Chapter 6 Summary Statistics For One Variable

6.1 One Quantitative Variable

6.1.1 Using base R summary function

gapminder %>% filter(year==1997) %>% select(lifeExp) %>% summary()
##     lifeExp     
##  Min.   :36.09  
##  1st Qu.:55.63  
##  Median :69.39  
##  Mean   :65.01  
##  3rd Qu.:74.17  
##  Max.   :80.69

6.1.2 Using dplyr summarise function

It is often helpful to create data summaries during preliminary phases of examination. Here is how to use the dplyr package summarise command in the analysis pipeline system.

gapminder %>% dplyr::filter(year==1997) %>% 
## # A tibble: 1 x 7
##   meanLE medLE    sd   iqr    Q1    Q3     n
##    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
## 1   65.0  69.4  11.6  18.5  55.6  74.2   142

6.1.3 Summary Statistics Using funModeling package

The profiling_num and plot_num functions from the funModeling package help give a concise numeric and visual overview of the numeric variables in the dataframe.

##    variable         mean      std_dev variation_coef        p_01        p_05
## 1      year 1.979500e+03 1.726533e+01    0.008722066   1952.0000   1952.0000
## 2   lifeExp 5.947444e+01 1.291711e+01    0.217187544     33.4926     38.4924
## 3       pop 2.960121e+07 1.061579e+08    3.586268548 154117.9200 475458.9000
## 4 gdpPercap 7.215327e+03 9.857455e+03    1.366182632    369.2201    547.9964
##          p_25         p_50         p_75         p_95         p_99   skewness
## 1    1965.750    1979.5000 1.993250e+03     2007.000 2.007000e+03  0.0000000
## 2      48.198      60.7125 7.084550e+01       77.437 8.023892e+01 -0.2524798
## 3 2793664.000 7023595.5000 1.958522e+07 89822054.500 6.319900e+08  8.3328742
## 4    1202.060    3531.8470 9.325462e+03    26608.333 3.678357e+04  3.8468819
##    kurtosis          iqr                       range_98                     range_80
## 1  1.783217 2.750000e+01                   [1952, 2007]                 [1957, 2002]
## 2  1.873099 2.264750e+01            [33.4926, 80.23892]            [41.5108, 75.097]
## 3 80.716151 1.679156e+07  [154117.92, 631990000.000002]       [946367.1, 54801369.5]
## 4 30.431702 8.123402e+03 [369.220127794, 36783.5723707] [687.71836128, 19449.138209]

This example shows summary statistics for two quantitative variables. For only one variable, simply use select to obtain the desired variable.

gapminder %>%
  filter(year==1997) %>%
  select(lifeExp,gdpPercap) %>%
##    variable       mean     std_dev variation_coef      p_01      p_05       p_25
## 1   lifeExp   65.01468    11.55944      0.1777974  40.03681  43.83415   55.63375
## 2 gdpPercap 9090.17536 10171.49326      1.1189546 434.72721 590.90598 1366.83796
##       p_50        p_75       p_95       p_99   skewness kurtosis       iqr
## 1   69.394    74.16975    78.7635    79.7499 -0.6427906 2.218599    18.536
## 2 4781.825 12022.86719 29088.8709 38442.0133  1.2979366 3.604446 10656.029
##                         range_98                     range_80
## 1            [40.03681, 79.7499]            [47.4671, 77.548]
## 2 [434.727210598, 38442.0133187] [789.29339925, 26905.596049]
gapminder %>%
  filter(year==1997) %>%
  select(lifeExp,gdpPercap) %>%

6.1.4 Summary Statistics: skimr package

The skimr package produces summary statistics about variables and overviews for dataframes. It is easy to manipulate and use pipes, select, and filter from the tidyverse family of packages.

The next code supplies a dataframe that contains both categorical variables (continent), and numeric variables (lifeExp, gdpPercap). Numeric variables are chosen with the yank function, then some attributes are omitted from the display (n_missing, complete_rate) using the select function from dplyr.

varlist <- c("n_missing","complete_rate")
gapminder %>% filter(year==1997) %>% 
  select(-year, -country, -pop) %>% 
  skimr::skim_without_charts() %>%
  skimr::yank("numeric") %>%

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100
lifeExp 65.01 11.56 36.09 55.63 69.39 74.17 80.69
gdpPercap 9090.18 10171.49 312.19 1366.84 4781.83 12022.87 41283.16

6.2 One Categorical Variable

6.2.1 Counting Values

The next command counts the number of rows in the dataset for each continent - then we show a variant which pipes the output into the kable function for a more attractive table.

gapminder %>% count(continent)
## # A tibble: 5 x 2
##   continent     n
##   <fct>     <int>
## 1 Africa      624
## 2 Americas    300
## 3 Asia        396
## 4 Europe      360
## 5 Oceania      24
gapminder %>%  count(continent) %>% knitr::kable()
continent n
Africa 624
Americas 300
Asia 396
Europe 360
Oceania 24
gapminder %>%  count(continent, sort=TRUE) %>% knitr::kable()
continent n
Africa 624
Asia 396
Europe 360
Americas 300
Oceania 24

The previous code tells us how many lines (rows) for each continent, but many rows are repeated for each country - just different years. The next code counts the number of observations in variable n and distinct countries in variable n_countries.

gapminder %>% filter(year==1997 | year==1967) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(continent) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(n = n(), n_countries = n_distinct(country)) %>% knitr::kable()
continent n n_countries
Africa 104 52
Americas 50 25
Asia 66 33
Europe 60 30
Oceania 4 2

6.2.2 Categorical variable: skimr package

Here we summarize a categorical(factor) variable (continent), and observe it has 5 unique values (levels) and the most frequent values are displayed.

gapminder %>% filter(year==1997) %>% 
  select(lifeExp,continent) %>% 
  skimr::skim_without_charts() %>%
  skimr::yank("factor") %>%

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_unique top_counts
continent 5 Afr: 52, Asi: 33, Eur: 30, Ame: 25

6.2.3 Categorical variable: funModeling package

The funModeling package gives an easy way to learn about categorical variables of types: character and factor. There are two categorical variables in the gapminder dataframe: country and continent. There are a lot of countries, so we demonstrate this command for only the continent variable.

# Frequency distribution of entire dataframe
# will produce lots of output and warnings
# next command for one category variable:  continent

##        var frequency percentage cumulative_perc
## 1   Africa       624      36.62           36.62
## 2     Asia       396      23.24           59.86
## 3   Europe       360      21.13           80.99
## 4 Americas       300      17.61           98.60
## 5  Oceania        24       1.41          100.00

There are a lot of observations (rows) for Africa and very few for Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, etc).

6.2.4 Categorical variable: janitor package

Let’s begin with the base R function table:

gapminder %>% 
  filter(year==1997) %>%
  select(continent) %>%
## .
##   Africa Americas     Asia   Europe  Oceania 
##       52       25       33       30        2

Now contrast with the tabyl function from the janitor package:

gapminder %>% 
  filter(year==1997) %>%
  janitor::tabyl(continent,sort=TRUE) %>%
continent n percent
Africa 52 0.3661972
Americas 25 0.1760563
Asia 33 0.2323944
Europe 30 0.2112676
Oceania 2 0.0140845
gapminder %>% 
  filter(year==1997) %>%
  janitor::tabyl(continent,sort=TRUE) %>%
  janitor::adorn_pct_formatting(digits=2,affix_sign = TRUE) %>%
continent n percent
Africa 52 36.62%
Americas 25 17.61%
Asia 33 23.24%
Europe 30 21.13%
Oceania 2 1.41%