 3895 2736 28.9 31.7 25.8 142.4 3249 2000 1249 14.2 16.3 11.8 160.1 3382 1895 1487 14.8 15.4 14.0 127.4 6121 3301 2820 26.7 26.8 26.6 117.1 3386 1883 1503 14.8 15.3 14.2 125.3 2735 1418 1317 11.9 11.5 12.4 107.7 2906 1246 1660 12.7 10.1 15.6 75.1 1723 803 920 7.5 6.5 8.7 87.3 904 370 534 3.9 3.0 5.0 69.3 279 73 206 1.2 0.6 1.9 35.4 18372 9900 8472 80.2 80.5 79.8 116.9 17714 9546 8168 77.3 77.6 77.0 116.9 16889 9131 7758 73.7 74.2 73.1 117.7 4240 1930 2310 18.5 15.7 21.8 83.5 3690 1636 2054 16.1 13.3 19.4 79.6 2496 1058 1438 10.9 8.6 13.5 73.6 1183 443 740 5.2 3.6 7.0 59.9 37.8 36.5 39.5 ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X )
0500000US01009 01009 Blount County, Alabama 57322 28362 28960 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.9 3616 1805 1811 6.3 6.4 6.3 99.7 3880 1936 1944 6.8 6.8 6.7 99.6 4084 2113 1971 7.1 7.5 6.8 107.2 4033 2139 1894 7.0 7.5 6.5 112.9 3107 1577 1530 5.4 5.6 5.3 103.1 3436 1735 1701 6.0 6.1 5.9 102.0 3441 1730 1711 6.0 6.1 5.9 101.1 3892 1989 1903 6.8 7.0 6.6 104.5 4033 2033 2000 7.0 7.2 6.9 101.7 4163 2096 2067 7.3 7.4 7.1 101.4 3922 1972 1950 6.8 7.0 6.7 101.1 3694 1810 1884 6.4 6.4 6.5 96.1 3582 1700 1882 6.2 6.0 6.5 90.3 2892 1352 1540 5.0 4.8 5.3 87.8 2187 1039 1148 3.8 3.7 4.0 90.5 1517 684 833 2.6 2.4 2.9 82.1 1035 418 617 1.8 1.5 2.1 67.7 541 161 380 0.9 0.6 1.3 42.4 267 73 194 0.5 0.3 0.7 37.6 14106 7194 6912 24.6 25.4 23.9 104.1 34777 17441 17336 60.7 61.5 59.9 100.6 4614 2376 2238 8.0 8.4 7.7 106.2 14802 7487 7315 25.8 26.4 25.3 102.4 6877 3465 3412 12.0 12.2 11.8 101.6 7925 4022 3903 13.8 14.2 13.5 103.0 15361 7578 7783 26.8 26.7 26.9 97.4 8085 4068 4017 14.1 14.3 13.9 101.3 7276 3510 3766 12.7 12.4 13.0 93.2 8439 3727 4712 14.7 13.1 16.3 79.1 5079 2391 2688 8.9 8.4 9.3 89.0 2552 1102 1450 4.5 3.9 5.0 76.0 808 234 574 1.4 0.8 2.0 40.8 44902 22059 22843 78.3 77.8 78.9 96.6 43216 21168 22048 75.4 74.6 76.1 96.0 41054 20029 21025 71.6 70.6 72.6 95.3 12021 5427 6594 21.0 19.1 22.8 82.3 10549 4711 5838 18.4 16.6 20.2 80.7 7239 3181 4058 12.6 11.2 14.0 78.4 3360 1336 2024 5.9 4.7 7.0 66.0 39.0 38.0 40.0 ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X )

2.8 Cleaning the Census Population Data

Look at that! We can use pretty much the same code to get what we want…Again! If you’re astute, however, you’ll notice that this isn’t a percentage measure, so we don’t need to mutate the data outside of converting it to numeric. Additionally, using str_detect() won’t be necessary here. Glancing at Table @ref(tab: UncleanPop) reveals that the third column contains the geography information we want and the fourth column just beside it contains the “Number - Both sexes; Total population”, which matches exactly what we’re looking for. I recommend only using conditional selections to subset your data when the data is simply too large for manual inspection to be practical. Here, since I can see what I need in the first 10 columns of data, I won’t have R hunt for a more manageable subset that I can look at. Instead, I’ll just specify the column numbers I want from here.

census_totalpop2010_clean <- census_totalpop2010 %>%
  select(County = 3, total_pop_2010 = 4) %>%
  slice(-1) %>%
  mutate(total_pop_2010 = as.numeric(levels(total_pop_2010))[total_pop_2010]) %>% 

Table 2.10: Cleaned Population Data Preview
County total_pop_2010
Autauga County, Alabama 54571
Baldwin County, Alabama 182265
Barbour County, Alabama 27457
Bibb County, Alabama 22915
Blount County, Alabama 57322
Bullock County, Alabama 10914

Let’s use nrow() again to see if we lost any observations.

nrow(census_totalpop2010) - 1
## [1] 657
## [1] 651

Oops! It appears we lost six observations when we dropped the NA’s. Let’s see if we can salvage some of that data. We know that the population column should only contain numbers because it’s a count measure, so letters wouldn’t make any sense, and it’s not a percentage measure, so even periods shouldn’t be present since there can’t be non-integer numbers of people. A decimal worth of a person wouldn’t make any sense! Bearing these facts in mind, it seems we can just use filter() and str_detect() together to have R show us the rows where anything exists in the population column besides numbers. The code below will do just that.

census_totalpop2010 %>%
  select(County = 3, total_pop_2010 = 4) %>%
  slice(-1) %>%
  mutate(total_pop_2010 = as.character(total_pop_2010)) %>%
  filter(str_detect(as.character(.$total_pop_2010), "[^[:digit:]]"))
Table 2.11: Population Data with Non-Numeric Characters Present
County total_pop_2010
Jefferson County, Alabama 658466(r38264)
Lee County, Alabama 140247(r38032)
Mobile County, Alabama 412992(r38160)
Cherokee County, South Carolina 55342(r48150)
Kershaw County, South Carolina 61697(r48158)
Hidalgo County, Texas 774769(r48754)

For some reason, it appears that six entries have a strange string of characters inside of parentheses appended to the end of their entry. It would be an error to simply assume that this is unimportant and that it could be shaved off of the end of the entry and remain accurate. Normally, you’d want to find a codebook for the orginal data or a ReadMe file that would explain the presence of this anomaly, which would hopefully assist you in justifying altering the entries in one way or another. In this case, you can trust that I know altering the entries will make them accurate and continue to follow along. Just remember that these kinds of decisions are not made lightly, and you should always have clear, documented justifications for how you clean and alter original data. That being said, the code below will delete the parentheses and the strings housed inside of them from the end of those six entries we identified. Notice that we are redoing assignment here. We do this because we want to change the contents of census_totalpop2010_clean such that the corrected, salvaged six entries are maintained rather than dropped.

The code below also uses a few new functions and a concept that we haven’t yet discussed. For one, it might not be immediately clear to some why we change total_pop_2010 to a character vector using as.character() before the new str_replace() function, but if you think about it, it’s actually pretty easy to understand why! A function called str_replace() (“string replace”), obviously, probably only works on strings, and total_pop_2010 was a factor before.

Second, this is the first time we’ve piped inside of a pipe! Inside of the mutate() function, we convert total_pop_2010 to a character, then use str_replace() to get rid of some problematic strings inside of a few observations, then convert total_pop_2010 back to a numeric vector using as.numeric(). Being able to pipe inside of piped operations can be extremely useful, and this is only a minimalistic example of some ways you can take advantage of the pipe inside of pipes.

Finally, str_replace() is a function from stringr we haven’t used yet, but its name is, fortunately, rather intuitive. It requires three arguments to be passed to it. First, it needs to know the character data you want to work on, but since we’re using it inside of a pipe, it already knows that contextually. Second, it needs to know the string pattern you want to replace. Third, it needs to know the string you want to replace that pattern with.

In R, some special characters can’t be represented directly in a string. When you want to represent those characters in a string, you have to first precede them with a forwardslash (\). Parentheses are some of those special characters, thus we have to type \(\) to refer to them in a string in R. The stringr package interprets pattern arguments as regular expressions. A complete discussion of regular expressions is outside of the scope of this tutorial, but some of the basics that are relevant to the stringr package can be gleaned from page two of their cheatsheet and this cheatsheet on regular expression use specifically in R. For now, know that it means we need to precede special characters with two forwardslashes (\\), not just one. Also, know that the usage of . inside of a regular expression when not directly preceded by a forward slash or contained within brackets tells R that you are referring to every character except for a linebreak (). Using * tells R to look for zero or more of the characters that precede it. Thus, by using \\(.*\\) we tell R to look for sets of parentheses and all of the characters between them. Supplying the empty string, "", as the desired replacement simply finds the specified pattern and replaces it with nothing, effectively deleting it. The code below uses all of this information to salvage the six entries that were otherwise being dropped due to coercion.

census_totalpop2010_clean <- census_totalpop2010 %>%
  select(County = 3, total_pop_2010 = 4) %>%
  slice(-1) %>%
  mutate(total_pop_2010 = as.character(total_pop_2010) %>%
           str_replace("\\(.*\\)", "") %>%
           as.numeric()) %>%

With that out of the way, let’s redo our row count comparison to make sure we got it right.

nrow(census_totalpop2010) - 1
## [1] 657
## [1] 657

Excellent! It worked like a charm. Now that we’ve cleaned the population data, we can start thinking about merging all three sets of data together.

2.9 Merging Education, Population, and Age

So, we have all three of these objects, but we want to merge them into one. You may have been asking yourself throughout this process why we captured the “County” information all three times. Well, that’s because we need a column that all of these objects have in common to merge them by. Since we have that in our “County” column we can use a nested inner_join() from the dplyr package. Before I show you how to do that, however, let’s make sure that each of our objects has the same number of observations, or rows. We can do that in a ton of different ways, but I find one of the easiest ways to be with the dplyr function glimpse(). Use the code below to glimpse() at the three Census objects. First we place them in a list using list(). Note that while this technically combines the three objects into one, the list format maintains their independence as dataframes and doesn’t try to merge them into a single data frame. We’ll do that in a separate step.

census_clean_sets <- list(census_edu_clean, census_age_clean, census_totalpop2010_clean)

## List of 3
##  $ :Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    657 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ County                 : Factor w/ 658 levels "Abbeville County, South Carolina",..: 20 22 26 44 46 70 73 80 103 107 ...
##   ..$ PercentBachelorOrHigher: num [1:657] 0.217 0.268 0.135 0.1 0.125 0.12 0.11 0.161 0.108 0.105 ...
##  $ :Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    657 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ County        : Factor w/ 658 levels "Abbeville County, South Carolina",..: 20 22 26 44 46 70 73 80 103 107 ...
##   ..$ PercentUnder18: num [1:657] 0.268 0.23 0.219 0.227 0.246 0.223 0.241 0.229 0.225 0.214 ...
##  $ :Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    657 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ County        : Factor w/ 658 levels "Abbeville County, South Carolina",..: 20 22 26 44 46 70 73 80 103 107 ...
##   ..$ total_pop_2010: num [1:657] 54571 182265 27457 22915 57322 ...

The information from glimpse() tells us a few things. We know that all three of the objects have a column named County, and we know that all of the objects have the same number of observations, or rows. This indicates that our data is prepared for merging.

The code below illustrates how to write a nested inner_join() for our three objects that will merge them by the column name they all have in common, County. In essence, what we have written here is telling R to look at census_edu_clean and census_age_clean and find the common column named County, take that County column and place it on the far left of a table, append the unique columns from each to the right of the County column in the order that they were supplied to inner_join(), and then do the same thing with that end product and census_totalpop2010_clean. Table 2.12 shows a preview of our first merged product, and with that, we’ve collected, cleaned, and merged 657 new observations for three of our eight variables!

census_edu_age_pop_merge <- inner_join(census_edu_clean, census_age_clean, "County") %>%
  inner_join(census_totalpop2010_clean, "County")

Table 2.12: Preview of Merged Census Education, Age, and Population Data
County PercentBachelorOrHigher PercentUnder18 total_pop_2010
Autauga County, Alabama 0.217 0.268 54571
Baldwin County, Alabama 0.268 0.230 182265
Barbour County, Alabama 0.135 0.219 27457
Bibb County, Alabama 0.100 0.227 22915
Blount County, Alabama 0.125 0.246 57322
Bullock County, Alabama 0.120 0.223 10914
Butler County, Alabama 0.110 0.241 20947
Calhoun County, Alabama 0.161 0.229 118572
Chambers County, Alabama 0.108 0.225 34215
Cherokee County, Alabama 0.105 0.214 25989
Chilton County, Alabama 0.122 0.251 43643
Choctaw County, Alabama 0.109 0.227 13859
Clarke County, Alabama 0.135 0.247 25833
Clay County, Alabama 0.095 0.226 13932
Cleburne County, Alabama 0.084 0.237 14972
Coffee County, Alabama 0.221 0.242 49948
Colbert County, Alabama 0.164 0.221 54428
Conecuh County, Alabama 0.097 0.230 13228
Coosa County, Alabama 0.106 0.205 11539
Covington County, Alabama 0.131 0.226 37765
Crenshaw County, Alabama 0.101 0.238 13906
Cullman County, Alabama 0.138 0.232 80406
Dale County, Alabama 0.175 0.248 50251
Dallas County, Alabama 0.143 0.265 43820
DeKalb County, Alabama 0.109 0.258 71109
Elmore County, Alabama 0.202 0.236 79303
Escambia County, Alabama 0.109 0.226 38319
Etowah County, Alabama 0.158 0.230 104430
Fayette County, Alabama 0.095 0.223 17241
Franklin County, Alabama 0.118 0.248 31704
Geneva County, Alabama 0.080 0.224 26790
Greene County, Alabama 0.099 0.243 9045
Hale County, Alabama 0.100 0.248 15760
Henry County, Alabama 0.150 0.226 17302
Houston County, Alabama 0.190 0.245 101547
Jackson County, Alabama 0.120 0.225 53227
Jefferson County, Alabama 0.288 0.235 658466
Lamar County, Alabama 0.092 0.222 14564
Lauderdale County, Alabama 0.215 0.216 92709
Lawrence County, Alabama 0.107 0.232 34339
Lee County, Alabama 0.309 0.225 140247
Limestone County, Alabama 0.208 0.240 82782
Lowndes County, Alabama 0.127 0.242 11299
Macon County, Alabama 0.209 0.206 21452
Madison County, Alabama 0.374 0.237 334811
Marengo County, Alabama 0.179 0.247 21027
Marion County, Alabama 0.088 0.217 30776
Marshall County, Alabama 0.145 0.250 93019
Mobile County, Alabama 0.198 0.251 412992
Monroe County, Alabama 0.112 0.253 23068
Montgomery County, Alabama 0.305 0.245 229363
Morgan County, Alabama 0.191 0.240 119490
Perry County, Alabama 0.133 0.241 10591
Pickens County, Alabama 0.115 0.233 19746
Pike County, Alabama 0.237 0.203 32899
Randolph County, Alabama 0.122 0.239 22913
Russell County, Alabama 0.119 0.255 52947
St. Clair County, Alabama 0.145 0.237 83593
Shelby County, Alabama 0.396 0.256 195085
Sumter County, Alabama 0.128 0.223 13763
Talladega County, Alabama 0.119 0.234 82291
Tallapoosa County, Alabama 0.157 0.222 41616
Tuscaloosa County, Alabama 0.262 0.215 194656
Walker County, Alabama 0.097 0.225 67023
Washington County, Alabama 0.093 0.255 17581
Wilcox County, Alabama 0.132 0.270 11670
Winston County, Alabama 0.111 0.216 24484
Adair County, Kentucky 0.144 0.225 18656
Allen County, Kentucky 0.106 0.245 19956
Anderson County, Kentucky 0.173 0.254 21421
Ballard County, Kentucky 0.107 0.222 8249
Barren County, Kentucky 0.150 0.242 42173
Bath County, Kentucky 0.132 0.247 11591
Bell County, Kentucky 0.113 0.217 28691
Boone County, Kentucky 0.282 0.283 118811
Bourbon County, Kentucky 0.174 0.241 19985
Boyd County, Kentucky 0.158 0.214 49542
Boyle County, Kentucky 0.233 0.217 28432
Bracken County, Kentucky 0.116 0.254 8488
Breathitt County, Kentucky 0.104 0.232 13878
Breckinridge County, Kentucky 0.078 0.242 20059
Bullitt County, Kentucky 0.111 0.253 74319
Butler County, Kentucky 0.078 0.231 12690
Caldwell County, Kentucky 0.140 0.222 12984
Calloway County, Kentucky 0.282 0.180 37191
Campbell County, Kentucky 0.263 0.228 90336
Carlisle County, Kentucky 0.106 0.226 5104
Carroll County, Kentucky 0.093 0.251 10811
Carter County, Kentucky 0.102 0.235 27720
Casey County, Kentucky 0.095 0.236 15955
Christian County, Kentucky 0.137 0.285 73955
Clark County, Kentucky 0.177 0.235 35613
Clay County, Kentucky 0.075 0.220 21730
Clinton County, Kentucky 0.037 0.239 10272
Crittenden County, Kentucky 0.093 0.227 9315
Cumberland County, Kentucky 0.079 0.222 6856
Daviess County, Kentucky 0.182 0.244 96656
Edmonson County, Kentucky 0.072 0.218 12161
Elliott County, Kentucky 0.071 0.204 7852
Estill County, Kentucky 0.066 0.228 14672
Fayette County, Kentucky 0.391 0.212 295803
Fleming County, Kentucky 0.127 0.244 14348
Floyd County, Kentucky 0.117 0.225 39451
Franklin County, Kentucky 0.272 0.216 49285
Fulton County, Kentucky 0.109 0.201 6813
Gallatin County, Kentucky 0.090 0.268 8589
Garrard County, Kentucky 0.138 0.231 16912
Grant County, Kentucky 0.108 0.281 24662
Graves County, Kentucky 0.144 0.244 37121
Grayson County, Kentucky 0.075 0.239 25746
Green County, Kentucky 0.114 0.226 11258
Greenup County, Kentucky 0.149 0.226 36910
Hancock County, Kentucky 0.108 0.260 8565
Hardin County, Kentucky 0.185 0.260 105543
Harlan County, Kentucky 0.111 0.228 29278
Harrison County, Kentucky 0.138 0.243 18846
Hart County, Kentucky 0.092 0.250 18199
Henderson County, Kentucky 0.161 0.235 46250
Henry County, Kentucky 0.141 0.248 15416
Hickman County, Kentucky 0.165 0.215 4902
Hopkins County, Kentucky 0.132 0.232 46920
Jackson County, Kentucky 0.062 0.236 13494
Jefferson County, Kentucky 0.285 0.232 741096
Jessamine County, Kentucky 0.274 0.258 48586
Johnson County, Kentucky 0.105 0.225 23356
Kenton County, Kentucky 0.275 0.250 159720
Knott County, Kentucky 0.124 0.216 16346
Knox County, Kentucky 0.085 0.247 31883
Larue County, Kentucky 0.121 0.238 14193
Laurel County, Kentucky 0.136 0.243 58849
Lawrence County, Kentucky 0.082 0.232 15860
Lee County, Kentucky 0.078 0.195 7887
Leslie County, Kentucky 0.081 0.214 11310
Letcher County, Kentucky 0.117 0.221 24519
Lewis County, Kentucky 0.116 0.239 13870
Lincoln County, Kentucky 0.104 0.247 24742
Livingston County, Kentucky 0.107 0.205 9519
Logan County, Kentucky 0.103 0.246 26835
Lyon County, Kentucky 0.108 0.154 8314
McCracken County, Kentucky 0.210 0.224 65565
McCreary County, Kentucky 0.080 0.225 18306
McLean County, Kentucky 0.097 0.233 9531
Madison County, Kentucky 0.274 0.215 82916
Magoffin County, Kentucky 0.105 0.240 13333
Marion County, Kentucky 0.114 0.247 19820
Marshall County, Kentucky 0.148 0.208 31448
Martin County, Kentucky 0.089 0.213 12929
Mason County, Kentucky 0.143 0.244 17490
Meade County, Kentucky 0.115 0.273 28602
Menifee County, Kentucky 0.103 0.232 6306
Mercer County, Kentucky 0.170 0.236 21331
Metcalfe County, Kentucky 0.072 0.240 10099
Monroe County, Kentucky 0.116 0.232 10963
Montgomery County, Kentucky 0.151 0.245 26499
Morgan County, Kentucky 0.118 0.204 13923
Muhlenberg County, Kentucky 0.102 0.217 31499
Nelson County, Kentucky 0.154 0.260 43437
Nicholas County, Kentucky 0.094 0.242 7135
Ohio County, Kentucky 0.094 0.249 23842
Oldham County, Kentucky 0.370 0.278 60316
Owen County, Kentucky 0.186 0.246 10841
Owsley County, Kentucky 0.059 0.223 4755
Pendleton County, Kentucky 0.105 0.247 14877
Perry County, Kentucky 0.119 0.217 28712
Pike County, Kentucky 0.120 0.219 65024
Powell County, Kentucky 0.104 0.246 12613
Pulaski County, Kentucky 0.145 0.228 63063
Robertson County, Kentucky 0.074 0.215 2282
Rockcastle County, Kentucky 0.116 0.232 17056
Rowan County, Kentucky 0.247 0.196 23333
Russell County, Kentucky 0.127 0.223 17565
Scott County, Kentucky 0.263 0.269 47173
Shelby County, Kentucky 0.232 0.248 42074
Simpson County, Kentucky 0.156 0.246 17327
Spencer County, Kentucky 0.166 0.257 17061
Taylor County, Kentucky 0.149 0.223 24512
Todd County, Kentucky 0.100 0.272 12460
Trigg County, Kentucky 0.158 0.225 14339
Trimble County, Kentucky 0.131 0.251 8809
Union County, Kentucky 0.124 0.230 15007
Warren County, Kentucky 0.275 0.228 113792
Washington County, Kentucky 0.128 0.232 11717
Wayne County, Kentucky 0.090 0.226 20813
Webster County, Kentucky 0.085 0.234 13621
Whitley County, Kentucky 0.119 0.239 35637
Wolfe County, Kentucky 0.076 0.240 7355
Woodford County, Kentucky 0.331 0.241 24939
Adair County, Missouri 0.255 0.194 25607
Andrew County, Missouri 0.205 0.241 17291
Atchison County, Missouri 0.210 0.208 5685
Audrain County, Missouri 0.140 0.249 25529
Barry County, Missouri 0.124 0.243 35597
Barton County, Missouri 0.132 0.259 12402
Bates County, Missouri 0.117 0.250 17049
Benton County, Missouri 0.125 0.180 19056
Bollinger County, Missouri 0.101 0.236 12363
Boone County, Missouri 0.452 0.211 162642
Buchanan County, Missouri 0.194 0.235 89201
Butler County, Missouri 0.141 0.233 42794
Caldwell County, Missouri 0.118 0.255 9424
Callaway County, Missouri 0.204 0.226 44332
Camden County, Missouri 0.210 0.191 44002
Cape Girardeau County, Missouri 0.269 0.219 75674
Carroll County, Missouri 0.179 0.236 9295
Carter County, Missouri 0.111 0.242 6265
Cass County, Missouri 0.214 0.265 99478
Cedar County, Missouri 0.119 0.237 13982
Chariton County, Missouri 0.142 0.226 7831
Christian County, Missouri 0.269 0.274 77422
Clark County, Missouri 0.129 0.241 7139
Clay County, Missouri 0.302 0.258 221939
Clinton County, Missouri 0.176 0.246 20743
Cole County, Missouri 0.305 0.236 75990
Cooper County, Missouri 0.157 0.226 17601
Crawford County, Missouri 0.108 0.243 24696
Dade County, Missouri 0.091 0.226 7883
Dallas County, Missouri 0.107 0.248 16777
Daviess County, Missouri 0.144 0.267 8433
DeKalb County, Missouri 0.120 0.179 12892
Dent County, Missouri 0.112 0.233 15657
Douglas County, Missouri 0.102 0.224 13684
Dunklin County, Missouri 0.101 0.253 31953
Franklin County, Missouri 0.165 0.247 101492
Gasconade County, Missouri 0.141 0.221 15222
Gentry County, Missouri 0.120 0.245 6738
Greene County, Missouri 0.275 0.212 275174
Grundy County, Missouri 0.128 0.240 10261
Harrison County, Missouri 0.076 0.248 8957
Henry County, Missouri 0.151 0.223 22272
Hickory County, Missouri 0.081 0.173 9627
Holt County, Missouri 0.163 0.198 4912
Howard County, Missouri 0.216 0.215 10144
Howell County, Missouri 0.141 0.249 40400
Iron County, Missouri 0.091 0.226 10630
Jackson County, Missouri 0.269 0.246 674158
Jasper County, Missouri 0.186 0.258 117404
Jefferson County, Missouri 0.161 0.251 218733
Johnson County, Missouri 0.241 0.229 52595
Knox County, Missouri 0.139 0.250 4131
Laclede County, Missouri 0.130 0.250 35571
Lafayette County, Missouri 0.159 0.245 33381
Lawrence County, Missouri 0.133 0.263 38634
Lewis County, Missouri 0.130 0.235 10211
Lincoln County, Missouri 0.119 0.280 52566
Linn County, Missouri 0.143 0.247 12761
Livingston County, Missouri 0.190 0.219 15195
McDonald County, Missouri 0.089 0.281 23083
Macon County, Missouri 0.150 0.243 15566
Madison County, Missouri 0.107 0.240 12226
Maries County, Missouri 0.142 0.235 9176
Marion County, Missouri 0.169 0.239 28781
Mercer County, Missouri 0.142 0.254 3785
Miller County, Missouri 0.119 0.248 24748
Mississippi County, Missouri 0.105 0.222 14358
Moniteau County, Missouri 0.171 0.252 15607
Monroe County, Missouri 0.119 0.233 8840
Montgomery County, Missouri 0.122 0.233 12236
Morgan County, Missouri 0.118 0.220 20565
New Madrid County, Missouri 0.122 0.238 18956
Newton County, Missouri 0.183 0.254 58114
Nodaway County, Missouri 0.237 0.182 23370
Oregon County, Missouri 0.102 0.223 10881
Osage County, Missouri 0.132 0.247 13878
Ozark County, Missouri 0.111 0.200 9723
Pemiscot County, Missouri 0.098 0.275 18296
Perry County, Missouri 0.122 0.251 18971
Pettis County, Missouri 0.158 0.256 42201
Phelps County, Missouri 0.253 0.217 45156
Pike County, Missouri 0.126 0.222 18516
Platte County, Missouri 0.369 0.246 89322
Polk County, Missouri 0.166 0.246 31137
Pulaski County, Missouri 0.184 0.240 52274
Putnam County, Missouri 0.156 0.233 4979
Ralls County, Missouri 0.161 0.234 10167
Randolph County, Missouri 0.117 0.231 25414
Ray County, Missouri 0.135 0.250 23494
Reynolds County, Missouri 0.067 0.229 6696
Ripley County, Missouri 0.122 0.235 14100
St. Charles County, Missouri 0.334 0.258 360485
St. Clair County, Missouri 0.141 0.200 9805
Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri 0.116 0.233 18145
St. Francois County, Missouri 0.148 0.220 65359
St. Louis County, Missouri 0.391 0.234 998954
Saline County, Missouri 0.177 0.231 23370
Schuyler County, Missouri 0.096 0.257 4431
Scotland County, Missouri 0.178 0.281 4843
Scott County, Missouri 0.137 0.251 39191
Shannon County, Missouri 0.137 0.234 8441
Shelby County, Missouri 0.134 0.251 6373
Stoddard County, Missouri 0.117 0.228 29968
Stone County, Missouri 0.168 0.187 32202
Sullivan County, Missouri 0.099 0.242 6714
Taney County, Missouri 0.200 0.221 51675
Texas County, Missouri 0.118 0.220 26008
Vernon County, Missouri 0.143 0.249 21159
Warren County, Missouri 0.169 0.250 32513
Washington County, Missouri 0.077 0.241 25195
Wayne County, Missouri 0.087 0.208 13521
Webster County, Missouri 0.147 0.277 36202
Worth County, Missouri 0.128 0.205 2171
Wright County, Missouri 0.113 0.259 18815
St. Louis city, Missouri 0.269 0.212 319294
Abbeville County, South Carolina 0.153 0.228 25417
Aiken County, South Carolina 0.235 0.230 160099
Allendale County, South Carolina 0.132 0.223 10419
Anderson County, South Carolina 0.180 0.240 187126
Bamberg County, South Carolina 0.174 0.223 15987
Barnwell County, South Carolina 0.115 0.256 22621
Beaufort County, South Carolina 0.374 0.212 162233
Berkeley County, South Carolina 0.183 0.253 177843
Calhoun County, South Carolina 0.203 0.217 15175
Charleston County, South Carolina 0.375 0.207 350209
Cherokee County, South Carolina 0.117 0.247 55342
Chester County, South Carolina 0.112 0.239 33140
Chesterfield County, South Carolina 0.111 0.247 46734
Clarendon County, South Carolina 0.132 0.223 34971
Colleton County, South Carolina 0.136 0.244 38892
Darlington County, South Carolina 0.159 0.243 68681
Dillon County, South Carolina 0.092 0.267 32062
Dorchester County, South Carolina 0.241 0.271 136555
Edgefield County, South Carolina 0.163 0.214 26985
Fairfield County, South Carolina 0.159 0.227 23956
Florence County, South Carolina 0.208 0.246 136885
Georgetown County, South Carolina 0.218 0.216 60158
Greenville County, South Carolina 0.300 0.242 451225
Greenwood County, South Carolina 0.220 0.237 69661
Hampton County, South Carolina 0.110 0.241 21090
Horry County, South Carolina 0.218 0.201 269291
Jasper County, South Carolina 0.094 0.248 24777
Kershaw County, South Carolina 0.185 0.245 61697
Lancaster County, South Carolina 0.154 0.233 76652
Laurens County, South Carolina 0.145 0.232 66537
Lee County, South Carolina 0.085 0.222 19220
Lexington County, South Carolina 0.276 0.245 262391
McCormick County, South Carolina 0.160 0.145 10233
Marion County, South Carolina 0.129 0.244 33062
Marlboro County, South Carolina 0.086 0.219 28933
Newberry County, South Carolina 0.193 0.228 37508
Oconee County, South Carolina 0.214 0.211 74273
Orangeburg County, South Carolina 0.167 0.232 92501
Pickens County, South Carolina 0.235 0.204 119224
Richland County, South Carolina 0.365 0.228 384504
Saluda County, South Carolina 0.126 0.230 19875
Spartanburg County, South Carolina 0.199 0.244 284307
Sumter County, South Carolina 0.174 0.255 107456
Union County, South Carolina 0.129 0.228 28961
Williamsburg County, South Carolina 0.113 0.236 34423
York County, South Carolina 0.269 0.255 226073
Anderson County, Texas 0.113 0.196 58458
Andrews County, Texas 0.124 0.292 14786
Angelina County, Texas 0.159 0.267 86771
Aransas County, Texas 0.239 0.195 23158
Archer County, Texas 0.188 0.241 9054
Armstrong County, Texas 0.259 0.223 1901
Atascosa County, Texas 0.110 0.286 44911
Austin County, Texas 0.179 0.251 28417
Bailey County, Texas 0.185 0.309 7165
Bandera County, Texas 0.240 0.196 20485
Bastrop County, Texas 0.179 0.262 74171
Baylor County, Texas 0.245 0.206 3726
Bee County, Texas 0.092 0.219 31861
Bell County, Texas 0.212 0.284 310235
Bexar County, Texas 0.253 0.271 1714773
Blanco County, Texas 0.254 0.219 10497
Borden County, Texas 0.191 0.215 641
Bosque County, Texas 0.148 0.229 18212
Bowie County, Texas 0.181 0.243 92565
Brazoria County, Texas 0.261 0.278 313166
Brazos County, Texas 0.393 0.204 194851
Brewster County, Texas 0.304 0.203 9232
Briscoe County, Texas 0.150 0.221 1637
Brooks County, Texas 0.125 0.278 7223
Brown County, Texas 0.150 0.239 38106
Burleson County, Texas 0.105 0.235 17187
Burnet County, Texas 0.214 0.232 42750
Caldwell County, Texas 0.143 0.264 38066
Calhoun County, Texas 0.147 0.265 21381
Callahan County, Texas 0.171 0.238 13544
Cameron County, Texas 0.145 0.330 406220
Camp County, Texas 0.149 0.271 12401
Carson County, Texas 0.236 0.257 6182
Cass County, Texas 0.129 0.232 30464
Castro County, Texas 0.149 0.313 8062
Chambers County, Texas 0.162 0.285 35096
Cherokee County, Texas 0.118 0.259 50845
Childress County, Texas 0.157 0.214 7041
Clay County, Texas 0.193 0.227 10752
Cochran County, Texas 0.117 0.294 3127
Coke County, Texas 0.118 0.211 3320
Coleman County, Texas 0.137 0.222 8895
Collin County, Texas 0.483 0.287 782341
Collingsworth County, Texas 0.183 0.276 3057
Colorado County, Texas 0.153 0.238 20874
Comal County, Texas 0.326 0.237 108472
Comanche County, Texas 0.181 0.242 13974
Concho County, Texas 0.105 0.141 4087
Cooke County, Texas 0.195 0.256 38437
Coryell County, Texas 0.154 0.279 75388
Cottle County, Texas 0.159 0.233 1505
Crane County, Texas 0.131 0.295 4375
Crockett County, Texas 0.091 0.267 3719
Crosby County, Texas 0.133 0.288 6059
Culberson County, Texas 0.138 0.278 2398
Dallam County, Texas 0.084 0.299 6703
Dallas County, Texas 0.280 0.276 2368139
Dawson County, Texas 0.087 0.247 13833
Deaf Smith County, Texas 0.132 0.322 19372
Delta County, Texas 0.150 0.227 5231
Denton County, Texas 0.395 0.275 662614
DeWitt County, Texas 0.121 0.224 20097
Dickens County, Texas 0.127 0.201 2444
Dimmit County, Texas 0.126 0.300 9996
Donley County, Texas 0.166 0.206 3677
Duval County, Texas 0.085 0.261 11782
Eastland County, Texas 0.155 0.224 18583
Ector County, Texas 0.131 0.290 137130
Edwards County, Texas 0.221 0.208 2002
Ellis County, Texas 0.210 0.290 149610
El Paso County, Texas 0.193 0.301 800647
Erath County, Texas 0.240 0.223 37890
Falls County, Texas 0.098 0.217 17866
Fannin County, Texas 0.147 0.221 33915
Fayette County, Texas 0.176 0.219 24554
Fisher County, Texas 0.152 0.226 3974
Floyd County, Texas 0.171 0.289 6446
Foard County, Texas 0.156 0.208 1336
Fort Bend County, Texas 0.404 0.297 585375
Franklin County, Texas 0.236 0.245 10605
Freestone County, Texas 0.140 0.234 19816
Frio County, Texas 0.081 0.247 17217
Gaines County, Texas 0.129 0.348 17526
Galveston County, Texas 0.263 0.255 291309
Garza County, Texas 0.086 0.197 6461
Gillespie County, Texas 0.268 0.203 24837
Glasscock County, Texas 0.164 0.287 1226
Goliad County, Texas 0.180 0.229 7210
Gonzales County, Texas 0.139 0.271 19807
Gray County, Texas 0.122 0.247 22535
Grayson County, Texas 0.192 0.241 120877
Gregg County, Texas 0.203 0.255 121730
Grimes County, Texas 0.113 0.228 26604
Guadalupe County, Texas 0.240 0.277 131533
Hale County, Texas 0.141 0.288 36273
Hall County, Texas 0.152 0.259 3353
Hamilton County, Texas 0.234 0.213 8517
Hansford County, Texas 0.202 0.303 5613
Hardeman County, Texas 0.147 0.246 4139
Hardin County, Texas 0.154 0.258 54635
Harris County, Texas 0.277 0.280 4092459
Harrison County, Texas 0.162 0.259 65631
Hartley County, Texas 0.198 0.226 6062
Haskell County, Texas 0.117 0.208 5899
Hays County, Texas 0.350 0.247 157107
Hemphill County, Texas 0.163 0.293 3807
Henderson County, Texas 0.142 0.227 78532
Hidalgo County, Texas 0.151 0.347 774769
Hill County, Texas 0.153 0.243 35089
Hockley County, Texas 0.180 0.272 22935
Hood County, Texas 0.239 0.213 51182
Hopkins County, Texas 0.167 0.256 35161
Houston County, Texas 0.134 0.208 23732
Howard County, Texas 0.101 0.224 35012
Hudspeth County, Texas 0.105 0.301 3476
Hunt County, Texas 0.170 0.249 86129
Hutchinson County, Texas 0.130 0.263 22150
Irion County, Texas 0.123 0.230 1599
Jack County, Texas 0.105 0.220 9044
Jackson County, Texas 0.169 0.254 14075
Jasper County, Texas 0.140 0.249 35710
Jeff Davis County, Texas 0.343 0.198 2342
Jefferson County, Texas 0.178 0.239 252273
Jim Hogg County, Texas 0.124 0.290 5300
Jim Wells County, Texas 0.106 0.288 40838
Johnson County, Texas 0.161 0.273 150934
Jones County, Texas 0.093 0.185 20202
Karnes County, Texas 0.084 0.200 14824
Kaufman County, Texas 0.172 0.288 103350
Kendall County, Texas 0.355 0.242 33410
Kenedy County, Texas 0.179 0.245 416
Kent County, Texas 0.194 0.229 808
Kerr County, Texas 0.270 0.202 49625
Kimble County, Texas 0.203 0.204 4607
King County, Texas 0.368 0.238 286
Kinney County, Texas 0.145 0.201 3598
Kleberg County, Texas 0.204 0.251 32061
Knox County, Texas 0.129 0.253 3719
Lamar County, Texas 0.174 0.243 49793
Lamb County, Texas 0.138 0.293 13977
Lampasas County, Texas 0.173 0.248 19677
La Salle County, Texas 0.081 0.217 6886
Lavaca County, Texas 0.140 0.231 19263
Lee County, Texas 0.145 0.262 16612
Leon County, Texas 0.126 0.223 16801
Liberty County, Texas 0.088 0.256 75643
Limestone County, Texas 0.120 0.236 23384
Lipscomb County, Texas 0.225 0.276 3302
Live Oak County, Texas 0.140 0.204 11531
Llano County, Texas 0.260 0.159 19301
Loving County, Texas 0.179 0.110 82
Lubbock County, Texas 0.275 0.243 278831
Lynn County, Texas 0.159 0.278 5915
McCulloch County, Texas 0.204 0.246 8283
McLennan County, Texas 0.206 0.254 234906
McMullen County, Texas 0.105 0.168 707
Madison County, Texas 0.115 0.220 13664
Marion County, Texas 0.112 0.190 10546
Martin County, Texas 0.126 0.303 4799
Mason County, Texas 0.289 0.212 4012
Matagorda County, Texas 0.141 0.264 36702
Maverick County, Texas 0.137 0.338 54258
Medina County, Texas 0.193 0.258 46006
Menard County, Texas 0.139 0.196 2242
Midland County, Texas 0.239 0.274 136872
Milam County, Texas 0.135 0.265 24757
Mills County, Texas 0.187 0.243 4936
Mitchell County, Texas 0.094 0.194 9403
Montague County, Texas 0.167 0.230 19719
Montgomery County, Texas 0.297 0.276 455746
Moore County, Texas 0.137 0.320 21904
Morris County, Texas 0.173 0.233 12934
Motley County, Texas 0.185 0.218 1210
Nacogdoches County, Texas 0.240 0.233 64524
Navarro County, Texas 0.157 0.271 47735
Newton County, Texas 0.086 0.232 14445
Nolan County, Texas 0.171 0.259 15216
Nueces County, Texas 0.199 0.259 340223
Ochiltree County, Texas 0.179 0.316 10223
Oldham County, Texas 0.298 0.340 2052
Orange County, Texas 0.125 0.251 81837
Palo Pinto County, Texas 0.137 0.250 28111
Panola County, Texas 0.114 0.247 23796
Parker County, Texas 0.224 0.255 116927
Parmer County, Texas 0.157 0.313 10269
Pecos County, Texas 0.113 0.246 15507
Polk County, Texas 0.106 0.211 45413
Potter County, Texas 0.150 0.278 121073
Presidio County, Texas 0.178 0.290 7818
Rains County, Texas 0.121 0.217 10914
Randall County, Texas 0.301 0.249 120725
Reagan County, Texas 0.100 0.300 3367
Real County, Texas 0.194 0.199 3309
Red River County, Texas 0.086 0.214 12860
Reeves County, Texas 0.076 0.228 13783
Refugio County, Texas 0.112 0.241 7383
Roberts County, Texas 0.341 0.254 929
Robertson County, Texas 0.158 0.253 16622
Rockwall County, Texas 0.356 0.300 78337
Runnels County, Texas 0.164 0.251 10501
Rusk County, Texas 0.148 0.232 53330
Sabine County, Texas 0.122 0.196 10834
San Augustine County, Texas 0.119 0.210 8865
San Jacinto County, Texas 0.096 0.240 26384
San Patricio County, Texas 0.151 0.282 64804
San Saba County, Texas 0.181 0.210 6131
Schleicher County, Texas 0.174 0.319 3461
Scurry County, Texas 0.163 0.250 16921
Shackelford County, Texas 0.276 0.247 3378
Shelby County, Texas 0.135 0.264 25448
Sherman County, Texas 0.191 0.302 3034
Smith County, Texas 0.245 0.257 209714
Somervell County, Texas 0.284 0.265 8490
Starr County, Texas 0.098 0.339 60968
Stephens County, Texas 0.122 0.239 9630
Sterling County, Texas 0.227 0.244 1143
Stonewall County, Texas 0.224 0.228 1490
Sutton County, Texas 0.118 0.275 4128
Swisher County, Texas 0.146 0.261 7854
Tarrant County, Texas 0.287 0.280 1809034
Taylor County, Texas 0.242 0.245 131506
Terrell County, Texas 0.207 0.222 984
Terry County, Texas 0.143 0.259 12651
Throckmorton County, Texas 0.167 0.223 1641
Titus County, Texas 0.137 0.306 32334
Tom Green County, Texas 0.216 0.235 110224
Travis County, Texas 0.435 0.239 1024266
Trinity County, Texas 0.112 0.209 14585
Tyler County, Texas 0.122 0.200 21766
Upshur County, Texas 0.151 0.247 39309
Upton County, Texas 0.127 0.273 3355
Uvalde County, Texas 0.161 0.289 26405
Val Verde County, Texas 0.158 0.298 48879
Van Zandt County, Texas 0.121 0.241 52579
Victoria County, Texas 0.169 0.267 86793
Walker County, Texas 0.171 0.167 67861
Waller County, Texas 0.196 0.247 43205
Ward County, Texas 0.100 0.274 10658
Washington County, Texas 0.258 0.221 33718
Webb County, Texas 0.167 0.352 250304
Wharton County, Texas 0.154 0.268 41280
Wheeler County, Texas 0.151 0.253 5410
Wichita County, Texas 0.200 0.231 131500
Wilbarger County, Texas 0.159 0.256 13535
Willacy County, Texas 0.086 0.268 22134
Williamson County, Texas 0.373 0.287 422679
Wilson County, Texas 0.182 0.264 42918
Winkler County, Texas 0.098 0.297 7110
Wise County, Texas 0.156 0.261 59127
Wood County, Texas 0.165 0.203 41964
Yoakum County, Texas 0.150 0.317 7879
Young County, Texas 0.136 0.240 18550
Zapata County, Texas 0.096 0.343 14018
Zavala County, Texas 0.077 0.313 11677
Barbour County, West Virginia 0.133 0.217 16589
Berkeley County, West Virginia 0.197 0.252 104169
Boone County, West Virginia 0.082 0.228 24629
Braxton County, West Virginia 0.095 0.207 14523
Brooke County, West Virginia 0.156 0.190 24069
Cabell County, West Virginia 0.230 0.196 96319
Calhoun County, West Virginia 0.080 0.199 7627
Clay County, West Virginia 0.083 0.236 9386
Doddridge County, West Virginia 0.080 0.204 8202
Fayette County, West Virginia 0.107 0.205 46039
Gilmer County, West Virginia 0.122 0.145 8693
Grant County, West Virginia 0.115 0.214 11937
Greenbrier County, West Virginia 0.172 0.201 35480
Hampshire County, West Virginia 0.094 0.225 23964
Hancock County, West Virginia 0.153 0.201 30676
Hardy County, West Virginia 0.095 0.215 14025
Harrison County, West Virginia 0.176 0.220 69099
Jackson County, West Virginia 0.145 0.226 29211
Jefferson County, West Virginia 0.277 0.237 53498
Kanawha County, West Virginia 0.234 0.206 193063
Lewis County, West Virginia 0.120 0.207 16372
Lincoln County, West Virginia 0.077 0.227 21720
Logan County, West Virginia 0.089 0.204 36743
McDowell County, West Virginia 0.063 0.200 22113
Marion County, West Virginia 0.192 0.199 56418
Marshall County, West Virginia 0.122 0.208 33107
Mason County, West Virginia 0.103 0.217 27324
Mercer County, West Virginia 0.164 0.205 62264
Mineral County, West Virginia 0.130 0.208 28212
Mingo County, West Virginia 0.090 0.220 26839
Monongalia County, West Virginia 0.358 0.159 96189
Monroe County, West Virginia 0.133 0.210 13502
Morgan County, West Virginia 0.127 0.205 17541
Nicholas County, West Virginia 0.130 0.212 26233
Ohio County, West Virginia 0.259 0.190 44443
Pendleton County, West Virginia 0.131 0.190 7695
Pleasants County, West Virginia 0.104 0.204 7605
Pocahontas County, West Virginia 0.135 0.179 8719
Preston County, West Virginia 0.116 0.195 33520
Putnam County, West Virginia 0.238 0.237 55486
Raleigh County, West Virginia 0.154 0.208 78859
Randolph County, West Virginia 0.176 0.194 29405
Ritchie County, West Virginia 0.103 0.211 10449
Roane County, West Virginia 0.091 0.217 14926
Summers County, West Virginia 0.112 0.181 13927
Taylor County, West Virginia 0.145 0.208 16895
Tucker County, West Virginia 0.137 0.192 7141
Tyler County, West Virginia 0.083 0.209 9208
Upshur County, West Virginia 0.152 0.206 24254
Wayne County, West Virginia 0.127 0.224 42481
Webster County, West Virginia 0.080 0.216 9154
Wetzel County, West Virginia 0.126 0.209 16583
Wirt County, West Virginia 0.110 0.210 5717
Wood County, West Virginia 0.191 0.218 86956
Wyoming County, West Virginia 0.093 0.215 23796


Bache, Stefan Milton, and Hadley Wickham. 2014. Magrittr: A Forward-Pipe Operator for R. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=magrittr.

Müller, Kirill. 2017. Here: A Simpler Way to Find Your Files. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=here.

Müller, Kirill, and Hadley Wickham. 2019. Tibble: Simple Data Frames. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=tibble.

Wickham, Hadley. 2019. Stringr: Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=stringr.

Wickham, Hadley, Romain François, Lionel Henry, and Kirill Müller. 2019. Dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=dplyr.