Chapter 6 EDHM
6.1 Group and least Variable
6.1.1 Precip
Variable | Describe |
Precip | Precipitation, the summe of Rain and Snow |
Rain | Rain fall |
Snow | Snow fall |
6.1.2 Evatra
Variable | Describe |
Intcpt | Interception, that will evaporated later. Some like leave, grass, building. |
Trans | Transpiration, water from root zone. |
Evap_Intcpt | Evaporation from Interception |
Evap_Soil | Evaporation from Soil (Land surface) |
Evap_Warea | Evaporation from Warea |
Sublim_Snow | Sublimation from Snow canopy |
Sublim_Glaci | Sublimation from Glacie |
6.1.3 Infilt
Variable | Describe |
Overfl | Flow from Land to Warea. If Snow is active, the Infilt contain the snow melt. |
Infilt | Infiltration, water from Land surface to Soil. If Snow is active, the Infilt contain the snow melt. |
Melt | Active Melt, that not in Snow hold, but the melt will into the Soil or in to the Warea. |
6.1.4 Exflow
Variable | Describe |
Wex_Soil_Ground | Water exchange between Soil (water) and Ground (water). Only for the Soil (not a Warea).
Wex_Warea_Ground | Water exchange between Water area and Ground (water). Only for the Warea.
Wex_Warea_Warea | Water exchange between River and Warea like River-River, River-Lake, River-Rsvior (reservior) and River-Moor. Only for Warea. The River has always the specific direktion, and other Warea kann only conntact with River, so there is only
If the Rsvior (reservior) is aktiv, the Wex_Warea_Warea komm from
Wto_Glaci_Warea | The flow from Glaci to the Warea |
Wto_Glaci_Ground | The flow from Glaci to the Ground |
6.1.5 Manag
Variable | Describe |
Wto_Rsvior_River | The Flow from Rsvior (Reservior) to flow. Artificial management. For every Rsvior. |
Irrigat_Crop | Irrigation for the Crop |
Irrigat_Warea | Irrigation from the Warea |
Irrigat_Ground | Irrigation from the Ground |
Wex_City_Warea | Water exchange between Water area and City. Only for the Warea, that has the connection with City.
Wex_City_Ground | Water exchange between Ground (water) and City. Only for the Ground, that has the connection with City.
Wex_ ###
6.2 CachsenS_SX
In SachsenAtlas folgende Signatures are calculated:
Attribute | Description | Unit | References |
Qmean | Mean daily discharge | mm/d | |
Q5 | 5% Flow quantile (low flow) | mm/d | |
Q95 | 95% Flow quantile (high flow) | mm/d | |
RR | Runoff ratio (ratio of mean daily discharge to mean daily precipitation) | - | Eq. 2 in Sawicz et al. (2011) |
BFI | Baseflow index (ratio of mean daily baseflow to mean daily discharge) | - | Ladson et al. (2013) |
S_FDC | Slope of the flow duration curve (between the log-transformed 33rd and 66th streamflow percentiles) | - | Eq. 3 in Sawicz et al. (2011) |
QP_Elas | Streamflow precipitation elasticity (sensitivity of streamflow to changes in precipitation at the annual time scale) | - | Eq. 7 in Sankarasubramanian et al. (2001), |
S_Peak | Slope of distribution of peaks | - | Euser et al. (2013) |
RLD | Rising limb density | 1/d | Sawicz et al. (2011) |
SDR | Snow day ratio | - |