2.5 Cheat sheets for quick reference
2.5.1 Recommended Cheat Sheets
All cheat sheets are downloadable at the associated links.
Base R - https://github.com/rstudio/cheatsheets/blob/main/base-r.pdf
RStudio IDE - https://github.com/rstudio/cheatsheets/blob/main/rstudio-ide.pdf
Data Import with Tidyverse (readr, readxl, googlesheets4) - https://github.com/rstudio/cheatsheets/blob/main/data-import.pdf
Data Visualization with ggplot2 - https://github.com/rstudio/cheatsheets/blob/main/data-visualization.pdf
2.5.2 Full list of cheat sheets:
- arrow
- base-r
- bayesplot
- bcea
- caret
- cartography
- collapse
- data-import
- data-transformation
- data-visualization
- datatable
- declaredesign
- distr6
- estimatr
- eurostat
- factors
- gganimate
- git-github
- golem
- gtsummary
- gwasrapidd
- h2o
- imputeTS
- jfa
- keras
- labelled
- leaflet
- lubridate
- mapsf
- mlr
- mosaic
- nardl
- nimble
- oSCR
- overviewR
- package-development
- packagefinder
- parallel_computation
- plumber
- purrr
- quanteda
- quincunx
- randomizr
- regex
- reticulate
- rmarkdown
- rphylopic
- rstudio-ide
- sas-r
- sf
- shiny
- sjmisc
- slackr
- sparklyr
- stat2r
- strings
- survminer
- syntax
- teachR
- tidyeval
- tidyr
- time-series
- torch
- tsbox
- vegan
- vtree
- xplain