1  Introduction

In contrast to commonly used term ‘quantitative geography’ it has emphasis of creative, experimental and new tools/applications and a special focus on reproducibility.

Definition 1.1: Defintion of Geomcomputation

Academic research, software development and practical applications that use geographic data to solve problems, with a focus on reproducibility, flexibility and tool development.

Geocomputation implies working with geographic data in a reproducible code-driven environment and programming new results, methods and tools, which is what this book is all about.

But “we do not seek to imply that there is any cohesive academic field called ‘Geocomputation’”.

In contrast to the {tidyverse} meta-package there is no equivalent ‘geoverse’, but the modern R-spatial ecosystem has consolidated around {sf}, and {terra}.

  1. As of 2023-11-14 , there are 526 packages which import sf.↩︎