5  Factors with forcats

Factors are used in R to represent categorical data. In the following, I will briefly introduce you to the forcats () package (nice anagram, Hadley!). Factors are augmented vectors which build upon integers. If you want to learn more about them, consider reading this paper.

5.1 Creating a factor

You can create a factor in two manners.

  1. Take a character vector and coerce it to a factor

parties <- c("AfD", "CDU", "CSU", "FDP", "Greens", "Leftists", "SPD")
parties_fct <- as_factor(parties)

[1] "integer"
[1] "AfD"      "CDU"      "CSU"      "FDP"      "Greens"   "Leftists" "SPD"     
  1. Create it from scratch by providing levels and a vector respectively
party_sample <- c(
  sample(parties, 49, replace = TRUE), 

factor(party_sample, levels = parties)
 [1] CDU      Greens   FDP      CSU      CSU      CSU      Greens   AfD     
 [9] CDU      AfD      FDP      Leftists AfD      SPD      CSU      Greens  
[17] Greens   AfD      CDU      Greens   AfD      CSU      Leftists CSU     
[25] SPD      Leftists AfD      FDP      CSU      SPD      Greens   FDP     
[33] Leftists Leftists CSU      Leftists CSU      CSU      CDU      SPD     
[41] FDP      SPD      SPD      CDU      AfD      AfD      CSU      AfD     
[49] CSU      <NA>    
Levels: AfD CDU CSU FDP Greens Leftists SPD

If you want to access the levels, use levels()

[1] "AfD"      "CDU"      "CSU"      "FDP"      "Greens"   "Leftists" "SPD"     

5.2 Some basic operations

I will have a further look into factors using data on the presidential elections in the U.S.

election_data <- read_csv("https://www.dropbox.com/s/82xuhcwhv7wh314/pres16results.csv?dl=1") |> 
  drop_na() |> 
Rows: 18475 Columns: 9
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (5): county, fips, cand, st, lead
dbl (4): pct_report, votes, total_votes, pct

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
Rows: 18,007
Columns: 9
$ county      <chr> "Los Angeles County", "Los Angeles County", "Los Angeles C…
$ fips        <chr> "6037", "6037", "6037", "6037", "6037", "17031", "17031", …
$ cand        <chr> "Hillary Clinton", "Donald Trump", "Gary Johnson", "Jill S…
$ st          <chr> "CA", "CA", "CA", "CA", "CA", "IL", "IL", "IL", "IL", "TX"…
$ pct_report  <dbl> 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9746, 0.9746, 0.…
$ votes       <dbl> 1654626, 542591, 56905, 46682, 13471, 1528582, 440213, 559…
$ total_votes <dbl> 2314275, 2314275, 2314275, 2314275, 2314275, 2055215, 2055…
$ pct         <dbl> 0.714965162, 0.234453987, 0.024588694, 0.020171328, 0.0058…
$ lead        <chr> "Hillary Clinton", "Hillary Clinton", "Hillary Clinton", "…

Which variables should be converted to factors? – county, cand, st, lead.

election_data_w_fct <- election_data |> 
  mutate(county = as_factor(county),
         candidate = as_factor(cand),
         state = as_factor(st),
         lead = as_factor(lead)) |> 
  select(county, candidate, state, pct_report:pct, lead)

5.2.1 Reordering factors

Sometimes you want to reorder factors – for instance, when you want to create plots. (Note: you will learn more on plots in the next session on data visualization)

election_data_w_fct |> 
  group_by(state) |> 
  summarize(sum_votes = sum(votes)) |> 
ggplot(aes(x = sum_votes, y = state)) +

Two orders would make sense: alphabetical and according to their number of votes. fct_reorder() takes another variable and orders the factor according to it.

election_data_w_fct |>
  group_by(state) |> 
  summarize(sum_votes = sum(votes)) |> 
  mutate(state = fct_reorder(state, sum_votes)) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = sum_votes, y = state)) +

If you want to have it ordered the other way round, multiply the ordering variable with -1:

election_data_w_fct |> 
  group_by(state) |> 
  summarize(sum_votes = sum(votes)) |> 
  mutate(state = fct_reorder(state, sum_votes*(-1))) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = sum_votes, y = state)) +

You could also achieve this by calling fct_rev() afterwards: it reverses the order of the factor.

election_data_w_fct |> 
  group_by(state) |> 
  summarize(sum_votes = sum(votes)) |> 
  mutate(state = fct_reorder(state, sum_votes),
         state = fct_rev(state)) |> 
ggplot(aes(x = sum_votes, y = state)) +

If you want to do bar plots, which you can use to depict the frequency of a value, you can order them according to the frequency they appear in using fct_infreq():

election_data_w_fct |> 
  mutate(lead = lead |> fct_infreq() |> fct_rev()) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = lead)) +

5.2.2 Modifying levels

Remember the first factor? You need to put some graphs together and decide that you would rather like to use the original German names for the parties. Go for fct_recode().

parties_fct_ger <- fct_recode(parties_fct,
  "Buendnis90/Die Gruenen" = "Greens", 
  "Die Linke" = "Leftists"

Damn, now the levels are not in alphabetical order anymore.

[1] "AfD"                    "CDU"                    "CSU"                   
[4] "FDP"                    "Buendnis90/Die Gruenen" "Die Linke"             
[7] "SPD"                   

In this case, this can be done pretty quickly. Just copy the levels and manipulate the order:

parties_fct_ger_alphabetical <- fct_relevel(parties_fct_ger, 
                                              "Buendnis90/Die Gruenen", 
                                              "Die Linke",
[1] "AfD"                    "Buendnis90/Die Gruenen" "CDU"                   
[4] "CSU"                    "Die Linke"              "FDP"                   
[7] "SPD"                   

Now you need to write something for someone who is not particular familiar with the political landscape in Germany and rather wants “left,” “center,” and “right” instead of the party’s names. Give fct_collapse() a shot – and feel free to change it if you disagree with my classification.

lcr_ger <- fct_collapse(parties_fct,
                        left = c("Leftists", "Greens", "SPD"),
                        centre = c("CDU", "CSU", "FDP"),
                        right = c("AfD")

Another thing you could do – and this is handy for the election data set – is collapsing things together according to their frequency of appearance. In the case of the election data set, this might be handy to lump together the candidates into three groups: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and other.

election_data_w_fct |> 
  mutate(candidate = fct_lump(candidate, n = 2))
# A tibble: 18,007 × 8
   county             candidate       state pct_r…¹  votes total…²     pct lead 
   <fct>              <fct>           <fct>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <fct>
 1 Los Angeles County Hillary Clinton CA      1     1.65e6 2314275 0.715   Hill…
 2 Los Angeles County Donald Trump    CA      1     5.43e5 2314275 0.234   Hill…
 3 Los Angeles County Gary Johnson    CA      1     5.69e4 2314275 0.0246  Hill…
 4 Los Angeles County Other           CA      1     4.67e4 2314275 0.0202  Hill…
 5 Los Angeles County Other           CA      1     1.35e4 2314275 0.00582 Hill…
 6 Cook County        Hillary Clinton IL      0.975 1.53e6 2055215 0.744   Hill…
 7 Cook County        Donald Trump    IL      0.975 4.40e5 2055215 0.214   Hill…
 8 Cook County        Gary Johnson    IL      0.975 5.59e4 2055215 0.0272  Hill…
 9 Cook County        Other           IL      0.975 3.05e4 2055215 0.0149  Hill…
10 Harris County      Hillary Clinton TX      1     7.06e5 1302887 0.542   Hill…
# … with 17,997 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​pct_report,
#   ²​total_votes

The problem here is that Gary Johnson appears as often as the two other candidates (have you ever heard of him?). Hence, fct_lump() cannot decide which levels to lump together. However, it has saved me a couple lines of code:

test <- election_data_w_fct |> 
  mutate(candidate = fct_lump(candidate, n = 2) |> 
           fct_recode("Other" = "Gary Johnson"))