Chapter 3 常用图表类型

3.1 一个简单的例子

df <- state.x77 %>% %>% 

df %>% 
  e_charts(State) %>% # 初始化图表,设置横轴
  e_line(Population, smooth = T) %>%  # 添加一条线图
  e_area(Income ,smooth = TRUE, y_index = 1) %>%  # 添加面积图,并设置双轴 y_index = 1添加y轴, 形成双轴
  e_axis_labels(x = "State") %>% # 设置横轴名称
  e_title("US States", "Population & Income", "") %>%  # 添加图表标题
  e_legend(right = 0, show = T) %>%  # 设置图例位置
  e_tooltip(trigger = "axis") # 设置鼠标悬浮提示

3.2 advanced

3.2.1 Grouping

# no timeline
iris %>% 
  group_by(Species) %>% 
  e_charts(Sepal.Length) %>% 
  e_line(Sepal.Width) %>% 
  e_title("Grouped data")
# use timeline
iris %>% 
  group_by(Species) %>% 
  e_charts(Sepal.Length, timeline = TRUE) %>% 
  e_line(Sepal.Width) %>% 

3.3 stacked 堆叠

3.3.1 通过指定stack名称进行堆叠,相同名称的按顺序堆在一起

df <- data.frame(
  x = LETTERS[1:10],
  a = runif(10),
  b = runif(10),
  c = runif(10),
  d = runif(10)

# stack名称相同的会按顺序堆叠起来, 不同的名称新增柱子不会堆叠
df %>% 
  e_charts(x) %>% 
  e_bar(a, stack = "grp") %>% 
  e_bar(b, stack = "grp") %>% 
  e_bar(c, stack = "grp2") %>% 
  e_bar(d, stack = "grp2") %>% 
  e_tooltip(trigger = 'axis')

3.4 散点图

我们使用鸢尾花数据集作示例,绘制花萼长度Sepal.Length和花瓣长度Petal.Length之间的散点关系 1. 将横坐标传Sepal.Length给e_charts(), 初始化图表 2. 绘制散点,将纵坐标Petal.Length传e_scatter() 因为是散点图,这里的横纵坐标调换一下也有意义

iris %>% 
    e_charts(Sepal.Length) %>% 


iris %>% 
    e_charts(Sepal.Length) %>% 
    e_scatter(Petal.Length, symbol_size = 15)


iris %>% 
    group_by(Species) %>% 
    e_charts(Sepal.Length) %>% 
    e_scatter(Petal.Length, Sepal.Width) %>% # 第一个参数是y轴, 第二个是点的大小
    e_tooltip(trigger = 'axis')


iris %>% 
  group_by(Species) %>% 
  e_charts(Sepal.Length) %>% 
  e_effect_scatter(Petal.Length, Sepal.Width)

3.4.1 e_visual_map增加比例尺

echart <- mtcars %>% 
  e_charts(mpg) %>% 
  e_scatter(qsec, wt, scale = e_scale) %>% 
  e_legend(show = FALSE)

echart %>% 
  e_visual_map(wt, scale = e_scale)

3.5 热力图

v <- LETTERS[1:10]
matrix <- data.frame(
  x = sample(v, 300, replace = TRUE), 
  y = sample(v, 300, replace = TRUE), 
  z = rnorm(300, 10, 1),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(x, y) %>% 
  dplyr::summarise(z = sum(z)) %>% 
#> `summarise()` regrouping output by 'x' (override with `.groups` argument)

matrix %>% 
  e_charts(x) %>% 
  e_heatmap(y, z) %>% 

3.5.1 日历

dates <- seq.Date(as.Date("2017-01-01"), as.Date("2018-12-31"), by = "day")
values <- rnorm(length(dates), 20, 6)

year <- data.frame(date = dates, values = values)

# year

year %>% 
  e_charts(date) %>% 
  e_calendar(range = "2018") %>% 
  e_heatmap(values, coord_system = "calendar") %>% 
  e_visual_map(max = 30) %>% 
  e_tooltip(trigger = 'axis')

3.5.2 多个日历

year %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(year = format(date, "%Y")) %>% # get year from date
  group_by(year) %>% 
  e_charts(date) %>% 
  e_calendar(range = "2017", top="40") %>% 
  e_calendar(range = "2018", top="260") %>% 
  e_heatmap(values, coord_system = "calendar") %>% 
  e_visual_map(max = 30) %>% 
  e_title("Calendar", "Heatmap")%>%

3.6 Gauge

e_charts() %>% 
  e_gauge(41, "PERCENT") %>% 
  # e_gauge(91, "PERCENT") %>% 

3.7 Liquifill

liquid <- data.frame(val = c(0.6, 0.5, 0.4))

liquid %>% 
  e_charts() %>% 

3.8 polar

df <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = seq(1, 20, by = 2))

df %>% 
  e_charts(x) %>% 
df %>% 
  e_charts(x) %>% 
  e_polar() %>% 
  e_angle_axis() %>% 
  e_radius_axis() %>% 
  e_line(y, coord_system = "polar", smooth = TRUE) 
df %>% 
  e_charts(x) %>% 
  e_polar() %>% 
  e_angle_axis() %>% 
  e_radius_axis() %>% 
  e_bar(y, coord_system = "polar", smooth = TRUE) 

3.8.1 Radial

df %>% 
  head(10) %>% 
  e_charts(x) %>% 
  e_polar() %>% 
  e_angle_axis() %>% 
  e_radius_axis(x) %>% 
  e_bar(y, coord_system = "polar") %>% 
  e_scatter(y, coord_system = "polar") # 替换成别的变量会好一些,这里仅作示例

3.9 flip_coords

  x = LETTERS[1:5],
  y = runif(5, 1, 15)
) %>% 
  e_charts(x) %>% 
  e_bar(y, name = "flipped") %>% 
  e_flip_coords() # flip axis

3.10 pie

mtcars %>% 
  head() %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(model = row.names(.)) %>% 
  e_charts(model) %>% 
  e_pie(carb) %>% 
  e_title("Pie chart")

3.10.1 dount

mtcars %>% 
  head() %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(model = row.names(.)) %>% 
  e_charts(model) %>% 
  e_pie(carb, radius = c("50%", "70%")) %>% 
  e_title("Donut chart")

3.11 Rosetype

mtcars %>% 
  head() %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(model = row.names(.)) %>% 
  e_charts(model) %>% 
  e_pie(carb, roseType = "radius")

3.12 sunburst

df <- tibble(
  name = c("earth", "mars", "venus"), 
  value = c(30, 40, 30),        # 1st level
  itemStyle = tibble(color = c(NA, 'red', 'blue')),
  children = list(
    # earth的children
    tibble(name = c("land", "ocean"), 
           value = c(10,20),             # 2nd level
           children = list(
             tibble(name = c("forest", "river"), 
                    value = c(3,7)),   # 3rd level 
             tibble(name = c("fish", "kelp"), 
                    value = c(10,5),
                    children = list(
                      tibble(name = c("shark", "tuna"), 
                             value = c(2,6)),  # 4th level 
                      NULL  # kelp
    # mars的children
    tibble(name = c("crater", "valley"), value = c(20,20)),
    # venus的children
    NULL  # venus

## # A tibble: 3 × 4
##   name  value itemStyle$color children        
##   <chr> <dbl> <chr>           <list>          
## 1 earth    30 <NA>            <tibble [2 × 3]>
## 2 mars     40 red             <tibble [2 × 2]>
## 3 venus    30 blue            <NULL>
df %>% 
  e_charts() %>% 
  e_sunburst() %>% 

3.13 tree

df <- tibble(
  name = "earth",        # 1st level
  children = list(
    tibble(name = c("land", "ocean"),             # 2nd level
       children = list(
         tibble(name = c("forest", "river")),   # 3rd level 
         tibble(name = c("fish", "kelp"),
            children = list(
               tibble(name = c("shark", "tuna"),  # 4th level 
               NULL  # kelp

## # A tibble: 1 × 2
##   name  children        
##   <chr> <list>          
## 1 earth <tibble [2 × 2]>
df %>% 
  e_charts() %>% 
df %>% 
  e_charts() %>% 
  e_tree(layout = "radial")

3.14 Treemap

# 使用上面一样的数据
df %>% 
  e_charts() %>% 
  e_treemap() %>% 
  e_title("Treemap chart")

3.15 River

dates <- seq.Date(Sys.Date() - 30, Sys.Date(), by = "day")

river <- data.frame(
  dates = dates,
  apples = runif(length(dates)),
  bananas = runif(length(dates)),
  pears = runif(length(dates))

river %>% 
  e_charts(dates) %>% 
  e_river(apples) %>% 
  e_river(bananas) %>% 
  e_river(pears) %>% 
  e_tooltip(trigger = "axis") %>% 
  e_title("River charts", "(Streamgraphs)") %>% 

3.16 添加标志线、标志点;添加双x、双y坐标轴

USArrests %>% 
    State = row.names(.),
    Rape = -Rape
  ) %>% 
  e_charts(State) %>% 
  e_area(Murder) %>%
  # e_bar(Rape, name = "Sick basterd") %>% # second x axis 
  e_bar(Rape, name = "Sick basterd", x_index = 1) %>% # second y axis 
  e_mark_line("Sick basterd", data = list(type = "average")) %>% 
  e_mark_point("Murder", data = list(type = "min"))

3.17 show labels

# 方式1
USArrests %>% 
        State = row.names(.)
    ) %>% 
    dplyr::slice(1:10) %>% 
    e_charts(State) %>% 
    e_area(Murder, label = list(normal = list(show = TRUE))) 
# 方式2
USArrests %>% 
      State = row.names(.)
  ) %>% 
  dplyr::slice(1:10) %>% 
  e_charts(State) %>% 
  e_area(Murder) %>% 

3.18 nested data

3.18.1 这里还通过e_add实现根据条件是否展示坐标

# add columns to iris
iris_dat <- iris %>% 
    show = TRUE, # to show the labels
    fontSize = exp(Sepal.Length) / 10, # font size will correspond to Sepal.Length
    color = sample(c("red", "black", "blue"), dplyr::n(), replace = TRUE) # assign a random color to the label

##   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species show  fontSize color
## 1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa TRUE 16.402191   red
## 2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa TRUE 13.428978 black
## 3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa TRUE 10.994717   red
## 4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa TRUE  9.948432   red
## 5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa TRUE 14.841316 black
## 6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa TRUE 22.140642 black
iris_dat %>% 
  dplyr::slice(1:10) %>% # simplify the graph. 
  e_charts(Sepal.Width) %>% 
  e_line(Sepal.Length) %>% 
  e_add("label", show, fontSize, color) %>% # add our columns to "label"
  e_x_axis(min = 2.5)
## Warning: 'e_add' is deprecated.
## Use 'e_add_nested' instead.
## See help("Deprecated") and help("echarts4r-deprecated").

3.19 漏斗

funnel <- data.frame(
  stage = c("View", "Click", "Purchase"), 
  value = c(80, 30, 20),
  color = c("blue", "red", "green")

funnel %>% 
  e_charts() %>% 
  e_funnel(value, stage) %>% 
  e_add("itemStyle", color)
## Warning: 'e_add' is deprecated.
## Use 'e_add_nested' instead.
## See help("Deprecated") and help("echarts4r-deprecated").
funnel %>% 
  e_charts() %>% 
  e_funnel(value, stage)

3.20 Rader

df <- data.frame(
  x = LETTERS[1:5],
  y = runif(5, 1, 5),
  z = runif(5, 3, 7)

df %>% 
  e_charts(x) %>% 
  e_radar(y, max = 7, name = "radar") %>%
  e_radar(z, max = 7, name = "chart") %>%
  e_tooltip(trigger = "item")

3.21 Wordcloud

words <- function(n = 5000) {
  a <-, replicate(5, sample(LETTERS, n, TRUE), FALSE))
  paste0(a, sprintf("%04d", sample(9999, n, TRUE)), sample(LETTERS, n, TRUE))

tf <- data.frame(terms = words(100), 
  freq = rnorm(100, 55, 10)) %>% 

tf %>% 
  e_color_range(freq, color) %>% 
  e_charts() %>% 
  e_cloud(terms, freq, color, shape = "circle", sizeRange = c(3, 15)) %>% 
  e_title("Wordcloud", "Random strings")

3.22 Candlestick


# getSymbols("GS") #Goldman Sachs
# GS <-
# GS$date <- row.names(GS)
# GS %>% 
#   e_charts(date) %>% 
#   e_candle(GS.Open, GS.Close, GS.Low, GS.High, name = "Goldman Sachs") %>% 
#   e_datazoom(type = "slider") %>% 
#   e_title("Candlestick chart", "Quantmod data")

3.23 sankey 桑基

sankey <- data.frame(
  source = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "c"),
  target = c("b", "c", "d", "e", "e"),
  value = ceiling(rnorm(5, 10, 1)),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

##   source target value
## 1      a      b     9
## 2      b      c    10
## 3      c      d    10
## 4      d      e    12
## 5      c      e    10
sankey %>% 
  e_charts() %>% 
  e_sankey(source, target, value) %>% 
  e_title("Sankey chart")

3.24 parallel

df <- data.frame(
  price = rnorm(5, 10),
  amount = rnorm(5, 15),
  letter = LETTERS[1:5]

##       price   amount letter
## 1  8.440435 15.38694      A
## 2 11.042150 15.24600      B
## 3 11.009427 13.39779      C
## 4 12.122676 15.83889      D
## 5 10.493865 16.11394      E
df %>% 
  e_charts() %>% 
  e_parallel(price, amount, letter) %>% 
  e_title("Parallel chart")