Appendix B — Resources

That’s the way it is with any powerful tool: There’s always more to learn, and there are always better ways to do what you’ve done before [Knuth (); p. vi]

B.1 GitHub

General platform idea noodling and submitted issues are addressed by developers and community members, although the degree of responsiveness varies greatly. Targeted search engine queries will also pull up GitHub discussions – these are often insightful regarding current capabilities and future intentions.

B.2 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Primarily helpful for initial code generation (e.g., a starting point), but capabilities here are likely only limited by your own imagination and ethics.

B.3 Open Office Hours

John Kulas keeps “open office hours” every week on his YouTube channel (see, for example, ). The focal analytical platform is R, but anyone attempting to author anything using literate programming principles is invited to ask questions.

Video B.1: Example Open Office Hour session