1 Introduction
1.1 How to Create a Machine Learning Portfolio
The course kick-off with a video in which Siraj provides 5 recommendations on how to augment our presence on the web. The todos are:
- Create a personnal website
- Create a social media presence
- Create a GitHub account
- Create a resume
- Start networking in the real world
This is what I did: 1. I could render a personnal website with GitHub Page [https://knoel99.github.io/][https://knoel99.github.io/]. The tutorials I followed are:
Get introduced to GitHub Pages on their [official website][https://pages.github.com/]. In short, GitHub Pages offers you to host you static website for free, with the domain name your_github_profile_name.github.io. Static website means that only HTML, CSS, and Javascript can be used, and sutff like database are not supported.
I chose one of the framework that can be hosted on GitHub Pages, in our case it is Jekyll [https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll][https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll]. You can explore the templates that can be done on their website [http://jekyllthemes.org/][http://jekyllthemes.org/]