Section 1 Teen Self Report
1.1 morning_bedtime
Question: “About what time did you go to bed last night (regardless of the time you actually fell asleep)?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Time input
Header Image:
Responses: Time in HH:MM AM/PM format via clock widget
1.2 morning_sleep_quality
Question: “How did you sleep last night?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Slider bar
Header Image: None
Responses:Value | Label | Image |
1 | very poor |
![]() |
2 | 2 | |
3 | 3 | |
4 | 4 | |
5 | 5 | |
6 | 6 | |
7 | very good |
![]() |
1.3 screen_after_bedtime
Question: “How much time was there between looking at a screen (cell phone, tv, computer, tablet, laptop) and going to sleep last night?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Header Image:
Value | Label |
0 | 0 hours (Turning a screen off was the last thing you did before falling asleep. Also includes falling asleep with the screen on.) |
1 | 1/2 hour or less |
2 | 1 hour |
3 | 1-2 hours |
4 | 2-4 hours |
5 | 4-6 hours |
6 | 6-8 hours |
1.5 phone_location
Question: “Where was your phone last night while you slept?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Header Image: None
Responses:Value | Label |
1 | On my bed |
2 | In my room |
3 | In my room but I couldn’t reach it without getting out of bed |
4 | In my room but turned off |
5 | Outside of my room |
1.6 school_device
Question: “If you had school today, online or in-person, did you multitask on devices during classes?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Header Image: None
Responses:Value | Label |
1 | I didn’t have school today |
2 | Yes |
3 | No |
1.7 school_device_activity
Question: “If yes, what were you doing on your devices during class? (select all that apply)”
Visibility: school_device = 2
Item Type: Multi-select checkbox
Header Image: None
Responses:Value | Label |
1 | Checking Instagram |
2 | Posting on Instagram |
3 | Watching TikToks |
4 | Making a TikTok |
5 | Checking Snapchat |
6 | Posting on Snapchat |
7 | Facetiming |
8 | Texting |
9 | Playing a game |
10 | Online Shopping |
11 | Doing work from another class |
12 | Other |
1.8 school_device_activity_other
Question: “What other activity were you doing on your device?”
Visibility: school_device_activity.includes(12)
Item Type:
Header Image: None
Responses: This item is text response
1.9 physical_activity
Question: “Please select the intensity level of activities you did today:”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Multi-select checkbox
Header Image: None
Responses:Value | Label | Image |
1 | vigorous activities (e.g. running/fast cycling/heavy lifting or digging) |
![]() |
2 | moderate activities (e.g. tennis/bicycling/carrying light loads) |
![]() |
3 | light activities (e.g. walking/climbing stairs/routine household chores) |
![]() |
4 | No physical activity today |
1.10 internet_use_category
Question: “What did you use the internet for today?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Multi-select checkbox
Header Image: None
Responses:Value | Label |
1 | Chat rooms/Group chat |
2 | Facetime/Video chat app |
3 | Blogs/Vlogs/Youtube |
4 | Music (Spotify/iTunes/etc.) |
5 | News |
6 | Direct messenger/texting |
7 | Gaming |
8 | Shopping |
9 | Social Networking (Snapchat/Instagram/TikTok/etc.) |
10 | Web browsing |
11 | Internet TV (Hulu/Amazon Prime/Netflix/etc.) |
12 | School/work |
1.14 video_games_duration
Question: “How much time did you spend playing video games today?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Header Image: None
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | 0 hours |
1 | 1/2 hour or less |
2 | 1 hour |
3 | 1-2 hours |
4 | 2-4 hours |
5 | 4-6 hours |
6 | 6-8 hours |
7 | 8-12 hours |
8 | More than 12 hours |
1.15 video_games_connected
Question: “How did you feel while playing video games today?”
Visibility: video_games_duration >= 1
Item Type: Slider bar
Header Image: None
Responses:Value | Label | Image |
1 | Mostly lonely |
![]() |
2 | 2 | |
3 | 3 | |
4 | 4 | |
5 | 5 | |
6 | 6 | |
7 | Mostly connected |
![]() |
1.16 video_games_excited
Question: “How did you feel while playing video games today?”
Visibility: video_games_duration >= 1
Item Type: Slider bar
Header Image: None
Responses:Value | Label | Image |
1 | Mostly bored |
![]() |
2 | 2 | |
3 | 3 | |
4 | 4 | |
5 | 5 | |
6 | 6 | |
7 | Mostly excited |
![]() |
1.17 activities_positive_mood
Question: “What activities postively affected your mood today?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Multi-select checkbox
Header Image: None
Responses:Value | Label |
1 | Scrolling through social media (Instagram/Snapchat/TikTok/Youtube/etc.) |
2 | Chatting with friends (Texting/DMing/Facetime) |
3 | Gaming |
4 | Being with friends in person |
5 | Being with family |
6 | Being outside/exercising |
7 | School online or in-person school |
8 | Other |
1.18 activities_positive_mood_other
Question: “What other activity positively affected your mood today?”
Visibility: activities_positive_mood.includes(8)
Item Type:
Header Image: None
Responses: This item is text response
1.19 activities_negative_mood
Question: “What activities negatively affected your mood today?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Multi-select checkbox
Header Image: None
Responses:Value | Label |
1 | Scrolling through social media (Instagram/Snapchat/TikTok/Youtube/etc.) |
2 | Chatting with friends (Texting/DMing/Facetime) |
3 | Gaming |
4 | Being with friends in person |
5 | Being with family |
6 | Being outside/exercising |
7 | School online or in-person school |
8 | Other |
1.20 activities_negative_mood_other
Question: “What other activity negatively affected your mood today?”
Visibility: activities_negative_mood.includes(8)
Item Type:
Header Image: None
Responses: This item is text response
1.4 socialmedia_fall_asleep
Question: “Did your use of social media impact your ability to fall asleep last night?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Header Image: