Chapter 6 EDHM

6.1 Group and least Variable

6.1.1 Precip

Variable Describe
Precip Precipitation, the summe of Rain and Snow
Rain Rain fall
Snow Snow fall

6.1.2 Evatra

Variable Describe

Interception, that will evaporated later.

Some like leave, grass, building.

Trans Transpiration, water from root zone.
Evap_Intcpt Evaporation from Interception
Evap_Soil Evaporation from Soil (Land surface)
Evap_Warea Evaporation from Warea
Sublim_Snow Sublimation from Snow canopy
Sublim_Glaci Sublimation from Glacie

6.1.3 Infilt

Variable Describe

Flow from Land to Warea.

If Snow is active, the Infilt contain the snow melt.


Infiltration, water from Land surface to Soil.

If Snow is active, the Infilt contain the snow melt.

Melt Active Melt, that not in Snow hold, but the melt will into the Soil or in to the Warea.

6.1.4 Exflow

Variable Describe

Water exchange between Soil (water) and Ground (water).

Only for the Soil (not a Warea).

  • postive: Soil to Ground

  • negative: Soil to Warea


Water exchange between Water area and Ground (water).

Only for the Warea.

  • postive: Warea to Ground

  • negative: Ground to Warea


Water exchange between River and Warea like River-River, River-Lake, River-Rsvior (reservior) and River-Moor.

Only for Warea.

The River has always the specific direktion, and other Warea kann only conntact with River, so there is only

  • positive value, from the Upstream and downstrean.

If the Rsvior (reservior) is aktiv, the Wex_Warea_Warea komm from

  • Manag:: Wto_Rsvior_River.
Wto_Glaci_Warea The flow from Glaci to the Warea
Wto_Glaci_Ground The flow from Glaci to the Ground

6.1.5 Manag

Variable Describe

The Flow from Rsvior (Reservior) to flow. Artificial management.

For every Rsvior.

Irrigat_Crop Irrigation for the Crop
Irrigat_Warea Irrigation from the Warea
Irrigat_Ground Irrigation from the Ground

Water exchange between Water area and City.

Only for the Warea, that has the connection with City.

  • postive: City to Warea

  • negative: Warea to City


Water exchange between Ground (water) and City.

Only for the Ground, that has the connection with City.

  • postive: City to Ground

  • negative: Groundto City

Wex_ ###



6.2 CachsenS_SX

In SachsenAtlas folgende Signatures are calculated:

Attribute Description Unit References
Qmean Mean daily discharge mm/d
Q5 5% Flow quantile (low flow) mm/d
Q95 95% Flow quantile (high flow) mm/d
RR Runoff ratio (ratio of mean daily discharge to mean daily precipitation) - Eq. 2 in Sawicz et al. (2011)
BFI Baseflow index (ratio of mean daily baseflow to mean daily discharge) - Ladson et al. (2013)
S_FDC Slope of the flow duration curve (between the log-transformed 33rd and 66th streamflow percentiles) - Eq. 3 in Sawicz et al. (2011)
QP_Elas Streamflow precipitation elasticity (sensitivity of streamflow to changes in precipitation at the annual time scale) - Eq. 7 in Sankarasubramanian et al. (2001),
S_Peak Slope of distribution of peaks - Euser et al. (2013)
RLD Rising limb density 1/d Sawicz et al. (2011)
SDR Snow day ratio -

6.2.1 Slope of the flow duration curve (S_FDC)


$Q_{33\%}$ 33% Flow quantile

$Q_{66\%}$ 66% Flow quantile (high flow)

E_{QP}={\rm median}(\frac{{\rm d} Q}{{\rm d} P}\,\frac{P}{Q})