Bab 4 Mengenal R

Apa itu R? R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, …) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible. Setting Up Your Environment • Installing R and RStudio with a focus on Indonesian resources

Konsep pemograman di R - Variabel - = - ¬<-

  • Stuktur data di R • Vectors • Factors • Lists • Matrices/arrays • Data frames
  • Tipe data di R o character o numeric (double) o integer o logical
  • Analisis teks dengan R: kelebihan dan kekurangan
  • Langkah-langkah menggunakan R
  • Aplikasi R untuk analisis teks o
  • Tahap-tahap analisis Teks in R

Text Preprocessing • Handling Indonesian text data: tokenization, stopwords, and stemming • Challenges specific to Indonesian language preprocessing

Add a numbered part: # (PART) Act one {-} (followed by # A chapter)

Add an unnumbered part: # (PART\*) Act one {-} (followed by # A chapter)

Add an appendix as a special kind of un-numbered part: # (APPENDIX) Other stuff {-} (followed by # A chapter). Chapters in an appendix are prepended with letters instead of numbers.