5 Revenue Summary
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primary_comm_gear_2022 | observations | mean_rev | med_rev |
Dredge_Scallop | 29 | 868517 | 977446 |
Gillnet | 10 | 118901 | 105544 |
Handgear | 59 | 27652 | 11883 |
Longline | 4 | 209393 | 200590 |
Pot/Trap | 161 | 231293 | 146156 |
Seine | 3 | 1152627 | 485335 |
Trawl | 29 | 682953 | 560864 |
primary_comm_fmp_2022 | observations | mean_rev | med_rev |
Dogfish | 3 | 38783 | 39611 |
Fluke, BSB, Scup | 23 | 218322 | 30633 |
Groundfish | 7 | 805092 | 509954 |
Herring | 4 | 566151 | 628427 |
Highly Migratory Species | 34 | 57812 | 11674 |
Lobster | 153 | 228918 | 152084 |
Monkfish | 3 | 97708 | 103366 |
Other | 17 | 296188 | 17370 |
Scallop | 28 | 898935 | 993348 |
Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish | 9 | 886601 | 655814 |
Striped Bass | 12 | 17665 | 5852 |
primary_gear_fmp_2022 | observations | mean_rev | med_rev |
Dredge_Scallop-Scallop | 28 | 898935 | 993348 |
Gillnet-Monkfish | 3 | 97708 | 103366 |
Gillnet-Other | 7 | 127983 | 107722 |
Handgear-Fluke, BSB, Scup | 8 | 22181 | 18744 |
Handgear-Highly Migratory Species | 31 | 37666 | 10439 |
Handgear-Other | 10 | 21511 | 12972 |
Handgear-Striped Bass | 10 | 7129 | 3099 |
Longline-Highly Migratory Species | 3 | 265987 | 361570 |
Pot/Trap-Fluke, BSB, Scup | 6 | 126138 | 71851 |
Pot/Trap-Lobster | 151 | 229281 | 152084 |
Pot/Trap-Other | 4 | 464969 | 128301 |
Trawl-Fluke, BSB, Scup | 9 | 454125 | 301830 |
Trawl-Groundfish | 5 | 1063085 | 560864 |
Trawl-Other | 7 | 347505 | 107355 |
Trawl-Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish | 8 | 996320 | 729249 |
By primary gear, scallop dredge and trawl have mean and median values more than twice of those for other gear types. Pot/trap has the third highest median values, followed by gillnet and handgear. For pot/trap and trawl gear, mean values greatly exceed median values, indicating skewness in the distribution to the right. For scallop dredge, the opposite is true.
By FMP, scallop, squid/mackerel/butterfish, and groundfish have the highest mean revenues- all in the $800K-$900K range. The median value for scallop vessels is considerably higher however. A variety of primary species/fisheries are covered in the “Other” group including barracuda, bay scallop, cancer crab, eastern oyster, horseshoe crab, cutlassfish, king mackerel, menhaden, ribbonfish, shrimp, tautog, and whelk.
When primary gear and FMP are combined, trawl-groundfish has the highest mean revenue, while scallop dredge-scallop has the highest median revenue. Within primary gear types, a considerable difference in revenues is found across fisheries. For example, mean and median values for lobster pot/trap vessels are roughly twice those values for fluke, black sea bass, and scup pot/trap vessels. Squid trawl vessels also have more than twice the mean and median revenues than fluke, black sea bass, and scup trawl vessels.