Chapter 1 Project descripiton

This is my first book written by R studio. I treat this as a project because I want to pour out everything inside my brain into this writing project. It will contain the following contents:

  • Things I am good at
  • Tools I find useful
  • Thoughts that happens in my life

I can’t promise that these contents are all worthy of reading, but I can guarantee that they all come from my live experience. Hope you enjoy it.

1.1 Why using R bookdown to write a book?

I have tried many ways to motive myself to write. I have built blogs with WordPress and posted articles in Wechat Public Account. Eventually, all of these ways to publish failed. One important reason for the failure, among a ton of reasons, is that their user interface is distracting. When I see R bookdown, I instantly get this perception that this is the app that can help me with writing. The interface is so simple that I can see nothing but the input line.

1.2 Why using English?

English for me is a foreign language. The weird thing is: if I write in Chinese, I can’t resist editing while reading. This prevents me from writing a lot. But with a foreign language, I can totally get away with this habit of editing. I can keep writing and immersed with the flow of writing. Therefore, I choose to write in English as a trade off.