5 Areas of Opportunity
With the restrictions we have surrounding innovation, it makes working on “really cool” projects even tougher to come by.
The following are some areas that I believe are the Wild Wests of innovation - few, if any, have explored these areas and there is significant, unbound potential for any project addressing these fields.
5.1 Statistics
I believe we could/should focus on developing analytics with a mathematical focus.
introduce (more) mathematical rigor in audit procedures
plenty of applications (probabilistic fraud detection, unsupervised learning, etc.)
foundation for machine learning, artificial intelligence
5.2 Data Engineering
I believe we could/should develop robust ELT/ETL pipelines.
introduce proper data processing methods (file i/o, sql scripts, attach data and behavior)
introduce proper error handling methods (logging, testing, principle of least astonishment)
introduce proper software development methods (packages/modules, databases, version control)