4.3 Activity: Memorization

In our class, we did a memory experiment. 95 students participated in the experiment. Each person was shown a list of letters for 30 seconds. You had to memorize as many letters as you could, and then recall them after 30 seconds.

There were two different groups in the experiment. Each person was randomly assigned to a group. Each group got the same letters, same time, etc. But, the organization of the letters was different.

For one group, the letters were arranged in meaningful chunks. For the other group, the letters were arranged in nonsense chunks.

In this activity, you will be exploring the following question:

Does meaningful chunking improve memory?

4.3.1 Initial analysis

To access the activty
Log in to your class in Desmos. Find the activty called,
4.3.1: Memory experiement: Initial analysis

4.3.2 Statistical analysis

To access the activty
Log in to your class in Desmos. Find the activty called,
4.3.2: Memory experiement: Monte Carlo analysis