5 GSL water quality timeseries

5.1 Salinity

BottomSurfaceGilbert Bay salinity timeseriesConcentration (g/L)

Figure 5.1: GSL salinity time series - all lake sites.

BottomSurfaceGSL salinity by monthMonthSalinity (g/L)

Figure 5.2: GSL monthly variation in salinity - all lake sites.

5.2 Nutrients

Total/bottomTotal/surfaceFiltered/bottomFiltered/surfaceGSL nutrient timeseriesConcentration (mg/L)Phosphorusâ–¼

Figure 5.3: GSL nutrient concentration and ratio time series - all lake sites.

Filtered phosphorusTotal phosphorusFiltered nitrogenTotal nitrogenFN:FP (molar)TN:TP (molar)GSL nutrients by monthMonthConcentration (mg/L)Phosphorusâ–¼

Figure 5.4: GSL monthly variation in nutrient concentrations and ratios - all lake sites.

5.3 Chlorophyll a

BottomSurfaceGSL chlorophyll a timeseriesConcentration (ug/L)

Figure 5.5: GSL chlorophyll a time series - all lake sites.

GSL chlorophyll a by monthMonthConcentration (ug/L)

Figure 5.6: GSL monthly variation in chlorophyll a - all lake sites.

5.4 Bottom:Surface ratio timeseries

SalinityTotal phosphorusFiltered phosphorusTotal nitrogenFiltered nitrogenGSL salinity and nutrient bottom:surface concentration ratiosBottom:surface concentration ratio

Figure 5.7: Ratios of bottom(>= 4m) : surface (<= 1m) sample concentrations of salinity and nutrient constituents - all lake sites.