Chapter 1 Chance Model

1.1 Coin Flipping Simulation

# The following code simulates the number of head obtained from flipping a coin 10 times. 
resultContainer <- numeric(length=10)
for (i in 1: 10){
# in each trail, there are only two possible outcomes, 0 represents tail and 1 represents head. 
  resultContainer[i] <- sample(0:1,1)
# Each value in the resultContainer represents result from flipping the coin each time, since one repetition contains 10 trails, there are 10 values in resultContainer. 
##  [1] 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
# sumHead represents the total number of head obtained from flipping the coin 10 times. 
sumHead <- sum(resultContainer)
## [1] 3

1.2 Doris & Buzz Simulation

# oneRep saves result of one repetion (16 trails). In each trial, outcome is 0 or 1. 
oneRep <- rep(NA,16)
# container saves result of all 100 replications.  
container <- t(replicate(100,oneRep))
for (i in 1:100) {
  for (j in 1:16){
    # 0 stands for Buzz guessing wrong and 1 stands for Buzz guessing correctly. 
    container[i,j] <- sample(0:1,1)
# calculate number of head in each replication and save the result in the dis100Rep vector
dis100Rep <- rowSums(container)
# create a dataframe "simulatedDisM" saving result for each repetition
repLabel <- 1:100
simulatedDis <- cbind(repLabel,dis100Rep)
simulatedDisM <-
##   repLabel dis100Rep
## 1        1        10
## 2        2         6
## 3        3         6
## 4        4         8
## 5        5         8
## 6        6         8
# plot the resulted dataframe in a dot plot. 
ggplot(simulatedDisM, aes(x = dis100Rep)) +
  geom_dotplot(method="histodot",binwidth = 0.2)+
    axis.text.y=element_blank(),  #remove y axis labels
    axis.ticks.y=element_blank()  #remove y axis ticks
  labs(x="Number of Head")

1.3 Binomial Distribution Calculator

# This example illustrate how to calculate the probablibity of obtaining 0 success from flipping a coin 10 times
numberTrial <- 10
numberSuccess <- 0
successProb <- 0.5
probability <- function(n, x) {
    factorial(n) / factorial(n-x) / factorial(x)*0.5^x*0.5^(n-x)
prob0 <- probability(numberTrial,numberSuccess)

# Plot the distribution of getting number of heads from flipping a coin 10 times
distvector <- vector('numeric',length = 10)
for (i in 1:10){
  distvector[i] <- probability(10,i)
dis <-,10),distvector))
barplot(dis$distvector,ylim=c(0,0.3),names.arg = dis$V1)