Step 7 Compare the sensitivity of these two methods

Sensitivity is defined as the number of detected nearby SNPs in the top k SNPs divided by the total number of nearby SNPs.

# How many SNPs are categorized are physically nearby the causal SNPs on two chromosomes respectively?
count_near_chra = sum((df%>%filter(chromosome==1))$nearby_status)
count_near_chrb = sum((df%>%filter(chromosome==2))$nearby_status)
# How many SNPs are categorized are physically nearby the causal SNPs in total?
count_near = sum(df$nearby_status)

7.1 Get the sensitivity of PLIS procedure

sensitivity_lis = c()
for (i in 1:10){
  LIS_rank = all.Rlts[order(all.Rlts[,"LIS"])[1:(i*100)],]
  sensitivity_lis = c(sensitivity_lis, sum(LIS_rank$nearby_status)/count_near)
##  [1] 0.1308017 0.2194093 0.3122363 0.3924051 0.4303797 0.5063291
##  [7] 0.5738397 0.6371308 0.6751055 0.6835443

7.1.1 Get the sensitivity of PLIS method on chromosome a

sensitivity_lis_a = c()
for (i in 1:10){
  LIS_rank = all.Rlts[order(all.Rlts[,"LIS"])[1:(i*100)],]
  sensitivity_lis_a = c(sensitivity_lis_a, sum((LIS_rank%>%filter(chromosome==1))$nearby_status)/count_near_chra)
##  [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7.1.2 Get the sensitivity of PLIS method on chromosome b

sensitivity_lis_b = c()
for (i in 1:10){
  LIS_rank = all.Rlts[order(all.Rlts[,"LIS"])[1:(i*100)],]
  sensitivity_lis_b = c(sensitivity_lis_b, sum((LIS_rank%>%filter(chromosome==2))$nearby_status)/count_near_chrb)
##  [1] 0.1623037 0.2722513 0.3874346 0.4869110 0.5340314 0.6282723
##  [7] 0.7120419 0.7905759 0.8376963 0.8481675

7.2 Get the sensitivity of conventional p-value method

sensitivity_p = c()
for (i in 1:10){
  p_rank = all.Rlts[order(all.Rlts[,"pvalue"])[1:(i*100)],]
  sensitivity_p = c(sensitivity_p, sum(p_rank$nearby_status)/count_near)
##  [1] 0.1434599 0.2151899 0.2827004 0.3291139 0.3502110 0.4177215
##  [7] 0.4430380 0.4725738 0.4978903 0.5316456

7.2.1 Get the sensitivity of conventional p-value method on chromosome a

sensitivity_p_a = c()
for (i in 1:10){
  p_rank = all.Rlts[order(all.Rlts[,"pvalue"])[1:(i*100)],]
  sensitivity_p_a = c(sensitivity_p_a, sum((p_rank%>%filter(chromosome==1))$nearby_status)/count_near_chra)
##  [1] 0.2173913 0.2826087 0.3260870 0.3260870 0.3260870 0.3260870
##  [7] 0.3260870 0.3260870 0.3260870 0.3260870

7.2.2 Get the sensitivity of conventional p-value method on chromosome b

sensitivity_p_b = c()
for (i in 1:10){
  p_rank = all.Rlts[order(all.Rlts[,"pvalue"])[1:(i*100)],]
  sensitivity_p_b = c(sensitivity_p_b, sum((p_rank%>%filter(chromosome==2))$nearby_status)/count_near_chrb)
##  [1] 0.1256545 0.1989529 0.2722513 0.3298429 0.3560209 0.4397906
##  [7] 0.4712042 0.5078534 0.5392670 0.5811518

7.4 Plot the sensitivity trend of PLIS and p-value methods – grouped by chromosome

The two causal SNPs in Chr 1 are close to each other, while the two in Chr 2 are far away from each other. The 100000 SNPs on each side of a causal SNP are defined as true positives. We calculate the percentages of true positives (sensitivity) on each chromosome selected by the top K SNPs, ranked by PLIS and P-value, respectively.

k = seq(100, 1000, 100)
lis_df = data.frame(top_k = k, value = as.vector(sensitivity_lis), type = 'PLIS Method', causal = 'both')
lis_a_df = data.frame(top_k = k, value = as.vector(sensitivity_lis_a), type = 'PLIS Method', causal = 'nearby causal')
lis_b_df = data.frame(top_k = k, value = as.vector(sensitivity_lis_b), type = 'PLIS Method', causal = 'far-away causal')
pval_df = data.frame(top_k = k, value = as.vector(sensitivity_p), type = 'p-value Method', causal = 'both')
pval_a_df = data.frame(top_k = k, value = as.vector(sensitivity_p_a), type = 'p-value Method', causal = 'nearby causal')
pval_b_df = data.frame(top_k = k, value = as.vector(sensitivity_p_b), type = 'p-value Method', causal = 'far-away causal')
lis_p_comparison = rbind(lis_df,lis_a_df,lis_b_df, pval_df,pval_a_df,pval_b_df)
##    top_k     value           type          causal
## 1    100 0.1308017    PLIS Method            both
## 2    200 0.2194093    PLIS Method            both
## 3    300 0.3122363    PLIS Method            both
## 4    400 0.3924051    PLIS Method            both
## 5    500 0.4303797    PLIS Method            both
## 6    600 0.5063291    PLIS Method            both
## 7    700 0.5738397    PLIS Method            both
## 8    800 0.6371308    PLIS Method            both
## 9    900 0.6751055    PLIS Method            both
## 10  1000 0.6835443    PLIS Method            both
## 11   100 0.0000000    PLIS Method   nearby causal
## 12   200 0.0000000    PLIS Method   nearby causal
## 13   300 0.0000000    PLIS Method   nearby causal
## 14   400 0.0000000    PLIS Method   nearby causal
## 15   500 0.0000000    PLIS Method   nearby causal
## 16   600 0.0000000    PLIS Method   nearby causal
## 17   700 0.0000000    PLIS Method   nearby causal
## 18   800 0.0000000    PLIS Method   nearby causal
## 19   900 0.0000000    PLIS Method   nearby causal
## 20  1000 0.0000000    PLIS Method   nearby causal
## 21   100 0.1623037    PLIS Method far-away causal
## 22   200 0.2722513    PLIS Method far-away causal
## 23   300 0.3874346    PLIS Method far-away causal
## 24   400 0.4869110    PLIS Method far-away causal
## 25   500 0.5340314    PLIS Method far-away causal
## 26   600 0.6282723    PLIS Method far-away causal
## 27   700 0.7120419    PLIS Method far-away causal
## 28   800 0.7905759    PLIS Method far-away causal
## 29   900 0.8376963    PLIS Method far-away causal
## 30  1000 0.8481675    PLIS Method far-away causal
## 31   100 0.1434599 p-value Method            both
## 32   200 0.2151899 p-value Method            both
## 33   300 0.2827004 p-value Method            both
## 34   400 0.3291139 p-value Method            both
## 35   500 0.3502110 p-value Method            both
## 36   600 0.4177215 p-value Method            both
## 37   700 0.4430380 p-value Method            both
## 38   800 0.4725738 p-value Method            both
## 39   900 0.4978903 p-value Method            both
## 40  1000 0.5316456 p-value Method            both
## 41   100 0.2173913 p-value Method   nearby causal
## 42   200 0.2826087 p-value Method   nearby causal
## 43   300 0.3260870 p-value Method   nearby causal
## 44   400 0.3260870 p-value Method   nearby causal
## 45   500 0.3260870 p-value Method   nearby causal
## 46   600 0.3260870 p-value Method   nearby causal
## 47   700 0.3260870 p-value Method   nearby causal
## 48   800 0.3260870 p-value Method   nearby causal
## 49   900 0.3260870 p-value Method   nearby causal
## 50  1000 0.3260870 p-value Method   nearby causal
## 51   100 0.1256545 p-value Method far-away causal
## 52   200 0.1989529 p-value Method far-away causal
## 53   300 0.2722513 p-value Method far-away causal
## 54   400 0.3298429 p-value Method far-away causal
## 55   500 0.3560209 p-value Method far-away causal
## 56   600 0.4397906 p-value Method far-away causal
## 57   700 0.4712042 p-value Method far-away causal
## 58   800 0.5078534 p-value Method far-away causal
## 59   900 0.5392670 p-value Method far-away causal
## 60  1000 0.5811518 p-value Method far-away causal

7.4.1 Stationary

# Plot it using ggplot
lisp_nfd = ggplot(aes(x = top_k, y = value, col = type, lty = causal), data=lis_p_comparison) + 
  geom_point(aes(group = seq_along(top_k)), size = 2) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = lis_p_comparison$top_k) +
  labs(x = 'SNP Ranking (Top K)', y = 'Value', color = 'Method Type', lty = "chromosome") +


7.4.2 Animation

# Uncomment the following lines if you haven't installed the packages yet
# install.packages('gganimate')
# install.packages('transformr')
lisp_nfd = ggplot(aes(x = top_k, y = value, col = type, lty = causal), data=lis_p_comparison) + 
  geom_point(aes(group = seq_along(top_k)), size = 2) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = lis_p_comparison$top_k) +
  transition_reveal(top_k) + 
  ease_aes("linear") +
  labs(x = 'SNP Ranking (Top K)', y = 'Value', color = 'Method Type') +

animate(lisp_nfd, fps = 3, duration = 5)
