Known Issues/Future Improvements

The table below contains an ongoing list of known issues with the platform, as well as a table for future improvements. It was last synced on 05 May, 2020, but check out the live version here

Table 2.1: Known Issues/Future Improvements
Issue Details Potential Fix Fix Status
Lack of post-delivery feedback Currently, the recipient nor the volunteer has a standardized outlet to confirm delivery or respond with experience. This could have longer standing issues with reporting out impact Automate post-delivery survey NA
Delivery request email is treated like spam Given the number and setup of the email sent to volunteers, it is treated as spam. Utilize phone numbers/text system. Would potentially result in faster turnaround NA
Manual assignment of volunteers System requires shaper to manually link three NA NA
Can only send out initial assignment email After the initial submission, there is no way to assign an additional three contacts NA NA