Chapter 1 Monarchy or Republic?

1.1 Dataset

**Results of the 1946 Referendum.** *A pie chart was chosen because we are dealing with proportions and only two categories (Monarchy and Republic). Pie charts are ideal for displaying simple fractions, making it easy to highlight that the Republic won by a narrow margin. Percentages are added as labels to provide exact values. The associated colors (blue for the Republic and red for the Monarchy) ensure consistency throughout the chapter, helping viewers easily interpret the results. Thus, legend is omitted for the subsequent graphs*

Figure 1.1: Results of the 1946 Referendum. A pie chart was chosen because we are dealing with proportions and only two categories (Monarchy and Republic). Pie charts are ideal for displaying simple fractions, making it easy to highlight that the Republic won by a narrow margin. Percentages are added as labels to provide exact values. The associated colors (blue for the Republic and red for the Monarchy) ensure consistency throughout the chapter, helping viewers easily interpret the results. Thus, legend is omitted for the subsequent graphs

## options:        ENCODING=UTF-8 
## Reading layer `Province_1951' from data source 
##   `C:\Users\acer\Desktop\electoral_differences_regions\Province_1951' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 92 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 313361 ymin: 3933879 xmax: 1312107 ymax: 5220491
## Projected CRS: ED50 / UTM zone 32N

Figure 1.2: Results in North and South. Here, proportions are specified according to 2 categorical variables so a mosaic plot is used. We see that results were very different in North and South.

##  Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
## data:  table_data
## X-squared = 2030725, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16
**Choroplet map by region.** *Each region is colored based on the istitutional form which prevailed. Such a map shows clearly the divide between North and South. In all soutehrn regions Monarchy won, while in all northern ones Republic prevailed.*

Figure 1.3: Choroplet map by region. Each region is colored based on the istitutional form which prevailed. Such a map shows clearly the divide between North and South. In all soutehrn regions Monarchy won, while in all northern ones Republic prevailed.

**Cartogram map by region.** *Here the size of each region reflects the number of eligible voters. It highlights that regions, such as Sardinia, contributed less to the final result because of the few number of voters. Other regions like Lombardia are insted bigger in the cartogram.*

Figure 1.4: Cartogram map by region. Here the size of each region reflects the number of eligible voters. It highlights that regions, such as Sardinia, contributed less to the final result because of the few number of voters. Other regions like Lombardia are insted bigger in the cartogram.

20406080CampaniaMolisePugliaSiciliaSardegnaCalabriaBasilicataAbruzzoLazioPiemonteVenetoLombardiaFriuli-Venezia GiuliaValle d'Aosta/Vallée d'AosteLiguriaMarcheUmbriaToscanaEmilia-RomagnaTrentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol

Figure 1.5: Percentage by regions. Percentage for Monarchy and Republic is shown. A dumbell plot has been chosen instead of bars because in this way the focus is on the points, corresponding to the percentage. With bars instead differences in percentages would have been less evident, with the eye drawn to the middle of the bars instead to their endpoints. Regions are ordered accoridng to the percentage for Repubblica, in descending order.

**Choroplet map by provinces.** *Here data are shown at a higher level of granularity. It's still clear the division North/South. few provinces deviated from their region's overall outcome. Specifically: Cuneo and Asti in Piemonte, Bergamo in Lombardia, Latina in Lazio, Trapani in Sicilia. Note that Gorizia and Trieste were not yet part of Italy in 1946 so are not shown. This explains also why Friuly Venezia Giulia is so small in the previous cartogram*

Figure 1.6: Choroplet map by provinces. Here data are shown at a higher level of granularity. It’s still clear the division North/South. few provinces deviated from their region’s overall outcome. Specifically: Cuneo and Asti in Piemonte, Bergamo in Lombardia, Latina in Lazio, Trapani in Sicilia. Note that Gorizia and Trieste were not yet part of Italy in 1946 so are not shown. This explains also why Friuly Venezia Giulia is so small in the previous cartogram