Chapter 3 Markov Chain: Definition and Basic Properties (Lecture on 01/12/2021)

The next few chapters will be mainly about discrete time, discrete state space stochastic process, mainly from the context of Markov chain.

Let X={X(t,ω):tT,ωΩ}, X(t,ω)S, consider the case both T and S are discrete. Define the random variabel Xt(ω)=X(t,ω) and consider the sequence of random variables {X0,X1,} which take values in some countable set S, called the state space. Each Xn is a discrete random variable that takes one of the N possible values, where N=|S|. We are allowing N=. This is the set up for discrete time, discrete state stochastic process.

Definition 3.1 (Markov Chain) The process X={X0,X1,} is a Markov chain if it satisfies the Markov condition: P(Xn=s|X0=x0,X1=x1,,Xn1=xn1)=P(Xn=s|Xn1=xn1),s

The Markov property described in this way is equivalent to
P(Xn=s|Xn1=xn1,,Xnk=xnk)=P(Xn=s|Xnk=xnk),s for all n1<n2<<nkn1.

We have asssumed that X takes values in some countable set S. Since S is countable, it can be put in one-to-one correspondence with some subset S of the integers. Thus, without loss of generality, we can say the following: if Xn=i, it actually means that the chain is in the ith state at the nth time points.

The evolution of a chain is described by the transition probabilities, defined as P(Xn+1=j|Xn=i). This probability may depend on n,i,j. We will restric our attention to the case when transition probabilities do not depend on n.

Definition 3.2 (Homogenous Chain) The chain X={X0,} is called homogenous (time homogenous) if P(Xn+1=j|Xn=i)=P(X1=j|X0=i),n,i,j. For a homogenous chain, we define the transition matrix P={pij}|S|i,j=1 as an |S|×|S| matrix of transition probabilities pij=P(Xn+1=j|Xn=i).
The beauty of homogeneity assumption is that, we can specify the distribution of the whole stochastic process by specify the transition matrix. Suppose the stochastic process have infinite index space T and finite state space S. If we assume homogeneity, the problem of specifying the infinite dimensional distribution (x0,,) becomes to the problem of specifying a finite dimensional matrix P. It simplifies the problem a lot.

Theorem 3.1 (Properties of Transition Probability Matrix) If P is a transition probability matrix, then

  1. 0pij1, i,j.

  2. jpij=1, i.
Definition 3.3 (The n-step Transition Probability Matrix) The n-step transition probability matrix is defined as P(m,m+n)={pij(m,m+n)}|S|i,j=1, where pij(m,m+n)=P(Xm+n=j|Xm=i).

Theorem 3.2 (Chapman-Kolmogorov Equation) pij(m,m+n+r)=kpik(m,m+n)pkj(m+n,m+n+r),r

Intuitively, this means the n+r step transition probability matrix can be decomposed into a n step and a r step transication probability matrix.
Proof. pij(m,m+n+r)=P(Xn+m+r=j|Xm=i)=kP(Xm+n+r=j,Xm+n=k|Xm=i)=kP(Xm+n+r=j|Xm+n=k,Xm=i)P(Xm+n=k|Xm=i)=kP(Xm+n+r=j|Xm+n=k)P(Xm+n=k|Xm=i)(ByMarkovproperty)=kpkj(m+n,m+n+r)pik(m,m+n)

Since the transition probability matrix is P(m,m+n+r)={pij(m,m+n+r)}|S|i,j=1, the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation tells us P(m,m+n+r)=P(m,m+n)P(m+n,m+n+r),n,m,r Specificly, we can take r=n=1 and we have P(m,m+2)=P(m,m+1)P(m+1,m+2),n,m,r If we further assume time homogeneity, then P(m,m+1)=P(m+1,m+2)=P and (3.5) becomes P(m,m+2)=p2 In general, we have P(m,m+n)=pn,n That is, if the one step transition probability matrix is P={pij}|S|i,j=1 where pij=P(Xn+1=j|Xn=i), then the i,jth entry of the n-step transition probability matrix P(Xm+n=j|Xm=i)=(Pn)i,j where (Pn)i,j denotes the i,jth entry of Pn.

Lemma 3.1 Let μi(n)=P(Xn=i), that is the marginal probability of Xn takes the ith state. Write \boldsymbol{\mu}(n) as the row vector (\mu_i(n),i\in S), then \begin{equation} \boldsymbol{\mu}(m+n)=\boldsymbol{\mu}(m)P^n \tag{3.8} \end{equation}
This lemma gives the relationship between the marginal probability vector of X at time m and at time m+n.
Proof. \begin{equation} \begin{split} \mu_j^{m+n}&=P(X_{m+n}=j)=\sum_iP(X_{m+n}=j|X_m=i)P(X_m=i)\\ &=\sum_ip_{ij}(m,m+n)\mu_i(m)\\ &=\sum_i(P^n)_{i,j}\mu_i(m)=(\boldsymbol{\mu}(m)P^n)_j \end{split} \end{equation} Since this is true for all j\in S, we have \boldsymbol{\mu}(m+n)=\boldsymbol{\mu}(m)P^n
Example 3.1 (Simple Random Walk) Suppose X_n=\left\{\begin{aligned} & 1 & p \\ & -1 & 1-p \end{aligned}\right. for all n\in\mathbb{N}. Consider the stochastic process given by S_n(\omega)=X_1(\omega)+\cdots+X_n(\omega). The state space of this stochastic process is S=\{0,\pm 1,\pm 2,\cdots\}. Then S_n is a Markov chain. The one step transition probability is given by P(S_n=j|S_{n-1}=i)=\left\{\begin{aligned} & p & j=i+1 \\ & 1-p & j=i-1 \\ & 0 & o.w. \end{aligned}\right. Now for the n-step transition probability, we are interested in P_{ij}(n)=P(X_n=j|X_0=i). Suppose there are a upward move and b downward moves, we have \begin{equation} \left\{\begin{aligned} & a+b=n \\ & a-b=j-i \end{aligned}\right.\Longrightarrow \left\{\begin{aligned} & a=\frac{n+j-i}{2} \\ & b=\frac{n-j+i}{2} \end{aligned}\right. \tag{3.9} \end{equation} Then, the n-step transition probability is given by \begin{equation} p_{ij}(n)=P(X_n=j|X_0=i)=\left\{\begin{aligned} & {n \choose a}p^a(1-p)^b & n+j-i\, even \\ & 0 & n+j-i\,odd \end{aligned}\right. \tag{3.10} \end{equation} where a is given by (3.9).
Example 3.2 (Ehrenfest Diffusion Models) Suppose there are a total of 2A balls in 2 boxes, labeled b and B. At each time, we choose a ball at random, and shifted it from its box of origin to the other box. Let X_n be the number of balls at time n in box b, then X_n is a Markov chain. We have \begin{equation} P(X_{n+1}=A+j|X_n=A+i)=\left\{\begin{aligned} & \frac{A-i}{2A} & j=i+1 \\ & \frac{A+i}{2A} & j=i-1 \end{aligned}\right. \tag{3.11} \end{equation} for all i=-A,\cdots,A.

Definition 3.4 (Persistent State) State i is called persistent (recurrent) if P(X_n=i\, \text{for some}\, n\geq 1|X_0=i)=1. This is to say that the probability of the chain eventually return to i, having started from i, is 1.

If this probability is less than 1, state i is known as the transient state.

We will be interested in the first passage time defined as f_{ij}(n)=P(X_1\neq j,\cdots,X_{n-1}\neq j,X_n=j|X_0=i). This is the probability that state j is first visited from state i at time n. Write f_{ij}=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}f_{ij}(n), it is the probability that state j is ever visited from state i. If f_{ij}=1, we are interested in the constraints it imples on the transition probability.