Chapter 3 Coding Practices

3.1 Efficient Coding

This section explains how to make code run faster.1

The most basic practice in efficient coding is to keep your R, RStudio, and package versions up to date. Check you version from the version global list object.

##                _                           
## platform       x86_64-w64-mingw32          
## arch           x86_64                      
## os             mingw32                     
## system         x86_64, mingw32             
## status                                     
## major          4                           
## minor          1.0                         
## year           2021                        
## month          05                          
## day            18                          
## svn rev        80317                       
## language       R                           
## version.string R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)
## nickname       Camp Pontanezen

Update R from inside the R GUI.


Update RStudio from Help > Check for Updates. RStudio closes for the update. Once updated, RStudio should default to using the new version of R too.

Update your packages from the RStudio’s Packages panel.

3.1.1 Benchmarking

Benchmarking is the capture of the performance time for comparison to alternative solutions. Benchmark a section of code by wrapping it within a function and calling the function with system.time(). Ignore the user and system times - they are components of the overall elapsed time.

my_f <- function(n) {
  for(i in 1:n) { x <- runif(1) }
##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.03    0.00    0.03

The benchmark() function in the microbenchmark package does this, but also compares functions, runs them multiple times, and calculates summary statistics.

microbenchmark(my_f(1e3), my_f(1e4), my_f(1e5), times = 10)
## Unit: milliseconds
##         expr      min       lq      mean    median       uq      max neval cld
##   my_f(1000)   1.0607   1.0897   1.15268   1.13025   1.1679   1.3462    10 a  
##  my_f(10000)  11.5730  12.1453  13.60281  12.88000  15.1785  16.0651    10  b 
##  my_f(1e+05) 127.9111 135.7143 137.79381 136.74075 140.6062 145.7768    10   c

The benchmark_io() function in the benchmarkme package reads and writes a file and compares your performance to other users.


# read/write a 5MB file
my_io <- benchmark_io(runs = 1, size = 5)
## Preparing read/write io
## # IO benchmarks (2 tests) for size 5 MB:
##   Writing a csv with 625000 values: 1.5 (sec).
##   Reading a csv with 625000 values: 0.23 (sec).
## You are ranked 79 out of 135 machines.
## Press return to get next plot
## You are ranked 46 out of 135 machines.

You can also use the package to retrieve hardware data.

## 8.26 GB
## $vendor_id
## [1] "GenuineIntel"
## $model_name
## [1] "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1035G1 CPU @ 1.00GHz"
## $no_of_cores
## [1] 8

3.1.2 Profiling

Code profiling is taking time snapshots at intervals throughout the code in order to find the location of bottlenecks. Base R function Rprof() does this, but it is not user friendly. Instead, use profvis() from the profvis package.

  for(i in 2:3) { 

3.1.3 Parallel Programming

Use the parallel package to parallelize your code. Parallelization adds communication overhead among the cpus, so it’s not always helpful.

mat <- as.matrix(mtcars)

# make a cluster using all cores, or maybe all but one
n_cores <- benchmarkme::get_cpu() %>% pluck("no_of_cores") - 1
cl <- makeCluster(n_cores)

# make copies of data and functions for each cluster
clusterExport(cl, "my_f")
##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.15    0.00    0.16

# use a parallel version of a function, like parApply instead of apply.
# In this case, the serial version is faster!
microbenchmark(apply(mat, 1, median), 
               parApply(cl, mat, 1, median), 
               times = 100)
## Unit: microseconds
##                          expr    min     lq     mean  median      uq    max
##         apply(mat, 1, median)  565.6  661.5  727.009  722.70  795.45 1028.9
##  parApply(cl, mat, 1, median) 1298.9 1433.5 1583.309 1542.65 1664.95 3264.8
##  neval cld
##    100  a 
##    100   b
# stop the cluster

3.1.4 Other Efficiency Tips

Tip #1: Don’t allocate memory on the fly.

# bad
fun_bad <- function(n) {
  x <- NULL 
  for(i in 1:n) { x <- c(x, rnorm(1)) }

# good
fun_good <- function(n) {
  x <- numeric(n)
  for(i in 1:length(x)) { x[i] <- rnorm(1) }

microbenchmark(fun_bad(1000), fun_good(1000), times = 10)
## Unit: milliseconds
##            expr    min     lq    mean  median     uq    max neval cld
##   fun_bad(1000) 1.8543 1.8996 3.30695 1.92425 4.9103 8.1975    10   a
##  fun_good(1000) 1.1388 1.1671 1.63411 1.28885 1.4232 4.8641    10   a

Tip #2: Use a vectorized solution whenever possible.

# makes 100 calls to rnorm() and makes 100 assignments to x
x <- numeric(100)
for(i in 1:length(x)) { x[i] <- rnorm(1) }

# makes 1 call to rnorm() and 1 assignment to x
x <- rnorm(100)

Tip #3: Use a matrix instead of a dataframe if possible. Matrix operations are fast because with predefined dimensions, accessing any row, col, or cell is a multiple of a dimension length.

# matrix is faster for column selection...
mat <- mtcars %>% as.matrix()
df <- mtcars
microbenchmark(mat[, 1], df[, 1])
## Unit: nanoseconds
##      expr  min   lq mean median   uq   max neval cld
##  mat[, 1]  800 1000 1190   1100 1200  8100   100  a 
##   df[, 1] 4700 5000 5648   5150 5300 50400   100   b

# and even faster for row selection (because of variable data types.
microbenchmark(mat[1, ], df[1, ])
## Unit: nanoseconds
##      expr   min    lq  mean median    uq    max neval cld
##  mat[1, ]   500   600   979    800  1000   6900   100  a 
##   df[1, ] 53500 55400 64825  56000 61000 151800   100   b

Tip #4: Use && for smarter logical testing - if condition 1 is FALSE, then R will not evaluate condition 2. && only works for single logical values - not vectors.

slwr <- function() { 
  for(i in 1:10000) {
    x <- rnorm(1); 
    if(x > .4 & x < .6) {y <- x}
fstr <- function() { 
  for(i in 1:10000) {
    x <- rnorm(1); 
    if(x > .4 && x < .6) {y <- x}
microbenchmark(slwr, fstr, times = 10)
## Warning in microbenchmark(slwr, fstr, times = 10): Could not measure a positive
## execution time for 3 evaluations.
## Unit: nanoseconds
##  expr min lq mean median uq  max neval cld
##  slwr   0  0   60      0  0  500    10   a
##  fstr   0  0  300      0  0 3000    10   a

3.2 Defensive Coding

  1. These notes are from the DataCamp course Writing Efficient R Code.↩︎